Oh, look. The Labour government has put ‘I’m not a Laburista’ Michela Spiteri (Franco Debono’s buddy) on the Valletta/Floriana Rehabilitation Committee (and her father on the Air Malta board), along with Saviour Balzan’s father-in-law Dennis Dowling (a shopkeeper), building supplies purveyor and Laburist Alex Falzon and Kitten of Malta as chairman

Published: August 31, 2013 at 1:23am

In the Government Gazette today:

Valletta Rehabilitation Committee

28 Comments Comment

  1. The Psychologist says:

    The “Malta Taghna (Ikoll)” Peasant Revolution continues, with pitchforks included and paid for by the deposed and peasant revolutionaries alike.

    • Il-Budgie says:

      “Definitely Simon over Tonio. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday.”

      A blatant open invitation. How very unsubtle and how very typical. Maybe she had a go there too, and failed. She did invite him over for drinks at her flat anyway.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        “Someone who actually thinks that you can only be in love once in your life and only with the woman you marry, and that any other relationship after that is meaningless and not real”


        That just about sums her up. Unfortunately, the damage she causes because she is so damaged herself is only too real.

      • Last Post says:

        That’s it. For the new liberal and progressive mittelklass political principles have to be flexible like in a relationship. Gebbed ftit minn hawn, u ftit iehor minn naha l-ohra – l-aqwa li naslu …

  2. CIS says:


  3. Mister says:

    I just hope that when parliament is back from recess, that the Opposition MPs will have a box full of parliamentary questions.

  4. Menswear Shop Next To The Law Courts says:

    Ah, Michela Spiteri, daughter of Norman Spiteri, Labour government appointee to the board of Air Malta, long time best friend and business associate of deputy prime minister and former Air Malta chairman Louis Grech. Malta taghna lkoll. Jaqq. And her editor at The Sunday Times wonders why his ‘independent columnist’ never has anything to say about the Labour Party or this government.

    As for Budgie Dowling, that should keep Malta Today tycoon Saviour happy.

    What a disgusting country.

    • Jozef says:


      What she doesn’t mention is how her father made his money under Mintoff’s regime.

      No wonder she can’t stand Tonio Fenech and detests the Nationalist Party.

      They’ll blame anything else, usually ‘government’. But now their people are the government – daddy’s best friend is the deputy prime minister – so who are they going to blame this time?

      Watching their pathetic attempts at something beyond them will be sublime. With the exception of the architects on the committee, who are there because they actually work for the government’s restoration department, what do these individuals know about the rehabilitation of anything at all?

      It’s offensive.

      They’re doing people like me a favour, because they’re laying out a big bright red carpet for anything that isn’t their washed-out, tired cliche’ of radical chic, which within five months has been shown up already for what it really is: the shallow opportunism of cheap mercenaries. Nothing could be less stylish, less chic.

      Michela Spiteri is the establishment now. And she has been shown up for what she was all along.

  5. Gahan says:

    Hold on and stop for a while and think: wasn’t “The kitten from Malta” given a post by the previous PN administration as the head of the Manoel Theatre? If he was good then he should be good now.

    [Daphne – It was given to him to shut him up, just like Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, a tactic that was one of the few things about the last government that made me fume. People like that are intrinsically self-serving, greedy, have a sense of entitlement, do no know their natural limitations, and above all, know little or no decency. They should never be accomodated, and that is quite apart from the fact that appointments like that are not in any government’s gift and should not be treated like rewards or carrots. Ever. As a real liberal, I find the very notion totally offensive.]

    Notary Gordon Pisani was a PN journalist and was made the Prime Minister’s PRO. I recall Daphne approving this particular appointment. Wasn’t another PN journalist Amanda(?) made PRO at the Health Ministry?

    [Daphne – They knew and still know the difference between party and government, are very decent people and were good at their jobs in a practically impossible scenario. Fitness for purpose is a very big thing. It is a common mistake to equate the Nationalist government’s appointment of X, Y and Z (who just happen to vote PN) as chairmen or directors with this government’s appointment of the likes of Ronnie Pellegrini and Aaron Farrugia. It is a mistake because the former, with very, very few exceptions, were appointed on the basis of competence and not as a reward to the loyal but incompetent. The fact is – and it is considered wrong to say this out loud but I don’t give a damn – that people with rational minds, who are competent at that level, tend mainly to vote for the Nationalist Party, which is in itself a rational and competent decision (just like mine, and just like yours, given that neither of us grew up in a Nationalist household).]

    So what’s wrong with Aaron Farrugia and other young university qualified Labour diehards?

    [Daphne – Going to university is not a stand-alone qualification. Not in the real world. You know that and you are playing devil’s advocate. For a while when I was helping somebody recruit people, I sat and read through literally piles of application letters and CVs from people who had been to university in Malta. The experience was so depressing that I couldn’t take more than an hour at a time. Most of them were uneducated in the real sense of the word.]

    Wasn’t JPO made head of the Malta Council of Science by GonziPN? If he was good then he should be good now.

    [Daphne – He wasn’t good then and he isn’t good now. See above. One of the worst decisions the last government made.]

    Same applies to the insufferable Franco Debono.

    [Daphne – I don’t recall the Nationalist government making him Law Commissioner or putting him in charge of constitutional reform. And the prime minister should never have made him a parliamentary assistant. It was so wrong and so ill-advised. It just made him feel he had licence to be even more atrocious, and I disagree on principle with bribing the badly behaved. It sets a bad example and only encourages bad behaviour. Anybody who has had to bring up children should know that.]

    I read on The Times today that Ernest Tonna was Chief Security officer at the Malta Freeport Corporation or Terminals, wasn’t he placed there because he was a PN diehard?

    [Daphne – I have no idea about Ernest Tonna. I do know, however, about Mintoffian and GWU diehard Mario Coleiro, an employee at Malta Freeport who seemed to have immunity from disciplinary action and who spent lots of time posting real obscenities about me on the internet and his Facebook page, liberally littered with fanatical messages against the government. Maybe he also worked, who knows.]

    Now Joe public got what he always deserved.

    [Daphne – Oh, I agree with you there.]

  6. Nighthawk says:

    And why Nigel Holland? For most of us with Valletta origins, demolishing Floriana will go a long way towards rehabilitating both Valletta AND Floriana.

    He’s not going to agree to that, is he?

  7. Penny Black says:

    The appointment of this chairman screams out at me as one of the worst appointments made so far. It is appalling.

    What lovely company they all keep.

  8. albona says:

    Dritt ghal gol hajt. Viva il-moviment pluralistiku, meritokratiku u inklussiv.

  9. True blue says:

    Kitten is growing into one plump pussy. He’s become a licking and schmoozing expert.

  10. Ooooops says:


    This article is doing the rounds on Facebook.

  11. Francesca says:

    I think those who voted Labour got what they deserved. I voted for the Nationalist Party because I saw all this coming and so much more yet to come.

    I know I deserve more than all these pathetic people who only think about what they are going to gain personally and not about Malta’s future and the future of our children.

    Now we have to sit back and watch all these incompetent people run Malta into the ground. I deserve better.

  12. MMs says:

    Mrs Dennis Dowling had best keep a close watch on one of those board members. The chairman is a raving iron, so that board member will be looking further down the pecking order for some kicks.

  13. pale blue my foot! says:

    Saviour Balzan must have whispered in someone`s ear to have his dear daddy-in-law appointed. I cannot understand what Dowling can contribute to this post.

  14. Not Sandy:P says:

    ” Like the proverbial knight in shining armour, I keep hoping that the Labour Party will step up, take charge, sweep me off my feet and come to their senses and to the rescue. But they keep getting it horribly wrong.”

    And they’ll go on doing that, Dr Spiteri, just like you did and probably always will.

    Now lump it.

  15. Il-Budgie says:

    Well, you would expect to find a whore or two in a government of pimps, thieves and scoundrels.

  16. I know who she is says:

    Is Michela Spiteri going to promote a new line of hot pants and transparent tops? Or has she finally woken up to the fact that she’s 40, and that the girls for whom hotpants and transparent tops are intended by nature and fashion look upon her as ‘an old woman my mother’s age’?

  17. True blue says:

    Insomma, methinks the first agenda Kitten and Budgie will propose will be the rehabilitation of Valletta menswear. Coff bit-tikek is to be the order of the day. Available from Dennis Dowling’s shop near the Law Courts.

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