Yes, really noble and honest

Published: August 15, 2013 at 11:09pm

From a report on, last February:

The PL movement is a noble one based on honesty, Lara Boffa said during her intervention.

Truly noble and honest: “I’ll have one of those state corporation directorships and a no-pressure salaried job at the state council chaired by my good friend Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, thank you very much. And make sure that my employment conditions are watertight so that if a miracle happens and the Nationalists are elected in five years or 10, they won’t be able to get me off the payroll and I can suck money from the state coffers until I retire.”

And guess what? JPO’s new state-funded public relations officer is now actively promoting his cyber-harassment petition, because you know, we’re not allowed to criticise her motives or question the way in which she was put on the public pay-roll as a reward for putting her face on a Labour campaign billboard.

These people actually think they can do what they like, completely unchallenged and unquestioned, because their idea of being in power is a medieval baron’s.


14 Comments Comment

  1. albona says:

    Nothing is for free. Some way or other she will lose what she gains materially, ten times over. Dignity, shame, fare brutte figure – this all comes at a huge price. They are things no amount of money can buy or compensate for.

    Some people would mention karma or the afterlife as the form of retribution. I’m not too sure that matters, the reason being that ones stato di anima or sense of pride and dignity – or the loss of it – is so painful that none of that matters too much in the short term when there is so much being lost in the present.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      I understand your point, Albona. However these people have no sense or sensibility. They do not understand the meaning of disgrace, morals or remorse. Their sole objective is ‘show me the money’. Such a sad lot. Unfortunately, they now rule.

    • the hobbit says:

      Really? Do you honestly think so? So you honestly think that people like this don’t “get away with it in the end”?

      Well, I don’t believe it. I thought Franco Debono would have had to leave the island (as he said he would’ve ) in shame come election time. Not only hasn’t he left, he’s been rewarded.

      And if you think that that Commissioner of Laws stuff is the reward, you better think again… and then some.

    • kavallier says:

      What dignity? You need to have it first before being able to lose it. From what I am seeing there are a lot of people lacking dignity or any shred of moral fibre.

      • albona says:

        I am neither philosopher nor theologian but I have been to several lectures on this point and have always left with the conviction that the just man always wins no matter what, even if at face value he seems to have lost.

        I am not capable of elaborating on this point but I am sure there will be someone who could use Natural Law as the starting point here.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I have been to The University of Life.

        I learned that scoundrels almost always triumph. I learned that in Malta, this is especially so.

        I learned that honesty never pays off. And I’ve yet to be proven wrong.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    “The PL movement is a noble one based on honesty, Lara Boffa said during her intervention.”

    The reason behind this is the wide-spread belief that a large segment of Maltese society is owed something and its constituents are born with the divine privilege to rule (this continues to confirm my suspicions that today’s PL is actually Malta’s right wing party).

    Being promoted to such high ranks makes this god-chosen few feel that the divine mission has been fulfilled and higher justice achieved.

    Go and build a life then talk you bunch of useless idiots.

  3. ciccio says:

    It had been said before that so far, Labour’s government has been one of “from the billboard to the board.”

    In my opinion, it has also been one of “from the billboard to the bill,” where the public is made to pay the bill of the positions awarded to those who appeared on Labour’s election campaign billboards.

  4. Michael says:

    What a world-class whore.She thinks that Labour is noble.

    This is the same party that used several “angry and exiled” ex-PN MPs to get what they wanted, apart from using that insufferable oaf who is Tony Cassar, who gave them wads of cash based off of the oil commission scandal, and put all of his dirt on PN, and is now (in theory) being protected by his friends in the Justice Department (might explain his abscence from a.) the case itself and b.) the media)

    [Daphne – Not only that, but the prime minister appointed his daughter Andrea to the National Festivities committee, and was filmed shaking her hand in the line-up at the Auberge de Castille.]

    Lara also went to quite a length to use her father’s image to protect her job, and to ensure that her allegiance with Labour is justified. I have no idea what her version of noble is, but it’s definitely not the right one.

  5. Min Jaf says:

    Lara is already feeling the pinch. That much is evident by her reaction to the posts and readers’ comments on this blog. She has been shown a true picture of what she is, and it is not at all pretty.

  6. Floating says:

    Yes Albona. It’s a rule that applies to all. Vide PN. The same can be applied to it. Ten times over. It is confirmed. And a small amount of people, are still under the hallucination that they did not deserve it.

  7. Freedom5 says:

    And Simon Busuttil is having a longer summer vacation than Ed Miliband. Perhaps he needs some egg in his face to wake up.

  8. pablo says:

    “offenses”..? I cannot spell and I am “proud of it”.

  9. zorro says:

    Very noble thoughts Albona, but some people unfortunately today don’t know the meaning of the words DIGNITY and PRIDE.

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