The obvious question is…
September 4, 2013 at 11:33am
…if the Police, Army and Films Minister really wanted to save the state some money by borrowing a car for his official use, why hasn’t he borrowed his own?
Or does he think a Porsche is way too flashy?
I think it’s entirely appropriate. In my experience, they’re invariably driven by squat old toads.
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The Minister did not really borrow the car as he lives in Valletta.
Silvio Scerri probably passes for the Minister before going to the Ministry, Silvio thought it best to put the GM14 plates so that he can park instead of the ministeral car or Silvio wanted to share the Minister’s Chauffeur.
Or he could use the police’s steamboat.
Oh wait, he loaned that to film producers.
There are many ways how Sivio Scerri will be compensated for lending (or leasing?) his car to the Minister. Hadd ma jaghmel xejn ghalxejn
He shouldn’t really. Clarkson nails it at 2.30.
I mean, what’s the point of having half a million in cash at home?
The other question is, who’s using the Porsche in the meantime?
Let’s take another look at this.
Manwel Mallia owns a Porsche and keeps 500,000 Euros in cash at home.
Minister Mallia borrows a car from his chief of staff, ostensibly to save money for the state.
Minister Mallia shops at Lidl.
Manwel Mallia’s household staff steal water from a Valletta fountain.
Whatever next?
How does the Minister manage to get into a Porsche? And what is a middle-aged (to be kind) married man with young children doing with a Porsche? He certainly can’t go to Lidl shopping in it.
[Daphne – Manuel Mallia is not middle-aged. He is elderly. He is a pensioner with a Kartanzjan. Which reminds me – isn’t it weird that none of the over-60s in Muscat’s cabinet declared their pension?]
Small potatoes, Daphne.
And here’s another obvious question: who’s paying the tax, insurance, maintenance costs, fuel, chauffeur?
Con artists, the lot of them. And the newspapers must owe loads to Keith Kasco.