The prime minister of Malta’s consultant, adviser and ex officio health minister headlines in Le Parisien this morning

Published: September 28, 2013 at 1:30pm

Dalli 1

It’s about the European Commission’s new investigation into his behaviour – not the snus bribery this time, but his Bahamas dealings.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Chris Portelli says:

    Can’t this rat ever be caught?

  2. La Redoute says:

    According to Dalli, the new investigation isn’t happening because no one at OLAF has called him about it.

    Maybe he thinks Saviour Balzan’s Malta Today lied when their report said OLAF confirmed they’re looking into the new developments. I wonder why Dalli would think that?

  3. John Higgins says:

    John Dalli kien imissu jmur jinheba mhux jidher qisu qatt ma gara xejn. Thick skinned

  4. ciccio says:

    Meanwhile, Malta Enterprise has been given the authority to appoint Ambassadors to represent Malta. Malta’s foreign affairs will be decided at Malta Enterprise (ahem) and Dr. Mario Vella is the new de facto Minister of Foreign Affairs with (or does he replace?) George Vella (raise of the eyebrows).

  5. M. says:

    With all this going on, John Dalli yesterday evening emerged beaming from a concert at the grandmaster’s palace in Valletta (accompanied by his unkempt, ungainly wife). The man knows no shame.

  6. As long as John Dalli has the support of the prime minister, and enjoys an appointment conferred on him by the prime minister, his reputation abroad is bound to reflect on Malta’s administration.

    I also have reliable information that the decision by the new Commissioner of Police, one of the first decisions he took, not to proceed against John Dalli as his predecessor had intended to do, has raised eyebrows in legal circles abroad connected with the snus case.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Soon he will produce unexpired medical certificates preventing him travelling to Belgium to answer in court there.

      Oh the irony.

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