Watt di hack? Muscat woks di tock.

Published: September 27, 2013 at 9:16pm

SSSSSSSSSSssssssssss – it’s Ka the Ssssssnake, addressing the UN General Assembly. Too many Maltessssssse people ssssssspeakinkkkkkk English make it sssssssound like itssss full of sssssesssssss and TTTTTTTTTTTTTssssss, and our glorioussssss leader issssss a prime ekssssssample of datt.

Here he isssss, wokking de tock (don’t worry, it’ssssss in de firssssst few sssssecints, or maybe minittssssssss.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Marlowe says:

    I actually posted a comment via Youtube and asked if those on board the Salamis felt like a ‘scrap of life…living at the edge of existence’ as this fraud put it.

    It hasn’t been published yet and I’m fairly sure it won’t be.

    It may not be a big deal to moderate comments on a youtube page you might say, and I’d understand, but take a look at the official channel of the White House for comparison. Every single bit of banter and mockery gets published.

  2. La Redoute says:

    Flaming hypocrite. We’re on Amnesty International’s watch list because of the Salamis case and Muscat’s shameful push back policy last July, which was only stopped by a ECHR decision.

    “we see the suffering and the loss of dignity etched on these people’s faces.”

    Oh, indeed.

    Lying bastard.

  3. Edward says:

    Wok the Tok? Is that a new fast food noodles outlet in Paceville?

  4. Ty says:

    What, no Maltese translators at the UN?

  5. helen says:


  6. LGatt says:

    He has obviously learnt the speech by heart.

    Walk the talk, wake up and smell the coffee, stand up and be counted. He also seems to have memorised Cliches For Dummies. What a jerk!

    • Momo123 says:

      Off the cuff? He’s not capable of speaking properly even with the two teleprompter screens he had in front of him there.

  7. SB says:

    Using teleprompters also there? What a poor guy….

    • La Redoute says:

      Without a Teleprompter, he’d have had to speak from the heart. That would have meant a very different speech, totally inappropriate to the occasion and the audience.

  8. Dave says:

    In keeping with our new Maltese-Chinese identity he woked the Tok and made them smell the cafe fit-tazza.

  9. Monty says:

    So obvious he was using a teleprompter. And someone on timesofmalta.com actually remarked “imma kemm hu bravu, Alla ibierek, kien jafa bl’amment li speech” bhall prietka. TAL mieled. U halluna

  10. Ghar U Kasa says:

    I am left with the impression that Joseph Muscat is just ‘acting’ a Prime Minister’s role, that he is quite consciously playing a part he doesn’t fit. Compare and contrast.

  11. Peritocracy says:

    “To walk the dog.”

    That’s what my daughter understood and she cracked me up.
    Or maybe he was saying, “to wok the dog”. Chinese style.

  12. Catherine says:

    Like Harry Potter’s Parsel tongue.

  13. Rob says:

    Talking about helping those in need. Is this really the same person who came up with the idea of the push back of illegal immigrants? He really knows no shame.

  14. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    I swear I can hear some people laughing in the background.

  15. Michael says:

    First he shoos them off the boat, and then he wants to make peace again. Primo-class bully.

    Also this might be off-topic, but since when does the PM have his own Youtube channel for the sake of promoting himself?

  16. Holly says:

    Can’t watch it without cringing!

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