Why was the prime minister promoting last night’s concert via Twitter?

Published: August 2, 2013 at 11:00am

Joseph Muscat Tweet

Doesn’t he have affairs of state to attend to?

The European Commission is supposed to believe that we are under siege by Africans in rickety boats, which is why we have pressed the emergency button, and that our prime minister is kept awake half the night by a panicked Manuel Mallia deploying his navy in his bath-tub, presumably after getting a household skivvy to fill it from some public fountain.

And then there he is, totally relaxed, tweeting about the show.

I’m told that his daughters were in Joseph Calleja’s choir last night, no doubt because of their unparalleled singing skills. If this is a fact, then it wasn’t a good move by either Calleja or the prime minister.

You don’t put the head of government’s children in your choir when the government has just paid you a very large sum to keep the standing area at that same concert free to the public.

It’s wrong, and looks bad.

And here’s some parental advice for Mrs Muscat: stop shoving those children in everywhere you can. You are creating a recipe for disaster. Children that age need privacy and normality, not “experiences” and certainly not exposure to a way of life that will suddenly be gone as suddenly as it came, increasing their confusion at what – even in normal situations – is a very delicate age. I really can’t stand to see it. It is just so very wrong.

15 Comments Comment

  1. M. Cassar says:

    The issue is that one cannot rely on people being guided by what is right and wrong or assume that everyone has a sense of decency. As we have seen, some people lack these qualities.

    ‘Politicians are almost as good as marketers in causing people to exaggerate the importance of issues on which their attention is focused.’ Daniel Kahneman while discussing “focusing illusion”.

  2. Alf says:

    I know Daphne is absolutely correct in telling Ms Muscat to “stop shoving those children in everywhere you can. You are creating a recipe for disaster. Children that age need privacy and normality, not “experiences””.

    However, does anyone expect otherwise from Ms Muscat and from her husband? She (Ms Muscat) did say in an interview elsewhere that she wants to make the best out of these five years.

  3. Gym Instructor says:

    One of his daughters was with him..

    P.S – He should fire his gym instructor.


  4. Jozef says:

    Michelle will take everything while she can. Anything to get the social standing she insists is missing.

    She started off passing microphones among the audience on Xarabank, somehow addicted to it herself, Peppi visibly irritated.

  5. Anon says:

    You giving parental advice … The irony of it.

    [Daphne – You may think so. Clearly, you have no experience of the result, which is rather good.]

  6. Natalie says:

    Meanwhile, Kate and William are striking a deal with the press to ensure the privacy of their son.

    Breeding always tells.

  7. Roderick says:

    The concert was enjoyable. It would be good to know, however, how much of taxpayers’ money went towards funding what is essentially a private enterprise, particularly when you consider that the standing area was very poorly attended in past years.

  8. Roderick says:

    Joseph Muscat’s Twitter feed is alarmingly active: https://twitter.com/JosephMuscat_JM. Too active, particularly when sending out greetings to the Royal Family for the birth of Prince George. When exactly did Twitter overtake protocol?

    • Michael says:

      It’s the new definition of being “close to the people” I guess.

      Seeing what the rest of the cabinet is doing, we can all guess why he’s tweeting so much.

  9. Oscar says:

    For heaven’s sake, those kids should have been in bed by 8.30 pm, not frolicking with daddy till well after midnight.

  10. BOV shareholder says:

    As a shareholder I would like to know how much those Choir Tee-Shirts cost me, and what is the bank getting in return from Joseph Calleja.

    As a taxpayer I would like to know how much the orchestra and the “free entry” for the standing audience cost us.

    All these free rides are putting Calleja in a bad light.

  11. bamboccu says:

    Il Prim Ministru missu haseb fil penzjonanti li ma jistawx ihallsu dawk il-flus ghall-biljett tal-kuncert. Il-Prim Ministru jaf li l-penzjonanti ma jistawx jaghmlu hin twil bil-wiefqa.

    Mela ghaliex hasibx fijna ukoll?

    Lill Joseph Calleja illi sentejn nitolbu biex ikun hemm biljetti discounted ghall-penzjonanti.

    Iva BOV shareholder, anki jien ma tantx qed nara lill Joseph Calleja f’dawl sabih, ghax malajr tinduna li wara kollox hemm “business”.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    Does he get a commission for this? It is ridiculous. It’s OK seen through Maltese eyes, but unbelievable if you transpose this to a world level.

    Imagine Merkel tweeting about her attending the Bayreuth Festival (which is not a lousy populist concert like Calleja’s).

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