Oh, look who’s here – Mr Starkers’ appointment to the chair of the Pharmacy Council is announced in the Government Gazette today
August 27, 2013 at 5:41pm
Government Notice No. 791 in today’s Government Gazette:
Amendment in the Appointment of the Pharmacy Council
The Pharmacy Council is constituted as follows:
Dr Joseph Chetcuti
Mr Stephen Farrugia
Ms Josette Sciberras
Mr Victor Mamo
Ms Catherine Sammut
Mr Tony Nicholl
Government Notice 763 of the 20th August, 2013, is hereby repealed.
27th August, 2013
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Some people have no shame and no concept of appropriate behaviour.
This is a brilliant choice. Here’s a man who will give you the shirt off his back. And more, of course.
Er, the emperor is actually naked here.
What the hell’s he doing on the Pharmacy Council?
He got two iced buns, this and the Film Commission. Now he needs some fake tan to cover those other iced buns of his.
No, they’re hairy buns, as we’ve seen in the pictures he’s posed for.
When the government keeps its promise of home delivery of POYC medicines I strongly object that my medicines be delivered by this Joseph Chetcuti whether or not I happen to be at home at the time.
Who had been appointed in the notice of the 20th August?
Same Council members but a different Chairperson, or rather President as the repealed Government Notice 763 of the 20th August, 2013 rightly declares:
Ministry for HEALTH
Amendment of Pharmacy Council
Appointment Board
The Ministry for Health notifies that the appointment of
the board of the Pharmacy Council has been amended:
Dr Simon Micallef Stafrace
Mr Stephen Farrugia
Ms Josette Sciberras
Mr Victor Mamo
Ms Catherine Sammut
Mr Tony Nichell
20th August, 2013
Well, doubt they can keep that promise, as there are hardly any pills to be delivered.
Do they set up their meetings in the nude? But please, spare us any pictures of Tony Nicholl, even with a strategic football.
Who on that council is actually a pharmacist?
Tony Nicholl is most certainly a pharmacist and the only saving feature of the entire Council.
Tony Nicholl and Josette Sciberrras are pharmacists
All elected members, i.e. everyone except the chairman, is a pharmacist. My mind boggles however how a non medical man is nominated to the position of chair.
I mean seriously, do they expect people who have done a minimum of 5 years at medical school to report to a man that has no grasp of medicine/pharmacy? Do they expect us to respect the council when it is chaired by a medical illiterate?
Where’s Reginald Fava? He was very outspoken before the general election.
There seems to be a virus. Many are losing their voice.
He has been given his iced bun as university council member.
Mhux ghal xi haga imma Dr Joseph Chetcuti ma huwiex spizjar izda avukat. Issa tista’ tghidli kif tappunta Cermen fuq il-Kunsill tal-Ispizjara li huwa avukat izda ma hux spizjar, dicendo ma jifhem xejn fil-professjoni u wisq inqas fil-first hand experience tal-ispizjara. Jew just ghax riedu jaghmluh xi haga, xi haga ohra I mean. Mixjin fuq ir-rubini f’dan il-pajjiz.
The president is always a lawyer. It was the same under the previous administration too. I’m not saying that I agree, nor that I don’t but that’s the way it has been for a while now…
Previous presidents of the Pharmacy Council, although lawyers, had the common decency and the decorum not flaunt their nudity in public out of an admirable respectful attitude to the other members of the Council, to the pharmacy profession and to the public.
But Muscat was voted in for change. If the said committee needs the services of a lawyer there should be one as a consultant and not as president.
There should be no problem with the chairperson coming from the legal profession, but their knowledge of what is acceptable behaviour should be impeccable.
Tony Nicholl, pharmacy owner – I smell a conflict of interest here.
Actually we elect those members, apart from the chairman, that is the reason why they remain unchanged
This has to be a wind up.
He knows as much about medicines and legal drugs as I do – ie nothing.
U ejja.
The naked truth is that he voted for the ‘Movement’, therefore he qualifies under their meritocracy principle.
I propose that the picture of the chairman is hung in every pharmacy in Malta and Gozo.
The Naked Ape – by Desmond Morris
Surely this is incomplete? These are only the government appointed persons. The council is also made up of 5 pharmacists who are elected by us pharmacists, as well as 2 elected pharmacy technicians and one elected qualified person (often also a pharmacist).
‘Arani issa’ . Now that I’m castrated.
X’hamallagni ta’ ritratt. Ic-Chairman tal-Pharmacy Council gharwien, bis-salib u bil-mobile.
Xi hadd jaf min kien il-fotografu?
Come come, Ciccio. We’ve seen pretty much the same camp poses – albeit clothed – by the previous administration’s appointees.
Having Labour in power is so cathartic. Everything’s done brazenly, in the open. We approved and applauded before so why should we disapprove now?
Yes, I am particularly despondent.
Oh my god.
I am expecting someone like Mr Reggie Fava to express an honest opinion about this new board.