How could people who think themselves smart have allowed themselves to be taken in by this false man?

Published: September 26, 2013 at 11:38pm
My God, I never quite realised that Muscat is as short as Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who's absolutely puny. I suppose he comes across as taller because he 's actually bigger in the sense of weighing so much more.

My God, I never quite realised that Muscat is as short as Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who’s absolutely puny. I suppose he comes across as taller because he ‘s actually bigger in the sense of weighing so much more.

Muscat used his platform at the UN General Assembly this evening to talk about the problems Malta is facing with illegal immigration.

You would think he’d never heard of Syria.

He put me in mind of those women who talk to people who run corporations and tell them what a trying day they’ve had because they did five loads of laundry using a washing-machine.

But it’s the falsehood and the galling hypocrisy that get to me more.

This is the man who spoke about early summer’s asylum seekers as though they were scum or cattle, who left babies and women to lie on the ground in the police HQ yard, separated the men from their wives and children, and put Air Malta on standby to ‘push them back’.

And what did he say about them to the UN this evening?

“We see the pain etched in the faces of those who seek shelter on our shores…”

Oh, do go to hell and stay there.

20 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    He had the luxury of a teleprompter, so he was on a roll.

  2. La Redoute says:

    When Tunisia exploded, Joseph Muscat didn’t even notice it was happening.

    When Egypt exploded, he said our government should have diverted its tourist traffic to Malta.

    When Libya exploded, he said we shouldn’t rush to condemn Gaddafi’s regime.

    And now he takes to the podium at the UN with a falsely impassioned speech about the Arab spring, the Mediterranean at boiling point, and his heart bleeding for Syrian mothers and children.

    Bloody hypocrite.

  3. Bon Ton says:

    What Joseph Muscat fails to see is the pain etched in our faces every time he opens his damned mouth to make yet another toe-curlingly embarrassing statement.

    Was it William Shakespeare who said “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool”?

  4. Kevin says:

    The speech is reported by the Times

    The following are among the most maddening comments I’ve ever read on the Times:

    “We should be proud to have such a talented PM who made a brilliant speech without reading a single sentence and to the point.”

    “Proset Joseph xi speech ghamilt, qatt ma’ rajna bhalu minn tan-naha l-ohra forsi ghax kien jisthi. Akka holiday mort Joseph (ghax hekk qalu) biss qtajtilhom l-ghatx bil-perzut jekk mhux nifishom.Proset mill gdid ghax ma’ mortx ghal xi cena bhalma kienu jghamlu tan-naha l-ohra imma kif ser igib xoghol ghal Malta li hi ta’ kulhadd.”

    “Proset and well done Dr Muscat. You made us proud!!!!!”

    Among these and similar posts was a great comment:

    “Joseph said “We are proud to form part of the EU” They were against to be part of EU and voted against in the Referendum.

    Ma nahsibx li il-Laburisti hadu gost jghida ghax dejjem kontra li nidhlu fl-EU.

    Tghid Privitera Proud to be part of EU!!!!”

  5. Gary says:

    Well, at least Joseph Muscat can ‘walk the talk’ and not talk the walk.

    Must have given the UN a bit of a laugh.

  6. Natalie says:

    Living in a bubble. These people are only focused on what they’re feeling and thinking. They’re simply not interested what others’ thoughts may be.

    We’re living in a country full of selfish people, hence the last election result.

    • Josette says:

      We’re living in a country full of foolish people who can’t see beyond the tip of their nose. And worst of all are the switchers, who mostly should and could have recognised what was to come, but were blinded by personal gain or even plain spite.

  7. Felix says:

    You have written exactly my thoughts and feelings when hearing Muscat’s speech. It was a self-centered speech totally unfit for the occasion.

  8. michael seychell says:

    Is this the same prime minister who a few weeks ago insisted on PUSHING BACK a group of migrants without even thinking of what could have happened to them?

    Is this the same man who advised then PM Gonzi to ‘make the most’ of the trouble in North Africa by launching a big tourism campaign?

    So we are dealing with immaturity, loss of memory or outright hypocrisy.

  9. TMuscat says:

    Just look at this photo:

    See the way he is sitting, legs splayed? I read an interesting article about this, which amusingly puts it like this: “While leg-splaying can be entirely passive and unintentional, this distorted sense of male entitlement to space can sometimes lead to far more worrying behaviour”

  10. verita says:

    Muscat thinks everybody has a short memory and no one remembers his pushback policy

  11. Angus Black says:

    Is it me, or is it that wherever Joseph happens to be he always seems completely out of place?

  12. ciccio says:

    You’ll find the prime minister’s speech to the UN Gen Assembly here:!/photo.php?v=10151689311887358&set=vb.331002843034&type=2&theater

    Some highlights:

    “I am proud here to note Malta’s long standing history of solidarity with other nations all over the world…”

    “Our accession to the EU took this solidarity a step further…”

    “We are proud – we are proud to form part of the EU which is the world’s largest donor of development aid.”
    (He actually paused and read “we are proud” twice – maybe he reversed the teleprompter to check the verb? He probably expected to find “we regret.”)

    What sheer hypocrisy considering how he worked relentlessly to keep Malta out of the EU in his best years, and how he threatened to push back asylum seekers.

  13. Denis says:

    I imagine this website is now compulsory reading for diplomats posted to Malta.

  14. Kif inhi din? says:

    I wonder who wrote his speech. Could it have been Yana Mintoff?

  15. Not for everyone says:

    D’après le calcul de Albert Einstein, si on court tout nu autour d’un arbre à la vitesse de 298km par seconde, il y a une possibilité qu’on se sodomise sois même…

    Mais si vous n’êtes pas sportif, vous pouvez voter socialiste pour obtenir exactement le même effet…

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