We are all mittilkless now (and somebody needs a MEPA permit)

Published: August 16, 2013 at 7:13pm
Is civil service head and cabinet secretary Mario Cutajar (right) going too? He's in Gozo - there he goes, papped in Victoria.

Is civil service head and cabinet secretary Mario Cutajar (right) going too? He’s in Gozo – there he goes, papped in Victoria.

The prime minister and his family, accompanied by about 10 security men, aides, hanger-ons and their ‘partners’, are spending the evening at Kantra, Hotel Ta’ Cenc’s outdoor restaurant by the sea.

Is the state picking up the bill, or will they be splitting the tab.

Surely Victor Borg is not letting them have it all on the house because he needs an extension permit before Christmas. He would never do anything so sleazy.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Vagabond King says:

    Victor Borg sleazy? You must be joking!

  2. rjc says:

    They’re in Gozo. Good.

    They had a major power cut there today. Hope they enjoyed it.

  3. Il-Kajboj says:

    Dan il-post ma kienx SKANDLU iehor ta’ zmien in-Nazzjonalisti skont tal-Labour?

  4. Makjavel says:

    Why does he need 10 security men?

    Everybody loves Joseph, unless he knows something we mortals don’t.

  5. Astraboy says:

    Its not a MEPA permit he wants. It’s the casino concession, to which he has already formally expressed interest.

  6. DunVictorBorg says:

    Imnalla tkun int li tikxef dawn l-affarjiet, kif u ma min qed jithalltu certa negozjanti. Dan Victor Borg vera pinnur.

  7. Rocky says:

    Dan Victor Borg jaqsam qalbu meta jara l-haddiema jaqsmu lejn Malta kull fil-ghodu. Veru inkonvinjent. Nahseb issa ser ihaddem skoss minhom.

    Is-sena kollha nisperraw.

  8. Jozef says:

    X’mittelkless l-angli, zommuhom xi hadd qabel ma jgharrqu kull m’ghandna.


    Kemm jifilhu jkunu annimali. Min hu responsabbli ta dil-hnizrija? Imma ghaliex bil-fors iridu jkunu huma?

    It-tieni darba. Ghawdex. Kulhadd jibqa’ halq maghluq.

  9. Dagobert Merovin says:

    Victor Borg, an erstwhile staunch Nationalist, was an early switcher, because Mepa would not let him f*ck up the environment at Sannat.

  10. winwood says:

    Looks like the Civil Service head has changed jobs.This photo gives the impression that he is heading for a field nearby to get a xkora patata.

  11. Il-Gbejna says:

    Victor Borg made it public that he was voting for Joseph. He had turned anti-PN precisely because MEPA denied him, several times, the permit for more development at Ta’ Cenc. Well we just have to wait and see what happens now.


  12. TinaB says:

    Lil Jeffrey haduh maghhom tghid?

    Taf int, Michelle u Carmen hbieb. U Joseph u Jeffrey jingwalawa mhux hazin lanqas

  13. django says:

    Astraboy and Merovin are right. Cornucopia next

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