Marion Mizzi has a rival: Edward Scicluna
September 24, 2013 at 11:36pm
If you want to lose 25lbs in 30 days while burning two inches off your waist, Malta’s finance minister has the secret (but he hasn’t sold it to the Minister of Homeland Security and Films).
Imagine a finance minister tweeting something like this. Those who have accidents of this nature shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Twitter.
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Why are they tweeting these sort of things? Have they been paid to do this?
I was watching King Juan Carlos accepting the credentials from 16 newly accredited ambassadors at the Zarzuela this afternoon. This was just a few hours before the monarch went into hospital for a most-dreaded operation.
The last one in the queue stood out. He looked like an oversized wine barrel dressed up in an ill-fitting suit.
Guess who he was?
Maybe Scicluna can offer him some advice.
Hudni Mulej.
Wara l-budget nibdew nitilfu l-kilos.
Nahseb gej l-issikar tac-cintorin. Ghax ma qalx b’ din l-idea lil Joseph Muscat ghax qed izid mhux hazin fil-waistline.
Considering that food prices have in the last six months risen by 7%, I am certain that those on low income and with three or more children have already started to increase rather than lose weight, since their diet will most probably be just bread and pasta with some oil on it.
However, thank God we have already heard Tony Zarb criticising the Labour government, and he has already asked George Abela and Lino Spiteri to study the effects of the cost of living increase, so that the G.W.U. can submit its claim to the government.
It is expected that Abela’s and Spiteri’s report will be completed at about the same time they have taken on the increase in energy prices during Dr. Sant’s tenure of office as P.M.
Is he promoting the ‘Issikkar tac-Cintorin’ diet?
Malta’s new ambassador to Spain has been trying to lose weight working out at the Western Dragonara gym for the last year. However he did not manage to lose much weight as he spent more time in the changing rooms watching the young men come out from their showers.
Such “sponsored” tweets are system-generated by apps that are (most of the time unknowingly, at least to the full extent) given permission to tweet messages on behalf of the user. The latter would not be aware of these tweets/direct messages.
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