This is now the fourth most viewed Maltese news site

Published: August 14, 2013 at 3:36pm

This website now ranks 21st of the most-viewed websites in Malta, a ranking taken on the basis of every website in existence, by Alexa.

If you knock out the non-Maltese websites (Google, BBC, Twitter and so on), it ranks seventh.

In order of rank, the most viewed Maltese websites are:

HSBC Malta

Knock out the non-news sites, and what you get is:


Perhaps Jeffrey ‘Save me from a woman’ Pullicino Orlando might consider putting that in his glass and drinking it. This, of course, is what his real problem is.


55 Comments Comment

  1. Nobody says:

    Daphne can you please tell me your email address please.

    [Daphne –]

  2. Lorry says:

    Prosit, Daphne, and to all who contribute.

  3. albona says:

    Daph, it is funny because just days ago I was about to write to you to tell you to look into that and there you have it. Congrats!

    • albona says:

      I also wonder why there is just one advert. Pardon my ignorance of the topic, but shouldn’t advertisers be knocking down your door to get on here?

      [Daphne – They are, but I don’t sell advertising. I’m not set up to do it.]

      • albona says:

        Ok, I was just curious. Still, it wouldn’t hurt- surely. I mean in this line of work with all of the anti-freedom of speech mob constantly dragging us off to court, it can get expensive. Just saying.

      • Pre says:

        Well done!
        -Google Adsense / Google Adwords are very easy to set up.
        -You could write an ebook (about living in Malta, for example) and sell it from here.
        -If money is not an issue for you, how about a donate button with proceeds going to your favourite charity.

  4. gigi says:

    Ghalhekk tah tal-qamar lil Jeffrey Pulicino Orlando. Prosit Daphne, continue with the good work.

  5. Marlowe says:

    Kudos to you!

  6. Jack says:

    … see. you should thank me now…

    :) well done

    [Daphne – I don’t understand what you mean, sorry.]

  7. Makjavel says:

    You might be putting yourself up as the next target by the PL ..
    These guys are simply hateful and will resort to anything to frame their critics.
    It’s nice to see that your blog is beating the daylights out of the rest.
    Keep it up and good luck.

    [Daphne – I have been the Labour Party’s target for 20 years.]

  8. helen says:

    Hu go fik Jeffrey.
    Hu go fik Franco.

  9. Tinnat says:

    I’m surprised you’re only 4th. At the moment you’re the ONLY site delivering any newsworthy information. The others just suck. As for the Opposition, sorry to say it’s dead in the water.

    • P Shaw says:

      I agree that the other Maltese news sites suck. Most people log into them out of habit rather to read the content.

  10. Victor says:

    Well done Daphne and keep it up, we depend on you.

    This is the first site I visit every day to learn what is really going on.

    Prosit and thank you.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I am addicted to reading all your articles every day.

  12. Neil says:

    You’re beating the political portals hands down.

    I’m ignoring Balzan’s site in that statement of course. He’s just an axe-grinding mercenary who happens to be rooting for the reds at the moment. But I’ll say one thing, his site has been a slightly better read since March.

    Not a good read, you understand. Just better than the awful place it was under the PN government.

  13. LIXU says:

    Frankly, I am not surprised,as the only source available to know what’s happening is your site.

  14. Last Post says:

    Well done Daphne. Keep it up and take care, because with the shortage of investigative journalists (as opposed to mere reporters) that there is, we (this country) really needs you.

    I’ve stopped reading newspapers generally, because to me it’s not the amount of information that matters but the perspective.

    I hate the so-called ‘balanced’ opinions and prefer solid, factual, intelligent and consistent arguments and positions, even if they are not mainstream stuff.

    Among the handful of columnists that I like, your blog is the one I follow assiduously. I feel it covers the most important issues I need to know about Maltese politics.

  15. George says:

    It’s been quite a long time now since I was getting bored and dissatisfied with ToM’s reporting, which has been my favourite for quite a number of years. I started accessing other news media, such as the Malta Today and the Malta Independent, but with all due respect, they too lack that punch. I am subscribed to ToM as in my opinion it remains the better of the mediocre lot. However, recently I became curious about your blog and must admit that I find it the most interesting of the lot. This apart from the definitely superior level of report writing. Well done.

  16. Alf says:

    No need to say more…… just a very big PROSIT to you, dear Daphne, and keep up the excellent work. Prosit once again and good luck

  17. Pawlu ta' Janie says:

    Site bis-sens.

  18. zunzana says:

    No wonder that when I meet my friends during these summer evenings, our first conversations turn to commenting on your daily posts. Keep it up.

  19. DP says:

    Actually at the moment I am only logging in to your blog as news from Malta.

    • albona says:

      Yeh, same here. The only other site I bother with for some news is The Malta Independent. The Times is more of a copy and paste from Reuters and the local news is mostly dry and lacking in journalistic content. Reading it is not dissimilar to speaking to a politically correct fuddy duddy who manages to go on for hours only for you to then realise that they have not actually said anything.

  20. TinaB says:

    A very big well done.

    Thank you and keep up the good work.

  21. Mary Anne says:

    Well done and thank you. Please do keep up the good job you’re doing.

  22. Il-Kajboj says:

    PN news website ranks 104th… someone do something, please.

  23. ciccio says:

    Grazzi, Daphne.

  24. Corvo Attano says:

    Daphne, did you ever think of setting up a news cast – you’d make a great local version of Stricia la Notizia and while i’m sure the PBS and One will not give you air time, NET will, and it will definitely colour their empty coffers. Your message would also come out louder, reach further and who knows with some luck the Nats might even claim back their votes. I’ll personally design all the Stricia awards ‘Zokk tal-plastic ahmar’ and ‘Serduq ifferocjat’ who will be served to Malta’s bourgeois.

    [Daphne – I have never worked for the Nationalist Party and have no intention of doing so.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Corvo, the Nationalist Party despise Daphne as much as Labour.

      [Daphne – Some do. And for the very same reasons that they have failed consummately to understand that part of the electorate which makes it possible for the Nationalist Party to be elected to government by adding their vote to those of traditional PN voters – a segment of the electorate which I happen to understand perfectly because I belong to it, both socially and in terms of qualified support for the Nationalist Party.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        How do we get the PN to speak for us? Because this is what it’s all about, isn’t it? You vote for the party that speaks for you.

        The PN don’t. They don’t speak our language, they don’t think our thoughts, they don’t share our likes, dislikes, hopes and aspirations. So who should we vote for?

      • AE says:

        The PN just don’t get it. They don’t understand strategy when it comes to winning an election.

        They seem to think they should win because they are the better political party, the better men and people should acknowledge this and like them. Truth is that when they win an election it is only when the electorate realises how utterly hopeless Labour is.

        Muscat on the other hand has shown that he is able to read the electorate. His is a populist government and it is clear that he has and will take decisions not by thinking what is good for the country but what will keep his ratings up and in good stead to win the next election.

      • Jozef says:

        ‘How do we get the PN to speak for us’. Become the PN.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        What is that supposed to mean?

  25. Felix says:

    Definitely Daphne!

    Well done u prosit is not enough. You are brilliant, intelligent, philosophic, logical, and most of all you are truthful and never afraid of showing it. Your biggest strength is the drive to get to the truth and not afraid of publishing it. Your command of language is fantastic, so is your reason.

    I am extremely happy that your followers are big in number. One thing still makes me sad or rather bitter though, from the table you showed above – that Malta Today features third. This shows that there is still an audience that needs to be budged to truth and honesty, without being afraid of it.

    p.s. and please do not omit my praises to you and your team, if you decide to publish this comment.

    [Daphne – I have no team. It’s just me alone, with some contributions from readers.]

    • P Shaw says:

      You can develop this site into something similar to the Huffington Post. It also started as a blog, while later it added selected and qualitative contributions (not the empty columnists of Times of Malta and The Malta Independent on Sunday – with a few exceptions).

      Just look where the Huffington Post is now and the role it played during the 2012 US elections. Obama gave them an exclusive interview.

  26. oxo says:

    Your site has relevance and speaks clearly, very direct and fearless of the political monsters who many a times I feel are tensed up and am sure would be ready to find the first opportune time to shut you up for being a righteous voice.

    It puts a lot of balance to our strong Maltese politically biased arguments. It is the factual truth. It is literally a common sense site except, allow me to say, only when your comments become too personal that it slips that little bit out of the parameters of respect to the subject person on which comments are being made.

    Well done Daphne, you are appreciated at least for the guts and courage you have against the odds of those who think or believe they are the untouchables.

  27. Wistin Schembri says:

    I think that there is another positive indicator when analyzing the audience.

    Compared to the other 4 sites, yours has the highest percentage of visitors from Malta. In fact in the ‘visitors by country’ statistics indicate that 69.9% of your visits are from Malta while the others trail well behind (Times 46.6%; Malta Today 50.9% and Independent 45.1%). Data about time spent on site is also very interesting. timesofmalta’s and yours (very close) are the highest.

  28. zorro says:

    Well Done.As soon as I switch on my laptop in the morning I check your blog and during the day I check to see if there are new posts.However I cannot understand how all the scandals you expose just end up forgotten since there they are not taken up by the Opposition.Just mentioning them on Net news is not enough.When Labour were in Opposition they knew how to drum on and on about an item of news that would dirty PN’s image.At this rate we will soon learn to live with these scandals and accept them as normal.

  29. Joan says:

    Well done Daphne and thanks for your excellent work.

  30. Joe Micallef says:

    If this was a ‘handicapping’ contest, this site would rank No 1.

  31. Osservatore says:

    Last time I checked, the PN were comatose. I now suspect they have been taken off life support. Furthermore, we know that we just cannot trust the PL or state media.

    Without wanting to take away any of the credit that is due to you, we have nowhere else from where we can get the whole and undistilled truth as to what is happening behind the scenes.

    I know that you do not represent the PN, and that they hold your pre-electoral blog in some contempt, but I do believe that they also are very much in your debt since last March given that you have really excelled at what they have failed so miserably.

    Do keep it up.

  32. caroline says:

    Thank you, Daphne, for your brillant reporting. Your site is the one and only site I ever read. Please keep on reporting, take care and once again thank you.

  33. Ganna says:

    I am one of your recent faithful followers and I truly admire your writing style. Am I right to notice that this website is the only one on that list which is managed singlehandedly?

    [Daphne – Yes, you are right.]

    Please keep it up, it’s the only way I am part of what is really going on around. Others say only the twisted or half truth. Well done Daphne, you have the guts and the “bolls”, woman.

    Prosit ukoll lil dawk li jikkummentaw, nipprova ma nixrobx waqt li nkun qed naqra :).

  34. Grezz says:

    That really means that the PN news website people have REALLY got to pull their socks up should they want to improve their ratings before next election.

  35. joe says:

    Prosit ta’ veru. Haqqek ghax tahdem hafna u bis-sens. Grazzi.

  36. cettina says:

    Well done.

  37. Natalie says:

    Well, no surprises there. This is easily the best news site in Malta. So a very well done.

    The only surprise is maltatoday’s high ranking. I’ve tried reading a few articles a couple of times, but invariably they’re poorly written and have no imagination. Its ranking says a lot about our electorate.

  38. Peppa says:

    I was away on holidays and the first thing I do when I wake up is open my iPad and read your blog.

    That is how much I am addicted to your blog. I am always checking to see if there is anything new.

    Prosit Daphne and keep it up. You are the best source of information on this island of Malta. Without you I am lost, and I know friends who feel the same way.
    God bless.

  39. RANK says:

    Congratulations and thank you.

  40. curious says:

    I think the hardest battle Daphne is fighting is one against ignorance. It is easy to fight vulgarity and obscenity, but the fight against ignorance is a really tough job.

    Daphne’s blog is above excellent – yet I somehow feel that the ignorant lot do not get it.

  41. Natalie Mallett says:

    Your blog is one of the few read by both party supporters and the so-called floaters.

    It never ceases to amaze me the way you report the facts and try patiently to reply to certain comments. You must read hundreds of comments daily and still keep track of everything that’s going on including the spelling and grammar which you so brilliantly correct. Thank you, Daphne.

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