People are so fixated in the habit of blaming the PN and all associated with it, that it is now verging on psychosis

Published: September 26, 2013 at 11:29pm

It’s just amazing. The internet comments boards are cluttered up with people who, instead of demanding to know why THIS police commissioner has not arraigned John Dalli, and why THIS government has made him ex officio health minister, are demanding to know instead why JOHN RIZZO didn’t arraign him.

They’re all going ‘Hmmmm, there’s something fishy about Rizzo not arraigning him.’ Something fishy about RIZZO not arraigning him?

What are these people – effing nuts, with the IQ of a goose? They take it for granted that the Labour government is corrupt enough to collude with Dalli and appoint a police commissioner who will oblige, after removing the one who wanted to prosecute him, and so don’t say anything about that or even feel the need to comment.

And instead they speculate as to the reasons why Dalli wasn’t arraigned BEFORE the election. For crying out loud, you daft muppets: have you forgotten that Dalli left Malta after his interrogation and didn’t even come back for Christmas or to rant on Super One during the campaign?

Have you forgotten that he produced one psychiatric certificate after another to say that he couldn’t fly because of ‘psycho-social problems’, with the last one claiming that he would only be able to fly after the first week of March?

He stayed away from Malta, even though he was probably dying to come back and campaign for Labour, precisely BECAUSE HE KNEW that Rizzo intended to arraign him. Otherwise, why would he bother?

4 Comments Comment

  1. Edward says:

    “What are these people – effing nuts, with the IQ of a goose? They take it for granted that the Labour government is corrupt enough to collude with Dalli and appoint a police commissioner who will oblige, after removing the one who wanted to prosecute him, and so don’t say anything about that or even feel the need to comment.”

    Yes, that’s exactly why. They hate it when the PN does something right, they really hate it, because then they’ll have to question their judgement and admit they prefer the PN to govern.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    People still think John Dalli is a Nationalist politician and they’ll tell you they were right to vote the PN out to get rid of John Dalli’s web of corruption.

    Don’t try to figure it out or your brain will explode.

  3. Brian says:

    Yes, I read a couple of them. EddyClown finding it hard to keep up with anyone who disagrees with him… as usual. As you put it, IQ of a goose.

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