Words fail me, so I’ll just use two screen-shots
August 7, 2013 at 8:54pm
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Qad ma kont nohlom li nahseb u wisq anqas li nghid dan il-kliem, imma illum vera nhossni nisthi nghid li jien Malti. Malti bhal dawn in-nies.
Ghajb ghal min qed jitkellem hekk, u ghajb ghal dan il-Gvern li rewwah din il-mibeghda fost dan il-poplu.
Naf li dan il-blog jinkiteb bil-lingwa Ingliza, u suppost kummenti jinkitbu bl-Ingliz, imma ma flahtx ma nwegibx lil dawn in-nies bil-Malti. Jiftahru tant li Maltin, imbaghad juzaw il-lingwa taghhom u tieghi biex ikazzbru lil ghajrhom.
Oqbra imbajda kolla kemm inthom!
L-ironija hija li dawn is-suppost patrijotti Maltin lanqas huma kapaci jiktbu sewwa b’ilsienhom stess.
Fil-verita’ ghandhom xorti jafu jitkellmu, ahseb w’ara jiktbu.
Is this the new hajklass?
I am surprised how Marisa Vella was not appointed on the new board for stamp licking.
Who said she will not ?
This is becoming depressing. Is it possible that we are surrounded by this type of people?
Am I the only one to have noticed that in his press conference this morning the Prime Minister said that he wanted to show that “We are not a door-mat” – “ma ahniex tapit”?
What sort of diplomatic language is that from our Prime Minister?
Tsk. Tsk. Definitely not the language of the High Society.
No, just a certain segment of ‘society’ that is continuously ‘high’.
The way he speaks and uses language makes me cringe. It’s pitiful.
All good references and information for future employers. A list of these people will be published to weed out the crap.
I despair, what a bunch of crap people the Maltese have become, liberal my foot Mr Muscat. This government is becoming dangerous…..
The writing has been on the wall prior to the 9th of March 2013. But the illiterates just could not decipher it.
The illiterates would not have been as stupid as the literate ones who refused to read it and voted Labour in.
I can excuse the illiterates. It’s all the others who ought to know better I have a problem with.
By illiterates I suppose you mean people with hardly any education. But Watchful Eye, you are very wrong in your assumption.
There were many well-educated people, who can read and write – some even regular comments in our newspapers, BUT unfortunately for us couldn’t read the signs of the times and voted this lot in.
The former can be forgiven – they know no better, but the latter?
I am honestly getting depressed reading the news. Horribly depressed.
Zibel int, Marisa Vella. These are innocent people we’re talking about here whose only crime is leaving a war-torn country out of desperation.
They don’t want our f*cked-up country – hell, at this point not even I want it. I have neighbours who have adopted two African children. They are Maltese-speaking but I still fear for their safety with all this aggression and xenophobia around.
This country is just going to the pits – thank you, f*cking Labour. Your legacy, as always.
Qas li ma tidhirx li hi zibel hi stess.
This year is looking bad for the tourism industry… hope it will not get worse due to bad publicity.
Ms Malmstrom must be so amused. We need to educate the Maltese on this issue. We need to understand that the immigrants are here. Some may come and some may go, but they are here to stay.
The paradoxes and contradictions abound.
This Marisa Vella from Zejtun born in 1985 declares on her profile picture “Dan hu l-moment li nahdmu flimkien u nabbandunaw l-idea ta’ politika tal-passat”. Words really fail me also.
People like her are harming our country and, yes, they are taking us back to where she claims she does not want to go – to the politics of the past. However, being born in 1985 she does not know what Malta passed through between the 70s and 1987.
The PN had issued warnings prior to the 9 March elections but some wankers wanted to try Joseph.
Edgar in a comment above is “surprised how Marisa Vella was not appointed on the new board for stamp licking”. I hope she will be appointed on a board with many others – arse licking board.
I am shocked by the illiteracy of PL supporters. I feel vilified by their comments and use of insulting adjectives and phrases to address the issue of illegal imigrants. I strongly object to the fact that Joseph Muscat – as we say in Maltese – qed irewwah filwaqt li jipprova jinheba wara subghajh, xi haga li l-qiesien tieghu ma jippermettulux.
Where is the voice and leadership of the local Church when such sacred values are being repeatedly attecked?
I also wish to see the PN and its leader taking a much stronger stand on these issues.
If ever there was any doubt the true face of Labour and its supporters has been revealed.