The police have given their side of the ‘old lady + Yorkie’ story. They didn’t attack the old lady. The old lady attacked them.
The police have given their side of the story about the old lady and the titchy Yorkshire terrier she took for a swim, only to have several police officers pounce on her.
They have not given this information in the form of an official statement, as the situation and correct procedure demand.
They have spoken ANONYMOUSLY to John Pisani, the Labour police stooge and Union Press man who has made a career out of being unofficial PRO for what the deputy leader of the Labour Party would call “pulizija Laburisti”.
So now we know, through the good offices of police stooge John Pisani and some anonymous policemen, that the police didn’t attack the old lady. She attacked them.
She ignored their orders to emerge from the sea bearing her Yorkshire terrier, and when she eventually did so at her own convenience, she assaulted them with “kliem baxx bl-Ingliz” and worse than that, she tried to set her dog on them (a Yorkshire terrier, if you please – maximum length, 12 inches; maximum height, six inches) but her attempts to have four police officers savaged to death by a Yorkie failed because “imma beda jinbah biss”.
And it’s not true they pushed her down onto the ground. When she felt sick and faint (“hassa hazin”) – for reasons that remain unclear because they are not explained by these anonymous policemen – they were kind enough to put her down on a beach-mattress and call an ambulance. The ungrateful soul refused to enter it.
They have now issued charges against her for “various offences”. Having been the recipient of this kind of treatment myself on more than one occasion, I have some advice for the lady in question (who is tal-pepe, and therefore a sure Enemy of the People).
They will fill the courtroom with around 10 police officers who their superiors will be happy to allow to waste an entire morning, all of them with some very pressing evidence against you that couldn’t be given in the form of a sworn statement, largely because it is barely coherent.
They will lie, disgracefully and under oath, in such a way that will cause you to wonder whether perjury is still a crime and whether being a police officer is still considered an exacerbating factor in quantifying punishment for this crime. The magistrate will see they are lying, but instead of severely reprimanding them and ordering their investigation for perjury, he or she will merely discount their testimony as unbelievable and pass judgement accordingly.
You will be made to feel as though you have slashed the throats of 30 grandmas so as to obtain their handbags, and you will wonder why, in 2013, police officers can still get away with this form of abuse and why they are allowed to avenge themselves on people they don’t like, or people who have challenged them, by violating the law themselves.
I have another word of advice for this lady: report them to the Police Board. Theirs is not an appropriate response to a 75-year-old woman from a social background that ensures she will not be slashing at them with knives, who takes her Yorkshire terrier for a swim.
They just hate tal-pepe people, that’s all – and more than that, they hate tal-pepe people who stand up to them. Of course, they are too bloody ignorant and politically/culturally prejudiced to understand that the reason tal-pepe people are more likely to stand up to the police is not that such people are arroganti u antipatici but that they are well informed about how the police should behave, what constitutes an appropriate response, and what their rights are. They also tend to have more intelligence and common sense than the abusive and grudge-bearing police.
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I thought so. They wouldn’t hurt an old lady unless she attacked them first. Keep in mind she had a terrier by her side.
[Daphne – I’m glad to see we share one opinion, at least.]
What? You’re afraid of dogs too?
[Daphne – Ho ho ho.]
Like others did, I advise the lady to report the incident to the Police Board – and hopefully no one will contact some “star” witness.
I’d have loved to have those battle cards as a child.
Tal-Pepe Old Lady. Special attack: kliem baxx bl-Ingliz.
Yorkie. Special attack: terrify (automatic hit and critical damage against policemen).
Policeman. Special attack: institutionalised subterfuge.
Further advice to the lady with the Yorkshire terrier.
Go to court and ask for compensation from the police for this ordeal.
And tell the court that when the Police turned up, they had no pizza.
Hemm xi hadd li ha xi video ?
It’s a pity that the Police are all over the media for all the wrong reasons, lately.
So true
“Kliem baxx bl-Ingliz”. Somehow there’s a punch in the “Ingliz”, like how dare she, mhux talli kliem baxx imma bl-Ingliz eh! Ara naqra dawn in-nies kemm huma keshin.
It is not the first time that you pass by policemen who are calmly talking among themselves but also uttering the occasional swear word, though in Maltese. Issa sewwa, x’se naghmlu?
It is an aggravating factor because they had to whip out their English to Maltese dictionary to decipher the swearing.
Bil-Malti qas jimporta hux ghax ihossuhom ijkwil.
This story deserves to be investigated with an inquiry.
That should confuse the bastards, and remove all scope for linguistic obfuscation (kliem baxx etc).
That isn’t possible, is it?
It is. English is an official language of Malta, and you can request to have your case heard in English.
I did. Even Alfred Sant had to respond in English.
So what will it be for the police? Low words?
‘DEMAND TO HAVE YOUR COURT PROCEEDINGS IN ENGLISH’ … In that case I would be eagerly waiting to read the report: “The lady incited her dog on us and also said low words in the English”.
I’d request it too if I ever found myself in court. Maltese is completely inadequate for this sort of thing, where precise information needs to be communicated to all parties.
I’M the old lady with the Yorkshire terrier. I DID NOT SWEAR TO THE POLICE” All I SAID WAS ” LEAve me alone” my dog was on a leach on a large surf board 4 times its size. the doggy ”DORA” did not touch the sea. I only co-operated with the 4th police man , who was calm prudent and polite.
I spent all my adult life in Canada, 33 years and it’s normal my first reaction is to speak English. I’m retired in Malta and live alone with yorkshire terrier and a big cat Dora.
The hearing is on April 10, 9.00am . 2014
Ta’ t-twerwir dak il-kelb ha nghidlek. Kieku kienu hames pulizija forsi jikkontrollawh, imma erba’ biss iebsa.
“Kien hemm bzonn naghmlu emfazi li kellmitna baxx bl-Ingliz biex nuru li tal-pepe ghandhom ghalina – tiskanta, kien hemm bzonn inkunu erba’ biex lahhaqna maghha daqs kemm kienet vjolenti, mara ta’ 75 sena.”
M’ghandhomx ‘miet bolls’ imsieken.
“L-anzjana se tkun qed titressaq il-Qorti fuq diversi akkuzi.” X’bizgha!
Tghid ser tkun akkuzata li minhabba fiha kien hemm kelb il-bahar ighum vicin in-nies?
Nissugerixxi lil din is-sinjura biex darb’ohra tiehu l-kelb taghha jiggieled u jitghajjar ghand is-Serkin (Rabat) u ma jigrilha xejn.
THANKS for the joke. Court is April 10, 9.00am.
Maybe they were misled:
I too have been the victim of this kind of abuse. Of course I won in court. Those babbling fools who barely know how to speak in Maltese, let alone English, just made up some lies which were incoherent. It wasted my time and hurt my dignity, especially since I knew I was in the right.
It cost me €1000. Strangely, they never have to pay damages. So an innocent person was made to endure inhumane treatment and was then made to suffer financially and in terms of loss of time and all they got was several mornings off work.
That can’t be right, can it? How did the PN not change this ridiculous situation in 22 years? What a waste. Malta – Terra Ignoramus.
I want to know you. I’m the old lady with dog. It’s going to cost me too to defend myself. Court is April 10 at 9.00 am. I will be dressed in black and yellow scarf. I’m 66 yrs. not 75.
Meanwhile, Boiler 7 has had it up to here with this Labour government.
He sure knows how to “stamp his feet’ and how to ‘stand up to be counted.’
She must have used ‘British humour’ which the police did not understand and assumed to be ‘kliem baxx bl-Ingliz’. Unfortunately, our expert in the field is at the moment holidaying in Gozo at San Lawrenz Kempinski and having dinner at Ta’ Cenc.
Socialism at its best.
I did not swear to the police. I know better. I said ”no comment” is that swearing . Court. is April 10 at 9.00 am
One comment under your previous post stated that the dog was not in the sea at all, but that the dog was being transported across the water on a short float-board.
Even if there was any infringement of the Galdes doggy regulations, which does not seem to be the case, the correct reaction, if at all, by the police should have been limited to a few polite words of caution.
But I forget, the Malta police have long been strangers to that notion.
My 2 Kg dog was not afraid of them even though they were 4 of them on me. I kept telling them ”Keep the f….. away from my dog . She was only trying to defend me . The dog did not touch the water . There was no crime. I kept away from the swimming zone,”.
It’s a wonder they didn’t call in the navy.
Attakk viljakk kontra l-pulizija. Mara armata b’kelb tal-but tattakka lil forzi navali Maltin. Wara battalja sfrenata il-kelb tinqatalu c-cinga u jaghmel herba mill-forzi tal-kontroll pubbliku.
Il-magistrat tal-ghassa jaghmel inkjesta fuq il-post tad-delitt.
funny …….real funny. but I’m not laughing court is on April 10, 9.00 am . IT’S GOING TO COST ME A BUNDLE TO DEFEND MYSELF AND MY DOG. NOT FAIR.
If it is the same old lady I saw two days before this incident then she couldn’t punch her way out of a wet paper bag.
Dog owners under a police state, watch out.
I express full solidarity with this Amazon and her Cerberus.
I had the privilege of experiencing the police officers’ utter arrogance, frame-up mindset, and blatant lies under oath, thanks to some chaps from the same Qawra police station.
The police force is rotten, but alas it was that way well before the last election, and from what they’re still up to, the change in government has extinguished any slim hopes of recovery.
My concern is that magistrates are more often than not failing (or rather pretending) to detect such police abuse and malevolence, and to give the shabby scum the exemplary lesson they deserve.
Not much confidence in the Police Board either.
L-ewwel ahjar jaraw il-level ta’ l-edukazzjoni ta’ dawn il-pulizija involuti f’dan il-kaz.
Jista jinstab li dawn l-anqas ma jifhmu bl-ingliz, u ghalhekk ma kienux fhemhu dak li-kienet qeda tghid. Kemm sa tiswa lil-pajjiz din l-istorja.
Personalment, ma nafdhomx f’xejn lil-pulizija, la taht gvern Nazzjonalista u specjalment issa taht gvern Mintoffjan.
I spent 14 years working in an office near the Police Headquarters and unwillingly had to observe their behaviour.
Among my colleagues they were known as the P.U.B’s, an acronym for Pure Unadulterated Bastards.
I am not unsure that Mark and so many other contributors will wholeheartedly agree with me.
Funny. Court for this ”old lady with yorkshie is on April 10. 2014 9.00 am
FUNNY , but ,I have to go to court on April 10, 9.00am facing 5 charges .
‘Kienu l-istess pulizija li sejhu l-ambulanza’. Mur obsor.
What does the minister’s chief of staff have to do with it?
MaltaToday has hinted on it in their report of three days ago.
“A government source said that it was the ministry’s chief of staff, Silvio Scerri, who contacted Borg, asking that he has his say before the board.”…/Man-prosecuted-appears-before-Police-Boar…
‘via the phone..’
Tal-pepe is now old hat. It’s now known as The High Society.
The High Society is not tal-pepe. They think they are, but they’re something else altogether.
The High Society are certainly not Tal Pepe. I had the pleasure of listening to them as background disturbance (in Maltese) during a performance of Much Ado about Nothing.
The President clearly felt that his guests, being High Society, would behave themselves and not raise their voices in such a manner as to disturb the performance.
How wrong he was.
No wonder they were afraid. I guess this is how she trained it. Wouldn’t you also be terrified ?
Yes exactly that’s what she, my dog, was doing to the four policemen.
“Jekk il-pulizija isiru jafu min hi Karmen Koleiro….”. This sounds like a threat.
Isn’t this this like the old French lady who ‘attacked’ a police officer so badly that he battered her?
Any witnesses should come forward. It’s time to show them we’re not accepting Mintoff-style police bullying. The same applies to JPO’s brawl.
Eyewitness photo of the terrier attacking the police:
And this is what we call the result of “Police Protection”. I can empathise with the poor old man.
You hit the nail on the head, Daphne. Police officers have no problem with committing perjury in Court, and, as you said, the Magistrate, knowing this, will just accept this.
I have suffered such a situation myself, during another Labour government, and was disgusted to witness this, and worse still to be found guilty. To think that in just five months the credibility of the Malta Police Force has already sunk to that of the Stasi – the future must be frightening indeed.
[Daphne – No need for any sinking. It was pretty bad already. Bear in mind that I had an officer from the CID and another from the Homicide Squad turn up at my gate with an arrest warrant at 9pm, because I uploaded a video mocking Joseph Muscat the day before voting. To say nothing of all the other abuses.]
I am wary of old women especially those from the north of Malta, who are so very arrogant, and those from the south can be really rude and violent.
Stay away from old women I say, especially if they have Yorkshire terriers. Just fine them.
I’ m from ZABBAR and sound tal-pepe BECAUSE I lived around the world for 33 years and lived in Paceville for 22 years. My name is GRACE, tal-Grazzja and proud of it.
Just because I left the chaos in Paceville, where old ladies cannot go out, their bags are snatched, their apartments invaded by drunken students and no toilets in Paceville, everybody using our porches as toilets.
I just went to Fra Ben to relax after my father died. I keep repeating, my little dog did not touch the sea. I was prudent enough to place it on a very large surf board. She bothered no one.
Please be fair to the police. They were risking life and limb for the common good.
There were only four officers, but courageously, they faced down an angry 75-year-old woman firing insults at them (in English, to boot), with a fully-grown terrible terrier by her side.
An afterthought. As long as the dog was in the sea, it was a “kelb il-bahar”. We all know how dangerous that can be in a swimmer’s zone.
Tarzan58 has a point here.
Did the police evacuate the area?
you really made me laugh. I’m the old lady with the dog.
it’s no laughing matter. 6 Feb. they presented me with the papers to go to court on 5 charges. tHIS IS 6 MONTHS AFTER THE INCEDENT. It’s going to cost me a bundle to defend myself and my little dog. Disgusting on how we are treated is this Malta or U.S.S.R. OF THE PAST.
a WARNING or a caution would have been ok.
Our police force is becoming a cartoonist’s dream come true.
And now the police tell us that the old lady will not be taking action against them because she realises it was a “misunderstanding”.
I do not think our police force is becoming a cartoonist’s dream. It always was one.
I was shocked on Easter Sunday at the airport police station when a constable passed the following remark, towards a polite German Assistant Commissioner of Police, “Hallih nuruh ahna min ahna”.
The latter had only presented his personal card, while accompanying me in filing a report. He never said anything because he cannot speak English. That was a nice polite expression of good manners.
The “misunderstanding” mystery has been solved! The police wanted the little old lady and her little Yorkshire Terrier out of the sea because they wanted to have their picture taken with her little Yorkie for a Facebook “Welcome To Malta” advert.
So if any bathers out there have any photos or better still a video, please come forward. Your contribution will be appreciated and you will not be intimidated.
yes we have pictures. where do you want me to post them
Here’s a second-case scenario of the ‘misunderstanding’. Wardens yell into their device: “Kelb il-bahar, kelb il-bahar! We need police backup!”
The police arrive on the spot without delay and are so eager to save this poor elderly lady and her little dog from the ‘shark’ that they risk their own lives and go in and drag them out of the sea, and on to the rocks.
They should have called for reinforcements to help control the dangerous situation.
They did ! then the ambulance came because I knocked my head on the rock and went unconscience and they disappeared.
Is this a new version of strong with the weak, and weak with the strong?
yes, exactly.
This dog must be a Nationalist ready to sabotage the police force.