Next up – having our picture taken with David and Victoria Beckham

Published: September 26, 2013 at 12:48pm

meet and greet

God, how CHILDISH.

Look at the Department of Information release on the subject – it deliberately seeks to give the impression that the Muscats were invited to a special meeting with the Obamas – tea on the lawn, or something, because why else would the wives be involved.

But all they did was line up with two hundred others to have their picture taken with the hottest couple on earth.

‘Meet’, in political and news terms, signifies an encounter of some importance during which some sort of political or bilateral business is discussed, not the equivalent of a chance encounter with a rock-star in an airport lounge.

This is a DOI release but the headline’s just a caption for a teenager’s fan album. They really are in this just for the thrills and they’re not even ashamed to admit it.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Lomax says:

    Are those the real Obamas or wax figures? I’m not joking. Their posture is identical in the three photos you posted.

  2. Foggy says:

    The photo reminds me of those taken with the captain on cruise ships. They are staged and utterly impersonal and must be a bore for the captain.

  3. bookworm says:

    Skond ir-ragel tieghi qishom il-kandelabri li jkun hemm wara l-artal, tnejn twal u tnejn qosra.

  4. Gladio says:

    Bejn il-kandelabri ikun hemm salib, f’dan il-kaz eccezjoni ghax hemm tnejn.

  5. AE says:

    How embarrassing.

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