Twice-divorced Marisa Micallef aims for the top
Fat chance, but well, come on – no harm in trying. To quote her new boss, wot de hack.
It would have to be that kind of woman to allow such patronising body language from a man in a strictly professional environment in the hope, no doubt, that it would be read as something else.
If the ambassador were a man, the official photograph would show him shaking hands or similar, so it shouldn’t be any different when the ambassador is a woman.
But then Mizzzz Micallef’s aims in Washington are not necessarily Malta’s.
I somehow don’t think we’re going to be treated any time soon to an official photograph of her cousin Mark Micallef standing beneath the arm-pit of the King of Spain, much as he would love it.
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How did they meet?
[Daphne – You can NOT be serious. New ambassadors always present their credentials to the head of the receiving state. Micallef is a new ambassador. Obama is the head of the receiving country.]
You never know, they might have met on that hook-up site.
So not on a dating website then? I just assumed that was the way it was done these days. Silly me.
That smile says she just told him she can suck a tennis ball through a hosepipe.
“I did not have sex with that woman.”
Does Obama have a sullied cigar in his hidden hand?
Marisa (thinking): “God, I wish he was single”.
Obama (thinking): “God, I wish she’d stop grabbin’ my ass”.
p.s. Twice-divorced? Are you sure? I believe she only admits to one ex-husband (Mr Leyson).
p.p.s. Welcome home.
[Daphne – “God, I wish he was single.” When has that ever been a problem. Twice divorced, yes: the first marriage got her freedom of movement in Britain when she went there after leaving university in the Golden Years, and the second got her a baby when her biological clock began sounding the alarm in her late 30s. Baby safely obtained, she moved her husband to Malta, dumped him, had her daughter’s surname changed to Micallef, and began the process of breaking off contact between daughter and father for rather a long while. So don’t be surprised at any shallow and mercenary behaviour in other areas of her life. Experience has taught me that people’s choices in their personal life tend to be a rather good indicator of the rest.]
Precisely, the proximity of the two is weird. You just don’t snug up to the President of the US for a photo just like you would with a friend or a brother.
Even Anglu Farrugia gets it right. His photos usually show him in an armchair talking earnestly to someone.
Obama’s smile gives the game away. Marisa must have caught him unaware when she grabbed his ass.
Marisa Micallef took her daughter with her.
“The US President extended a warm welcome to her and her daughter and stated that he looks forward to working closely to deepen the already close relations between the two countries.”
Is there a technical term for a cougar’s wingman (or wingdaugher?)
And what, exactly, were the credentials she presented? Apart from a brown nose, that is.
Dak mid-dating site sabitu?
Well, Mark might not get a photo with the King of Spain, but after making the most of the gay leather scene when he was our man in Washington, I shudder to think what he’ll get up to in much more liberal Spain.
She hasn’t changed a single bit. Dejjem mejta ghal wiehed.
the photo shows how down to earth the president is! i agre with it 100% :)