Joseph Muscat tells America: “you need to be spending your money wisely and not TROWINK IT ET DE DOCKS”

Published: September 30, 2013 at 2:37am

Please, please, everyone, make this a golden rule: don’t use idiomatic expressions unless you know for certain how to use them idiomatically.

You don’t throw anything AT the dogs, but TO the dogs. And throwing something to the dogs doesn’t mean wasting it; it means discarding it as useless, or abandoning it.

But what I like best about this video interview is the bit where Joseph Muscat is asked why Malta is so successful economically, and he replied: “Its geographic position.” Well, we don’t expect him to say “Twenty-six briefly interrupted years of Nationalist administration and policies like EU membership which I fought to obstruct.”

No, geographic position. Because, you know, Malta’s geographic position was somewhere else under Labour, which is why we had 16 years of economic hell.

Oh, and it’s fascinating to note from the internet comments-boards just how many Labour supporters don’t know that Fox News is a low-low-brow, low-low-status joke – yes, even in America.

Our progressive prime minister is seen here on the most gay-hostile, racist, anti-free-healthcare, Tea Party/Republican channel of choice. And what’s more, he’s on a show called Cashin In, which no prime minister has ever before appeared on to embarrass his position and his country. Malta’s most senior boss-man on Fox News: how cheap, tacky and parochial.

All that was missing was his wife in one of those New Jersey up-dos.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Edward says:

    The comments online also show how little people know about current affairs. They honestly think this is the first time a Maltese PM actually went to the US.

  2. ken il malti says:

    All the years of PN sound fiscal management are conveniently not mentioned by Il Duce Joey.

  3. Dissident says:

    Now some gun-wielding redneck in Texas knows that Malta exists.

  4. Mark says:


  5. Bubu says:

    On Fox news? But out of all the news stations why did he have to go to Fox news, for heaven’s sake?

    [Daphne – Obviously, because that’s the only station his people could get him on to.]

    Apart from Fox being a complete joke, doesn’t he even know that Fox is a right-wing channel and that he is supposed to be a socialist? I’m surprised he didn’t go to discuss immigration with Bill O’Reilly, come to think of it.

    How embarrassing to be Maltese right now.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      “doesn’t he even know that Fox is a right-wing channel and that he is supposed to be a socialist?”

      That means nothing.

      Plus, in Malta the parties are both suffering from an identity crisis. PL is a right wing party and vice-versa.

      Fox is a Murdoch-owned crap and dangerous channel.

      • albona says:

        The PL is a Far-Right party.

        The Tea Party is not Far-Right though. It is just painted as such by their opponents to de-legitimise it. Not too different from the PL constantly bringing up the PN’s original supposed connections with traditional Fascism, hence the black background of the flag.

        That Fox is Far-Right would be wrong and inaccurate. Neo-con, economically laissez-faire and pro-international iterventionism more accurately describes it.

      • Joe Fenech says:


        PL is very much like the Chinese Party – a mish mash of far right ideology, savage capitalism and communism.

        The Tea Party is the extremist ultra-conservative faction of the Republican party. According to Noam Chomsky – due to the US’ ideological shift – Obama is further right to Reagan. So….work it out for yourself.

        For decades, Murdoch has exploited his media to influence whole political systems – Australia (Tony Abbott was his confection – he is far worse and ignorant than any PL person) ; England (see Leveson Inquiry and further investigations)….

  6. Xejn sew says:

    Kemm hu helu Muscat, iboss b’sorm haddiehor.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Ironically, Joseph Muscat wanted to throw our money “at de docks”, the Drydocks.

  8. Betty says:

    Muscat takes his Super One/Labour mass meeting communication ticks and quirks to the international level, and then on cringe-making Fox News, making Malta look like a real backwater that elected somebody like him.

    There he goes, talking about Malta being one hour away from the disastrously unstable Maghreb instead of an hour away from Rome. To top it all he even dared to mention the words “safe haven” about our current financial investment situation, as though he or his awful party had anything to do with that.

    It took years for Malta to clean up its act and its reputation after surviving (barely) three Labour governments on the trot. It’s going to happen again.

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    What money? Where is it? Lots of jabber but where is the cash?


  10. Jo says:

    Geographic position? Is this 1565? 1941?

  11. bryan says:

    “we are positioning ourselves in the global market and not just on the EU market”. Am not so sure how that comment will pan out during Malta’s negotiations on contentious issues with the EU Commission in Brussels.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    The Maltese should be honest with themselves and see what really inject cash into the economy… Muscat has mentioned the proximity to the Maghreb and Middle East. He forgot to mention the proximity to southern Italy and Sicily…

  13. Catherine says:

    “It’s not often we have a head of state on…” No, the others all have better things to do.

    Oh Malta, you tinpot country you!

  14. CGrech says:

    ‘The most important thing is that you spend your money wisely and don’t throw it et de dokks.’

    Just like he has done: spending his money wisely on an extra large cabinet with secretariats and plenty of jobs thrown about as favours.

  15. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The Son of Mintoff on Tin-Foil Fox News.

    Kevin Ellul Bonnici must have gone through many pairs of underpants that evening.

  16. sammy says:

    How embarrassing this is.

  17. Andrew says:


  18. Paddling Duck says:

    The biggest irony is that a National Socialist masquerading as liberal and progressive went on air to satisfy the show’s Tea Party agenda.

    Get me out of here.

  19. Chris says:

    Worse than his English are the superficial answers he gave to the questions posed to him, showing that he simply does not understand what the previous government did to safeguard the Maltese economy.

    If he really wanted to give America a lesson in how to handle the economy, it should have been that yes, sometimes the government has to intervene.

  20. Bob says:

    In fact even the presenter is surprised to havea ‘Head of State’ on his programme – as those that know better do not go on it.

    [Daphne – Joseph Muscat is not the head of State. He’s the head of government. The PRESIDENT is the head of state.]

  21. Natalie Mallett says:

    At 2:42 he stresses the point about ” positioning ourselves in the klobul market” but he did not mention the countries involved. I wonder why. Would not have down well had he mentioned China and Qatar among the other undemocratic countries he is befriending.

  22. Victor Felice says:

    I saw the interview, but you completely lost me with the “Fox News is a low-low-brow, low-low-status joke – yes, even in America” comment. I would love to know how you came to that conclusion other than parroting progressive media.

    [Daphne – The same way I came to the conclusion that The Sun is considered a low-low-low-brow, low-low-status joke, Mr Felice. And Maltastar, in Malta.]

    • Catherine says:

      Widely known fact, though admittedly only if you’re the type of person who knows widely known facts, which, on the basis of your comment, I doubt you are.

    • Victor Felice says:

      I completely disagree with you on how you arrive at your conclusion Daphne but I will defend your right to arrive at it!

  23. Anthony Pace says:

    “You’re thirty minutes away from Libya and Egypt”

    Great insight, Joseph Muscat. You really had them sitting up on that one.

  24. angelo vella says:

    Why is it that when I do not send my children to school I get a testy letter with threats of prosecution and the prime minister is allowed to do so whenever he pleases.

  25. kev says:

    Bravu wisq. He dissected the Fed’s QE – that’s money printing – scam and explained squarely that since there’s not enough tax revenue to cover mandatory debt servicing the US is now at a point of no return.

    Brillanti dan it-tifel. Daqs l-Amerikani li jsegwu l-Fox News.

    U meta jasal il-waqt lanqas se jkunu jafu x’laqghathom.

  26. Sam says:

    You just lost your 35.000 votes Dr. Muscat

  27. jojo says:

    What a total prat.

  28. Claude Sciberras says:

    First of all the presenter is an idiot for even trying to compare Malta to the USA and whoever even tries to do so is making himself ridiculous. The USA is the equivalent of the EU and Malta would be the equivalent of one of the states (probably even smaller than the smallest state).

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