Sweden takes ALL Syrian refugees. Well, that’s made our government look small, hasn’t it.
September 3, 2013 at 9:36pm
Around 200,000 people have fled the strife in Syria in recent weeks (two million since 2011), and Sweden is taking them all. It makes us look really small and really empty.
Maltese PM to Swedish Commissioner Malmstrom: “Take them to your country.”
His supporters to Mrs Malmstrom: “Take them to your country and keep them between you legs.”
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Some people will no doubt tell you ‘but Sweden is such a big country, unlike tiny Malta’.
200,000? That’s more than all the morons who voted this government in.
How humiliating for us, Malta got the answer it deserved.
A bold move by Sweden.
An open invitation to ALL Syrian refugees. Offered permanent residency.
Thanks to Joey ta’ Burmarrad, Sweden has smelt the coffee.
Waqa’ ohra ghan-nejk fenomenali.
How many Maltese illegal immigrants did Sweden take?
[Daphne – Nobody takes illegal immigrants, not even Malta. The clue is in the adjective. Maltese people do not need permission to enter Sweden or even to live there, hence there can be no Maltese illegal immigrants in Sweden.]
Now who is going to be told to smell the coffee.
Daphne, thanks, I needed to read this. It has rekindled my hope in the human race.
In my experience working with Swedes they are the most decent people I have ever had the good fortune of befriending.
While by nature they may be reserved and not prone to the extravagant displays of noisy emotion so typical of Southern Europeans they are light years ahead of us in the civilization department. Frankly, most Maltese are no better than cavemen compared to the lowliest Swede.
Actually most Maltese are no better than cavemen compared to anything else, come to think of it.
Someone on Facebook said that the Syrians are real refugees (while the Somalis and Eritreans aren’t, presumably). If the anti-immigrant lobby thinks so, they surely won’t object to Malta hosting a few hundreds of them.
‘It makes us look…..’…..
That is the real problem with you. All your life and thinking seems to be based on how we are looked from outside. Ghax mhux kull razza ghandha l-paljazza. Not only that, you seems to think that those on the outside really care on what we do….
Well, we are small, but not empty. Sweden is geographically empty. But we don’t care anyway, as long as we do not have anything near the recent Stokholm migrant riots. If they want a ‘medium’ Syria and ‘medium’ Iraq in their country, it is their business.
[Daphne – ‘Sweden is geographically empty.’ Spoken like a true idiot with absolutely no knowledge of how cities develop, or why people live in them. Sweden is ‘geographically empty’ so let’s set up camps for Syrians in the icy wastes. Pathetic. The Maltese education system is a failure. I’ve noticed that when Maltese people really are educated and have proper analytical skills, they invariably did the first themselves on their own initiative and learned the second at home, growing up. Everybody else is a walking human tragedy of self-important ignorance.]
‘Sweden is geographically empty’ … By your reasoning, the North-West of Malta is ‘geographically empty’ as well.
If our policies spared us what Stokholm went through this year, and we are called ignorant and close-minded for that, then I am proud to be ignorant. For whatever you say, and unlike yourself, I don’t go by what people think or say of me, but by the quality of life I am living.
Apart from that, Francis, with his great analytical skills explained it all. And he is right.
[Daphne – Nobody should ever be proud to be ignorant. But then the worse one’s ignorance, in Malta, the prouder one is, and the more self-satisfied. Introspection requires intelligence, so the sad truth is that those most in need of introspection are those least likely to. And it’s Stockholm.]
Wake up and smell the coffee Joseph. Syria, Egypt and Iran need all the help they can get.
I’ve yet to come across a Syrian, Egyptian or Iranian whose manners and disposition don’t put yours to shame.
Putting matters into correct perspective:
These Syrians are undoubted genuine refugees seeking a hopefully temporary asylum from the current bloodshed in their country. They are not “economic” refugees and they are being offered asylum in a big country with a sparse population density of 0.00002 per sq Km compared with Malta’s population density of 1325 persons/sq Km
Putting matters into correct perspective:
Place of origin and size of destination are not factors that diminish the right to seek asylum.
I do not correlate the RIGHT TO SEEK ASYLUM whatever is the size and population density of the countries concerned.
I correlate population densities and geographical size with an honest assessment of the MAGNITUDE OF THE CONTRIBUTION made by receiving nations with a huge disparity between their respective sizes and population densities.
Yes right, because this sparse population is spread all over Sweden’s vast icy wilderness. I think you’ll find that the population density in urban areas is just as high as Malta’s national average.
Putting matters into correct perspective:
These Syrians must necessarily include people from all walks of life. This might involve a minor risk of having a few real criminals given permanent residency status. Sweden is willing to take that risk if this means saving thousands of lives.
We, on the other hand, threaten to indiscriminately push all Africans back.
That is the fundamental matter.
This is Sweden’s way of telling Malta “Hekk, hu go fik.”.
On a sadder note, I get the niggling feeling that it wouldn’t have been such a calamity to have Syrians arriving by the boatloads – after all, they are very close to us in complexion – unlike Somalis, Ethiopians, Eritreans etc, so would have been labelled as “jahasra” and “imsieken”.
Its all about looks for you. In reality this is a load of bullshit.
Syrian refugees won’t get a visa on grounds that when they get there they will probably seek asylum. Which means that the only way to get there is illegally.
If Syrians try to get to Sweden from Malta they will be denied asylum in Sweden on the grounds that they should seek asylum in the first EU country they entered. That’s EU law. If they apply for a visa in Malta and enter Sweden with it they will be sent to Malta.
Also the real story in this article is the fact that the residency offered is permanent. Previously the residency offered was temporary.
I live in Sweden and yes, whichever way it is written or presented, Sweden IS ‘geographically empty’.
The Swedish population is too small for the size of the country and yes, they DO have big immigrant problems in areas with high concentrations of refugees.
Malta is a completely different ball. It is a small country and cannot be compared to Sweden in any way.
We are Malta, not Sweden, and decisions about taking in immigrants must be based on the island’s capabilities… immaterial of what other countries of completely different size and economics, choose to do.
Unfortunately all matters end up with a political polarisation and not was is in the country’s best interests. THAT is something one would wish we could learn from Sweden.