Is he actually all there? It’s like watching a happy 10-year-old being grilled about his new toy truck.

Published: September 26, 2013 at 12:13pm

Konrad Mizzi

This video (see link below) is just unbelievable. Konrad Mizzi is so much like a naive schoolboy under siege in the classroom that I almost feel sorry for him.

Then I remember that he’s a cabinet minister, and I feel sorry for Malta instead.

He discussed it with “Mrs Mizzi” – not about the political implications but “as a family”, and he did not exert influence to get her the job (I actually believe that) but hey, come on, the only reason Sai Laing Mizzi got that appointment, tailormade for her and her desire to return to China, is because she’s married to him.

How would Mario Red Commie Vella even have known about a Chinese woman out of work and patience in Fgura, otherwise, or that the Chinese woman in Fgura was looking to scarper off back to Shanghai?

The press should shift their focus from the energy minister and what he thinks about it and ask his colleagues in the cabinet what THEY think about it, and whether they would have done or allowed the same thing to happen. That would be more like it.

Here’s to an appointment for Mr Preca, husband of the lovely Marie Louise Coleiro, for instance – nothing to stop her, given that she’s made so many cronyism appointments already. Gozo Minister Anton Refalo’s wife is already installed in his ministry building, transferred there from her previous position within the public service.

32 Comments Comment

  1. Bullivant says:

    Re Mr. Preca, perhaps checking bathroom fittings in Government housing as the wife seems to have had quite a problem with that .

    • La Redoute says:

      Shouldn’t that have rung alarm bells? Why would China be interested in a debt-ridden energy company in a small Mediterranean island? And where’s the strategy Muscat boasts about, if the deal is reactive rather than proactive, and they’re not even embarrassed about admitting that?

    • Calculator says:

      Which just goes to show that China has more vested interest in the matter than most would presume.

      Then again, I doubt that many in Malta consider the political implications of Chinese investment in our sole energy producer and the leverage it creates to begin with. The ignorant comments beneath the article are quite telling.

  2. Anthony Briffa says:

    In your last paragraph you forgot Mrs. Michelle Muscat in her husband’s, i.e. the PM, customer service office.

  3. TV watcher says:

    I sincerely hope that the PN parliamentarians are keeping a note of all these “hnizrijet” for Question Time – although I have a feeling that the answers will be “Reply will be given at another sitting”.

    Just keep asking, sirs.

    • La Redoute says:

      Try scripting and sending a few parliamentary questions to your MP. Don’t expect them to do all the legwork. They aren’t called people’s representatives for nothing.

  4. it-Tezi ta' Mario says:

    Mario Vella knows about Sai Mizzi Liang the way he knows about Shiv Nair. Who says it was Vella’s decision to appoint Mrs Mizzi, and not Nair’s very forceful recommendation?

  5. tinnat says:

    He looks like he needs to get some sleep.

  6. Me says:

    I am more inclined to think that she really grabbed the first opportunity to leave this mad little island and her neurotic-looking husband, and that he really had no choice in the situation but to accept her decision.

    Having said that, I believe that he should step down as minister. I almost feel sorry for him, dealing with what clearly is a family breakdown issue on the national stage. They should have found some more private way of doing it, with Mrs Mizzi finding her own work in China without relying on her cronies in the Labour Party/government.

    • Me says:

      It is publicly humiliating for him too. That interview highlights it all the more, short of him saying there’s trouble at home.

      • La Redoute says:

        The interview says it all. Minister Konrad Mizzi should have discussed the appointment of his wife as a political issue, not a family issue. We’re not talking here of her taking up a cookery course in Sicily, a move which would have personal consequences, but no political implications.

      • ciccio says:

        He should have discussed this appointment also with the Prime Minister as the cabinet member in charge of ethics.

        What does Joseph Muscat have to say about this?

      • La Redoute says:

        Muscat has nothing to say about this or other matters. He has delegated responsibility for deliverables to Louis Grech.

  7. TinaB says:

    Tad-daqqiet ta’ harta.

  8. QahbuMalti says:

    Does anyone know if the Mizzi’s have kids? None of our business but if there are it will be interesting to know who will be looking after them day to day!

    [Daphne – You are quite right: it’s none of our business.]

  9. oxo says:

    Unbelievable, naive or deceitful? Discussed it “as a family” – brilliant dialogue, no doubt, but is our Energy Minister so simple not to think and brainstorm it further as a family man having a public post, who should be accountable, transparent and loyal to his own country?

    What a shame.

    • La Redoute says:

      Minister Mizzi’s public role comes first in public fora. The family implications are secondary to that public role.

  10. Lorry says:

    What a wierdo

    • Jozef says:

      He speaks like a seedy motivational speaker.

      The ones who’ll jump onto the stage, wireless microphone, flappy ties.

      Ricky Gervais for minister.

      Storage capacity required tripled, Ann Fenech utterly correct, ships will have to be built, the berth, missed in his ‘presentations’, half a kilometer, the latest brainwave implies leaving one of these behemoths permanently moored instead.

      LNG is big business with bigger volumes to make it viable.

      Has Saptan to be relocated, Freeport traffic potentially affected, both in the way.

      Nail this gonzo, he’s the one with the crucial portfolio. Before our deficit goes through the roof. Remember Sant and his Mater Dei.

  11. anthony says:

    How pathetic.

    Mrs Mizzi must regret not being a New Zealander.

    In that case she would have got even farther away.

    Exactly double the distance in fact.

  12. Neil says:

    I’ll take your word for his being “like a naive schoolboy under siege in the classroom”, Daphne. I’ve successfully avoided listening to his annoying mode of speech since before the elections, and I intend to keep it up as long as possible.

    I did read it in full, mind you.

  13. Alexander Ball says:

    At any point does he say “it’s all right, I’m not going to hurt you”?

  14. Jozef says:

    Good question, no, I don’t think so. Looks and sounds hyper.

    Fancy the consequences.

    The proposal for Marsaxlokk is his responsibility, warts and all, lots of those believe me, and what I see now is a takeover.

  15. mark says:

    Welcome back, Daphne. Probabli qabel ma tispicca din il-legislatura l-appartament li xtara tas-Sliema ser jkun imhallas kollu.

  16. mf says:

    Konrad Mizzi and his wife live in Sliema now, Tigne Sea front near the Fortina Hotel.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know. I’m the one who broke the news of their purchase of that flat, months ago on this website.]

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