Oh for heaven’s sake. Xarabank’s Malta Taghna Lkoll season opens with…SANDRO CHETCUTI “esklussivament”

Published: September 24, 2013 at 11:54pm

55 Comments Comment

  1. Dez says:

    I nearly collapsed with excitement.

  2. botom says:

    I just hope that Xarabank will not embark on an appeasement strategy. Starting with Sandro Chetcuti does not sound good at all.

    • Mister says:

      Sorry buddy…. they have already signed the contract with the devil and that cannot be undone.

      Get ready for a season of Xarabank like you’ve never seen. Peppi Azzopardi with an electronic dog-collar strapped to his member.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Peppi Azzopardi is looking after number one.

      It’s called self preservation. There are many in that situation.

  3. Matthew S says:

    The Maltese love saying that there’s no good food to be found in Britain.

    They also bluster about Italian influenced cuisine, the Mediterranean diet and fresh Maltese produce.

    Some even worry about how North African immigrants will influence our glorious diet (conveniently forgetting that North Africa already influences our diet).

    Well, here’s a study which blows all the self delusion out of the water.

    As early as 1986, the World Health Organisation was saying:

    “The average Maltese diet is not a healthy one. It is especially rich in fats and sugar and low in fibre.”

    It looks like nothing much has changed in the past 27 years.

    As Daphne has often pointed out, the Maltese diet is bad —very, very bad. Even worse than the British one in fact.

    Thank heavens for Taste.


    [Daphne – British food is actually excellent. The ingredients are certainly better than any you would find in Malta, with the exception of tomatoes. Unfortunately, we tend to equate ‘British diet’ with ‘working-class diet’. The two are not the same, at all. In Malta, the main problem is ignorance about food and ingredients, rather than a deliberate drive to eat badly. When you don’t known much about food, ingredients and cooking, the easiest thing in the world is pasta. Pasta, yet again, topped the list of favourite dishes among the Maltese in a survey in, I think, Malta Today a couple of weeks ago. But how can pasta be a favourite dish? It tastes of nothing. It’s the sauce and trimmings that make the dish. That alone is evidence of lack of sophistication where food tastes are concerned – pasta, whatever it is, regardless of the sauce. Yes, we try to do what we can with Taste – that is in fact why we started it.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Corned beef.

      Foxtrot Foxtrot Sierra

    • kissinger81 says:

      I have to disagree with you when you say that British food is excellent. The cliche of boiled cabbage came out of British public schools and Gentlemans clubs, which are hardly working class institutions. A truly modern British diet would most probably consist of a curry, Caribbean jerk chicken, spag bol, fish and chips from Iceland and a pint.

      [Daphne – I’m afraid you’re WAY out of date.]

      The recent advancement of British cooking was only bought about by celebrity chefs a la Heston Blumenthal coinciding with the boom in the City under Blair, something hardly representative of the rest of the UK.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        Boiled cabbage? What’s that?

        Blumenthal is an expert of molecular cuisine (which I’ve never had the guts to try) and a 3 Michelin-starred chef. I don’t know if your realise that ‘celebrity chef’ has a very negative connotation.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Blumenthal is a pretentious twunt.

        He’d never tasted pizza outside the UK before he made his programme. He’d never had spaghetti “bolognese” outside the UK either.

        What sort of a culinary education is that?

        Having said that, he does have three Michelin stars and giant wads of cash which enable him to sample the best crumpet despite having a face like a sandblasted hog.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      I served in the British Army and I had some of the best food in my life. I love genuine British food. The army has the best catering school in the UK – for British food.

    • Gahan says:

      There is some truth in the “survey” but and it is a big but one should factor in that Gozo’s Arkadia is very popular with holiday makers who spend time lazying about in flats and farmhouses around the little island.

      I can say that we used to eat a lot of bread and pasta but nowadays we’re hardly having pasta once a week. When on holiday in Gozo we did buy a lot of soft drinks and ate pizza every night.

      To see what people are really eating one should make a professional survey and take into account the million tourists we host every year. They throw out their ’normal’ diet out of the window like we do when we’re on holiday.

      • The President says:

        Why are we discussing British food and Maltese tastes in food on a thread that’s supposed to be about Sandro Chetcuti and Xarabank?

        I must have missed something. Does Chetcuti cook a mean leg of lamb, or what?

  4. P Shaw says:

    Typical Peppi Azzopardi – a mercenary. This must be part of the rebranding exercise before Sandro Chetcuti becomes the local enterpreneur-in-chief.

  5. GiovDeMartino says:

    A price had to be paid.

  6. Vanni says:

    Haven’t you seen the schedule yet?

    1. Sandro Chetcuti
    2. Il-hrieqi li biddel Joseph Muscat
    3. L-agonija ta’ Franco Debono
    4. It-te ta’ JPO
    5. Alfred Sant dwar hairdressers Ewropej
    6. Cyrus Engerer – Sigurta tal-Kompjuters
    7. Toni Abela fuq tindif ta’ trab abjad
    8. Il-Ministru Dr Emanuel Mallia fuq l-ilma tal-funtani
    9. Silvio Scerri jizvela min verament hu
    10. Ramona Attard tghidilna kif tahsel xaghra
    11. Michelle Muscat- Ghalfejn rajt ‘Don’t Cry for me Argentina’ 50 darba

  7. Tracy says:

    Xarabank is still on. Bondi + is not.

    • tinnat says:

      Lou Bondi allowed himself to be bought. How long before he regrets it?

      [Daphne – He put in a programme proposal. It wasn’t accepted.]

      • Mark says:

        How silly. ‘Allowed himself to be bought’ – as in accepted to be an unpaid member of an inconsequential committee? I mean he’s not exactly Malta’s new envoy to Gozo on 40K a year plus perks.

  8. Brian says:

    What are they discussing? The court judgement?

    • The President says:

      No. His hot dates with Mintoff at Delimara in the year dot, his nights as a magician after his days spent working as a lab technician, the red Ferrari he lent to ‘Faderrr Gordinnn’ and Consuelo-and-Robert’s super-sexy parties full of hamalli who don’t know they are.

  9. pablo says:

    This is the age of the non-achievers. They take centre stage, talk inwardly, waste our time and our resources, and they produce nothing in return that is worthwhile. My secret wish is to see them self cannibalize.

  10. Natalie says:

    How will they fill up 3 hrs discussing Sandro Chetcuti?

  11. Len says:

    Since Frankie Tabone and Jefrey Piccinino are no longer throwing their weight around PBS, it’s time for a replacement.

    And why not Sandro Chetcuti?

    You never know, he might show us some of his groovy dancing skills on Xarabank. That would be exclusive and fun.

    • Adolf says:

      Perhaps Sandro Chetcuti is going to show us some conjuring tricks. He made his first money as a part-time party magician, after all.

      • The President says:

        Wow. So we can expect him to pull a couple of rabbits out of his hat and find a coin behind ‘Pappi’s’ ear. Can’t wait.

        Maybe he’ll even twist some of those long balloons into amusing dachshund shapes – or maybe even more amusing willy shapes for the Friday night adult audience.

  12. gigi says:

    Nahseb ser jibdew jilghaqu ta’ Where’s Everybody. Possibli kieku ghamlu programm fuq il-Park tal-Familja jew fuq il-bendy buses ma kienx ikun ahjar minn programm fuq boxer?

  13. Pandora says:

    Sandro Chetcuti is bursting at the seams with self-importance as it is. An entire edition of Xarabank dedicated to him is the last thing he needs. I am curious about how many people will actually follow the whole thing…too many I would say.

  14. Alexander Ball says:

    The angst he felt at being provoked by an old man.

    The fury he unleashed on his frail victim.

    The agony of punching so hard he broke his hand.

    The shame of a criminal conviction for violence.

    Will he be ‘live’ on air, tearing up his police good conduct certificate?

  15. manum says:

    I don’t know, but it seems that sleaze has reached Xarabank. The days of gentlemen are over, and we are selling our mothers down the river, to get what we want.

  16. Victor says:

    Who’s he?

    No wonder I never had the patience to watch these programmes.

    I find that they are an insult to my intelligence (not that I think that I have a high intelligence).

  17. zaren says:

    Tajjeb nistaqsuh dwar il-konfini tal-iżvilupp? Konflitti u l-ambjent……li jidher ser jisfa’ l-vittma għal darb’oħra. Min jaf, forsi tingħoġob l-idea li nwaqqgħu l-Kon Katidral ta’ San Gwann u floku ntellgħu l-appartamenti, jew f’nofs l-Għadira noħolqu xi gzejra bil-palm u t-teżori fuqha……min jaf….forsi Kemmuna nagħmluha flus…flus….flusssssss

  18. Brimbu says:

    Why the surprise? Was Xarabank any better? It simply manages to go lower. Good for Peppi – the crowd love it.

  19. canon says:

    Certu nies jaqawlhom snienhom kmieni.

  20. lorna saliba says:

    This is what Xarabank should be talking about, Daphne:


  21. m f says:

    Ahjar jaghmel programm dwar il-meritokrazija u iehor dwar il-kummissarju tal-pulizija.

  22. carlos says:

    Don’t expect Peppi Azzopardi to suddenly begin having principles now.

  23. Gahan says:

    I can safely assume that on Xarabank, Peppi Azzopardi will tell us that when the court declares someone guilty, society should give the guilty person a second chance, conveniently forgetting that there are thousands of well-behaved and qualified persons who would fit perfectly in Sandro Chetcuti’s position as a public officer.

    Mr Chetcuti should understand that people in his position as a public official are there to serve the country not the other way round.

    He should have offered his resignation immediately after the judgement was delivered or else the government should have kicked him out unceremoniously. These are basic ethics.

  24. edgar says:

    He might also show us how to deliver a right hook.

  25. Cladio says:

    Why Sandro Chetcuti and not Darryl Luke Borg?

    • The President says:

      Viva chi regna, that’s why. Don’t forget that Kif Tista Ma CCempilx voted Labour (for the man in the wig) in 1996. Says a lot about him – could have kept us out of Europe, but what the hell did Joe Azzopardi care about that.

  26. Reviewer says:

    Why this man, seriously?

  27. TV watcher says:

    Xarabank is and has been one of the reasons Labour is in government. Too many people are still illiterate.

  28. zaren says:

    Kont nistenna li Xarabank jitkellem fuq l-ewwel sitt xhur tal-gvern meritokratiku, demokratiku, trasparenti, mimli viżjoni, tagħhom kollox, tan-nisa tal-ministri, il-ministeri, l-ikliet fl-irziezet għal tal-qalba u fl-aħħar jagħtuna siltiet minn ‘Ulied in-Nanna Venut’ (li għadu validu), li issa reġgħu lura mill-emigrazzjoni u ma ġabu xejn ġdid magħhom. Anzi agħar milli telqu.

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