Comment of the day

Published: September 26, 2013 at 2:08pm

Sent in by Lomax:

I commute by bus every day. More often than not, I take bus number X4 which is, normally, a route which many African migrants use.

I witness racist episodes some 90% of the time. Last Tuesday I witnessed an episode which left me gobsmacked. I was on yet another bus going to Tal-Qroqq and there was an African gentleman, on that bus, who was impeccably dressed (in suit and tie).

His skin colour attracted the attention of the bird-brained passengers and, as soon as he stood up to get off the bus, a volley of insults was hurled at him, such as: ara hej, liebes pulit, imma xorta iswed ikrah pesti baqa’. I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes.

Well, I was behind him while getting off the bus and I did reply, of course. However, I was shocked to the core. This was racism in its purest form and I found it revolting.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Borg says:

    Shocking and sad

  2. N says:

    Aktarx min ghajru kien/kienet xi Malti/Maltija bil-flokk tac-cingi mixtri mill-Monti, ohxon/hoxna u jinten/tinten bl-gharaq. L-importanti li proud li hamalli u injoranti Maltin.

  3. Il Bacchino Malato di Caravaggio says:

    The attitude is really stupid. I bet the people who hurled insults at him, ‘love stray cats’ and worry about homeless animals.

  4. Lawrence Attard says:

    Every day I hear racist comments directed at Africans, and I can’t stand it.

  5. edgar says:

    I also hear many racist comments. They come mostly from people I know who go to church every day. Bloody hypocrites

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      They do not pass racist comments because they go to church, but in spite of it. I have never heard any racist comments from priests – quite the contrary.

      • Lawrence Attard says:

        No, because they go to church. I have never heard any racist comments coming from atheists.

      • Liberal says:

        Of course they don’t pass racist comments because they go to church. That’s what makes them hypocrites, as edgar called them.

        And Lawerence Attard, you might not have heard any racist comments coming from atheists, but I have read racist comments from atheists on a few message boards. I say this as an anti-racist atheist.

        It doesn’t help at all to bring religion into the racism debate. All it does is polarise people at the outset.

  6. albona says:

    Just yell ‘Viva l-Lejber.’

  7. tony street says:

    I have my reservations about illegal and irregular immigration, which also concerns many non-EU Europeans and Asians, by the way. However, it is really sick to insult someone because of his skin colour and race, even if he provoked others, which is not the case here.

  8. Ursula says:

    Dear N

    You too are racist to a certain extent, fat people are not ‘hamalli’ and do not stink and are not stupid either.

    It all depends on the level of education and social background and mot about the physique of the person

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Fat people take up too much space. They are expensive, obnoxious and unsightly, and are dragging the country down.

      If obesity is a race then I am a racist.

    • N says:

      Dear ursula, my comment was never intended to insult fat people at all. Just invented a typical Maltese know all character. I am actually on the fat side too!

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