Well, as long as Joseph, Michelle, the twins and the Malta Taghna Lkoll hangers-on are making the most of it…

Published: September 23, 2013 at 8:49pm


MissizMeeshallMuscat and the twins are “accompanying the prime minister” on his trip to New York City and Toronto. They left today. Need they make it so obvious that they see the business of government as one big, freeloading opportunity? Not the children, of course, who haven’t a clue what’s going on – but certainly the parents.

Apart from anything else, this sort of behaviour is so amateurish. The message they’re communicating is that they see official government business as a pleasure trip if the destination is desirable (wow, daddy’s going to New York – let’s go with him!)and turn it into a family holiday.

And all this freeloading is just so chavtastic.

Meanwhile, The Malta Independent reports on the latest statistics:

In August, persons registering as unemployed numbered 7,425, up by 604, or 8.9%, over the corresponding month in 2012, the NSO said.

Data provided by the Employment and Training Corporation (ETC), indicate a year-on-year growth of 781 persons (12.6%) registering under Part 1 and a drop of 177 persons (27.8%) registering under Part 2 of the unemployment register.

On a regional level, registered unemployment in Malta rose by 9.2% to 6,701, while that in Gozo went up by 6.2% to 724. The number of registrants aged 45 and over went up by 6.9%, while those aged under 20 dropped by 7.6% when compared to 2012 levels.

24 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    Nahseb li rizultat tal-glieda li qed taghmel Marie Louise Coleira kontra l-faqar.

  2. Edward says:

    Didn’t he just come back from Rome? Who is running the country?

  3. Tracy says:

    Hemm xi ligi li tghid li tfal li ma jattendux l-iskola jigu ammoniti ?

    Jekk m’hinix sejra zball it-twins ghandhom 6 snin. Sa hames snin ohra ikollhom 11 -il sena. Hekk ser jibqa’ jaghmel sa l-ahhar tal-legislazzjoni, idawwarhom mad-dinja kollha ? U l-futur akkademiku taghhom JM ma jaghtix kasu ?

    Hela ta’ flus minn but il-poplu. Mhux ahna qed inbaghtu ghat-tberbieq u x-xalar tal-PM ?

  4. Joseph says:

    Those poor children! How can you make one miss their first day at school.

  5. Dave says:

    They do not go on state visits to merely shake hands, they also take some family snaps (papal visit springs to mind).


  6. Gahan says:

    When I see this kind of behaviour as if there is no tomorrow my thoughts go to when Joseph Muscat was preparing some report for the EU before he resigned to become leader of the opposition, he spent his days as an MEP ‘studying’ and spent enough time warming his MEP seat to be eligible for an MEP pension.

    In two years time we should have a brand new unneeded gas fired power plant running at Delimara, all the big names are gone from this project and one can deduce that fools rushed in where angels feared to tread.If it won’t be running by March 2015, Muscat vowed that he will resign, and that’s precisely what he will be doing , naturally after running a freak show for more than two years he will be eligible for a prime minister’s pension.

    We are at his service.

  7. The Economist says:

    And while Joseph and MeShall check out the Big Apple:


    “Employment in construction activities declined by 7.5 per cent to 78.1 points in the second quarter this year. Employment in the construction of buildings, civil engineering and in specialised construction activities declined by 5.1, 16.0 and 8.4 per cent respectively.”

  8. P Sant says:

    What about their school?

  9. Spiru says:

    Do these kids ever actually go to school ?

  10. Yanika says:

    So the children were given permission to opt out of school again? As far as I know most schools have started already!

  11. Rumplestiltskim says:

    Nero fiddling away while Rome burned seems to be the role model here.

  12. canon says:

    Are the twins going to miss school this week because of their parent’s visit to New York City and Ontario?

  13. Natalie says:

    So much for Xoghol f’Ghawdex Ghall-Ghawdxin.

  14. Teo says:

    Yesterday I was on the Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt, when suddenly Joseph Muscat boarded, accompanied, amongst others by George Vella.

    Shouldn’t Mr. Malta Taghna Lkoll be flying Air Malta? Just asking

  15. blue says:

    Wow, unemployment is still going up despite all their recruitment. That is bad.

  16. A says:

    Shouldn’t these kids start school this week? I believe their schooling is mandatory and not an option at the age of 6.

  17. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Super One and JPO will surely be running the headline ‘attack viljakk u fahxi fuq it-tfal tal-mexxej glorjuz taghna Dr. Joseph Muscat’ following this post.

  18. Freedom5 says:

    Daph … These are all blatant lies you keep on posting…If there was any truth, our leader Simon Busuttil, would have picked them up and given labour a good whacking.

  19. Rahal says:

    Jaf jidher sabieh Joseph fuq dahar is-success ekonomiku ta’ Gonzi. Ha naraw x’jiswa meta jigi l-maltemp.

  20. xifajk says:

    Ejja issa qed tkunu unfair fuq Simon Busuttil. Jien stess, issibu kummenti tieghi negattivi f’dan l-istess blog.
    Izda fl-ahhar 3/4 gimghat kien hemm shift evidenti (min jaf, forsi grazzi ghal dan il-blog ukolll).

    Rajt lil Simon f’xi 3/4 okkazjonijiet, fosthom Mass Meeting, id-djalogu f’Wied il-Ghajn u l-intervista ta’ Salvu Balzan. It-ton tieghu hu dak li hu – bniedem mhux se jinbidel facilment – il-messagg tieghu, pero, kien car, b sahhtu, konsistenti u dirett. Bla tidwir mal-lewza.

    Dan barra li bhala Partit, sirt nara stqarrija fuq il-gazzetti kollha tista’ tghid kuljum.

    Ma nafx x gara imma nahseb li mill-bidu ta’ Settembru xi haga ccaqilqet.

  21. Toni says:

    Are we sure that Mrs Muscat’s & the kids’ expenses are paid out of public funds?

  22. Genn says:

    They did not start school yet as they go with the posh people at San Anton! The story is not about missing school here! The story is about taking the whole family to NY from our taxes!

  23. Sue says:

    What’s wrong with this woman? Doesn’t she trust her husband?

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