I’m beginning to think that what should be a subculture is in fact Malta’s dominant culture

Published: September 26, 2013 at 9:52pm


I’m told that Ignatius Farrugia’s (Labour mayor of Zurrieq) most popular funds-and-awareness-raising events were huge crushes at the Garden of Eden Hall in Zurrieq, where around 600 people used to turn up to watch him mug to Celine Dion tracks, dressed up as a woman.

5 Comments Comment

  1. Hmm says:

    I’m told that when years ago he was running the MEPA canteen there was a particular evening when he dressed up as Israeli Eurovision winner Dana International.

  2. Maltri says:

    That’s called the Celine Dion / Meat Loaf act.

  3. anthony says:

    Daphne, the title intrigues me.

    Your phrase “what should be a subculture” is rather funny.

    What and who determines what should be a subculture?

    Natius’s IS Malta’s culture whether you approve of it or not.

    Take it from me, Daphne.

    You and I belong to a subculture.

    I realized as much when I found myself working in the real Malta, overnight, fifty years ago.

    I discovered, in retrospect, that I had been brought up in a subculture.

    Like you.

  4. Deep throat says:

    Sometimes I get the feeling normal that normal law abiding persons who do not grumble because they do not crave for a plot at Armier, or not want to build in ODZs, who are averse to hunting of birds of prey etc are in a minority.

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