Should the prime minister still be talking and campaigning as though he’s the Opposition leader?

Published: August 27, 2013 at 2:10pm

While we were all here wondering out loud where the leader of the Opposition is, we failed to notice that he is right there in the Auberge de Castille, masquerading as the prime minister.

So let’s take a tally: Malta has, right now, a leader of the Opposition who doesn’t know how to behave like one, and a prime minister who’s still talking as though he’s Leader of the Opposition and fighting a government because he doesn’t know how to behave like a prime minister.

And please let’s stop it with this pseudo-personal-touch rubbish. The prime minister isn’t there to answer people’s private emails and their private Facebook messages. He’s there to run the country.

Talk about putting a noose around your neck.


20 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Dear Prim Ministru, can you please answer my emails.

    Aaron Farrugia: I believe he have too much on his place so patience.

    Prim Ministru: Sorry, I’m on a cruise.

  2. QahbuMalti says:

    Heqq “he has to much on his place” ……

  3. Francis Saliba MD says:

    The leaders of the Nationalist Party are repeating once more the gross mistake of crediting the voting public with a smidgen of intelligence that it hasn’t got.

    If it did it would have realized already that the LP is fast demolishing all credibility in its promise to provide a “Malta Taghna Lkoll” based on meritocracy and that it had abandoned the horrific practices of the 70s & 80s.

    The new NP leaders appear to think erroneously that they might just as well take a nap whilst Muscat & Co go about the business of hanging themselves with their own rope. The sooner the NP leadership snaps out of that complacent stupor the sooner would the Nationalist Party start to recover the strayed shifters.

  4. Jozef says:

    Still, by the looks of it, those foolish enough remain without an answer.

    And can we please give him some time to reply. Daily gym sessions, fashion shows, cruises and weekend breaks will take their toll.

    Xi fsied.

  5. LIXU says:

    I have absolutely no doubt that Simon Busuttil has the necessary qualities to lead the Nationalist Party, but I am afraid that some key qualities are still latent and must be developed fast, very very fast.

    Joseph Muscat is riding roughshod over the Opposition.

    To begin with, Busuttil should obliterate his perpetual ‘First Holy Communion’ smile and replace it with a tougher look which conveys a clear impression that he means business.

    • Victor says:

      Totally agree with you.

      Perfect silence from the Opposition (except Jason Azzopardi) whilst Malta is going to the dogs.

      If I see another photo of Simon Busuttil at a village festa, I shall scream.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Then scream, because he’s just uploaded this piece of idiocy:

        Caption: “Mijiet ta nies zaru l-Festa tal-Gheneb fis-Siggiewi. Prosit lill-Kunsill Lokali.”

        Who’s unwittingly sabotaging his efforts at effective leadership? Is it his team? Then he should get rid of them.

      • Jozef says:

        Grassroots Baxxter. It’s where every victory starts. Just pray Xarabank’s on this winter. And Simon finds his earnest tone for facts.

        Muscat will present his budget, ‘lowering’ energy tarriffs, meantime however, his absence will have made itself particularly irritating.

        ‘Please reply to my email, Dr.Muscat’. How long does one have to plea before Muscat’s sadistic streak is sated?

        If the PN can do something, it’s formalising Labour’s hushed exercise at clientelism. In fact, I think it’s an essential part of the PN’s rehabilitation. Only the PN can abstract humdrum Malta.

        Muscat wrote a book, which he didn’t.

        A firm of lawyers can outline the principles and criteria to follow. May sound perverse but could be a viable alternative to Muscat’s cynical abuse of our inherent vice.

        Even because Muscat’s isn’t workable, lapped vanity in his appointments the only certainty.

        Exhibitionists, attention seekers, arty fartists and poseurs all have one thing in common, they’ll walk into unendurable situations and take everyone down, even if it kills them.

        Joe Public meantime, is watching.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        So you and I and Daphne are not grassroots? Because the message I’ve been getting from the PN for the past ten years is “Fuck you, Baxxter, we don’t need your vote”.

        It doesn’t take much to be the sharp-brained man of steel in the morning and the ragel minn taghna in the evening. 24 hours in a day is plenty of time.

      • Jozef says:

        At the moment, we’re the wrong end of the stick.

        But yes, they do look like a vanload of nerds, short sleeves, hair parted neatly to the side and this diligent way of attending every festa, ma jmurx jiehu ghalih xi hadd.

        I do think it beats every report though.

        And yes, Simon Busuttil needs to stop treating Muscat like some respectable colleague and retract any previous impression.

        Things are taking a sinister twist, this time with a cold smile.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It seems I’m the wrong end of the stick with everyone except Gerald Strickland. I wish I could lobotomise myself, Jozef. It’d be far less painful than this.

  6. muddy puddle says:

    I do not expect much more from the twat. An inferior complex is quite debilitating especially for someone in a position of authority.

  7. Edward says:

    “The Government is reportedly in contact with Chinese antique transport company Zin Jowk to fit the old buses with engines, although ministry sources did not rule out issuing an expression of interest should the deal fall through.”

    I wasn’t sure which blog entry to post this on but I thought this one was probably best.

    When I was in Malta over the past few years, I had no problem with any of the buses. I never waited more than ten minutes for a bus, and would often roll my eyes at anyone who started to complain about waiting when I had been waiting longer than they had.

    I liked that they were a bit more comfortable, less polluting and smoother. And I also liked that there were night bus routes that actually ran all around the island late into the night.

    But now Muscat is not only bringing back the old route, but the old buses too. Lord, if change ever comes about in Malta it is rejected and rejected until it’s stopped dead in its tracks. Oh, and China is involved again.

    • Jozef says:

      April 1st.

    • just me says:

      Edward, look at the date. I think it was an April fool’s joke… I hope so anyway.

    • Dent says:

      Of course it was a joke. Our Eddy P swallowed it hook, line and sinker, and got all excited at the prospect of ‘Larriva’ being unceremoniously dumped by his beloved, new government.

      Once some charitable soul informed the old duffer that it was a prank (imagine his massive disappointment!), he spent the rest of the day ridiculing those who, just like him, thought it was for real.

  8. J. Borg says:

    Utterly pathetic…

  9. ciccio says:

    More than a Leader of the Opposition, he sounds more like the Super One hack which he is and will remain.

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