What tragically low standards the Labour Party has. Amazing.

Published: August 14, 2013 at 3:42pm

Piccolo mondo di Don Camillo, with the village bumpkin elected to the mayorship, wearing a Chinese jacket he got made while on holiday in China, for a broadcast interview in which he talks non-stop about how people love him and won’t leave him alone.

This country is going nowhere fast, I can tell you. Anything that was achieved in the last two decades was achieved despite the overwhelming and ineradicable force of a mentality that is fundamentally incapable of entering 21st-century Europe.

No wonder the best and the brightest are fleeing. The brain drain had begun already but I suspect that over the next five years it is going to reach levels that will prove tragic for Malta.

This is what happens when people like this individual become the aspirational standard. Become? They always were.

Malta with freedom of movement is like a bar: when the standards and the people filling positions of trust and supposed merit become way too trashy, everyone who isn’t like that either moves out or tries to be invisible.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Robert says:

    I am sorry. Could not stick to watch for the whole 22 minutes.

    • Last Post says:

      Same with me and that’s before moving up the cursor to read your comment. However, it’s good of Daphne to post her reactions even when these are in respect of banalities uttered by people in the public eye or in the public service.

      However distasteful such videos and posts are, they serve to expose and remind one and all the times we’re living in. Hopefully they will serve some good in the future.

    • Jelly Bean says:

      Watch the smile.

      Says it all.


  2. Reporter says:

    “Dejjem wicci minn ta’ quddiem, Wayne.”

  3. Neil says:

    Couldn’t stick it either. How shiny he looks – freshly waxed and grilled medium to well done for the occasion.

  4. Victor says:

    I never watch any Maltese tv channels. Please tell me that this programme is aired on Super One and not the national station.

  5. giraffa says:

    The Lowest Common Denominator of the typical Maltese character has been lowered even further since 10th March. How can we survive 5 years (at least) of this? Alla, idhol ghalina bhal ma ghamilt fit- ’98.

    • Catsrbest says:

      My prayer as well. Though this time around I have my doubts. “For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” – when Jesus said this it was not meant as praise for the illicit actions but admiration for the brilliant planning.

  6. J. Borg says:

    Don’t agree the country is going nowhere fast. It is. Down the tubes.

  7. Edgar says:

    Watched 30 seconds and could not bear the glare from those shiny botoxed cheeks.

  8. Alf says:

    “Natius huwa bniedem mill-aktar pozittiv”. “Natius huwa bniedem responsabbli”. “Jiena kelma ma nzommiex”. “Minn dejjem kont daqsxejn zatat”. “Jiena dejjem onest”. “Iz-Zurrieq dejjem kellhu Sindki ta’ stoffa …. u hekk irnexxieli”

    U halluna bi kwietna.

    I could not take more to follow the whole interview.

    • Jozef says:

      Sindku ta’ stoffa.

      Kien dak li halla z-Zurrieq minghajr bring-in sites u l-ahhar lokalita’ fejn dahlet s-separazzjoni ta’ l-iskart.

      Ghamel disinn tal-pjazza fejn aktar kien mohhom kif jintrama’ n-nar u l-armar tal-festi, spicca kellu jinqala’ kollox meta’ saret ir-riforma tat-trasport pubbliku.

      Haffer hofra ghal funtana u kellu jerga’ jordomha, ghax kienet se tigi quddiem garage.

      Ghamel bankini fejn biex tidhol id-dar trid taqbez minn fuq il-karozzi.

      Gelled kemm felah il-kunsill meta’ kien hemm Silvio sindku, u malli tela’ ghamel sitt gimghat jifrah bil-faccata tal-kunsill.

      Issa ffissa bil-qsari, zuntier nursery gabu.

  9. QahbuMalti says:

    You talk about a mentality stuck in the 70s. This afternoon the CEO of Transport Malta crossed to Gozo with his family. You should see the mess they left on the table – wrappers, Smarties etc.

    In all my years of crossing regularly this was the first time I saw anyone not clean up after themselves.

  10. Dez says:

    Better start getting used to that ‘Chinese Collar’ …

  11. Joanne says:

    Watched another of his interviews on youtube, I nearly choked when he said “I was born to be a leader not a follower” . Unbelievable the superiority complex these people have.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    Since the Ray Azzopardis, the Zeegmunt Mifsuds and co now inhabit the country’s Parnassus, that will happen.

  13. ken il malti says:

    He looks like a fat and greasy sausage-eating pervert from southern Germany.

  14. Joe Fenech says:

    The linguistic and debating skills of these two stopped evolving at the age of 6.

    It says a lot about a country that is crippled by illiteracy. Very sad indeed.

  15. Joe Fenech says:

    ” ineradicable force of a mentality that is fundamentally incapable of entering 21st-century Europe.”

    You’re being uncharacteristically generous here. Malta is firmly stuck in the Middle Ages, consequence of the ‘Enlightenment’ movement never reaching its shores.

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