While they’re all running around feeding at the trough, Silvio Parnis is stuck in the coffee-morning rut

Published: September 24, 2013 at 3:37pm

Silvio Parnis coffee morning

47 Comments Comment

  1. Volley says:


  2. spelling says:

    Since when is it called Ħall Tarxien?

  3. Lorry says:

    How ethical is for Franco Debono to keep counseling criminals while holding his commissioner position?


  4. P Sant says:

    He sure is smelling the coffee: no Ministry for the South.

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    It wouldn’t be a Labour/Silvio Parnis poster without a few grammar and spelling mistakes thrown in. I counted four.

    • Min Weber says:

      Did you count “Hall” as two mistakes?

    • Lawrence Attard says:

      I counted 8:

      1. Għal Booking should read Għall-Booking

      2. Cemplu should read Ċemplu

      3. Ta’ Ottubru should be T’Ottubru

      4. Gondolier Ħall read Hall

      5. Not Ħall Tarxien but Ħal Tarxien

      6. Attivita should read Attività

      7. Not 9.am but 9.00am

      8. Not Coffee Morning but Kofi Mornink

  6. GiovDeMartino says:

    Silvio is trying to help us smell the coffee.

  7. Natalie says:

    Oh don’t worry about him, I’m starting to suspect he likes these little activities. You know, with heavy-bosomed women wearing bright red tops with lewlu, fawning all over him.

  8. Kevin says:

    He’s smelling the coffee.

  9. Dez says:

    Vera wertit Tessie! Nehdu l-Denzil u l-Kaylee-Jo maghna ta!

  10. canon says:

    Silvio Parnis just wants to smell the coffee.

  11. bernie says:

    Hall Tarxien – a vinegar morning, I see.

  12. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Gondolier Ħall – or Ħall-Tarxien?

    Either way, there’s a massive spelling mistake.

  13. vic says:

    I never voted Labour but I have to admit that Silvio Parnis is very close to the people.

    For example, on his visiting card you find: Anzjani, persuni morda jew b’dizabilita cemplu ghal appuntament privat f’darkom.

    How many politicians do that?

  14. Mario says:

    Hall Tarxien? Is that a new wedding venue?

  15. Vanni says:

    I have long been wondering what Silvio must have done to piss off Muscat. Wasn’t he supposed to be the Ministru tas-Sawt? Or has he decided that coffee morning czar gives him more chance to poke around in toilets?

  16. Paddling Duck says:

    HALL Tarxien! nice one. Very vinegary I must say.

  17. petun says:

    Again this Silvio Parnis can’t even spell right in his own language. Hall Tarxien instead of Hal Tarxien. Hall means vinegar in Maltese so it could be that those who don’t like coffee would prefer vinegar instead.

  18. District 6 says:

    When did Hal Tarxien become “Hall” Tarxien?? Why is everything these guys do so ridiculously amateurish? “Anything goes” takes a new meaning with lejber.

  19. D. Borg says:

    I trust that Mr. Parnis has already submitted a vacation leave application for that particular Thursday….

  20. ken il malti says:

    Silvio should cut to the chase and open up a primo cafe at Xgħajra.

  21. Michelle Pirotta says:

    He can’t even spell Hal Tarxien.

  22. David G says:

    And they can’t even get the wording right.

    Hall Tarxien instead of Hal Tarxien.

  23. Toyger says:

    Hall Tarxien? Shouldn’t it be Hal Tarxien with one L?

  24. Toyger says:

    ‘Hall’ as in ‘sala’?

  25. 5 ewro wertit says:

    Peress li jkollu r-rigali ghan-nisa u Silvio jehodhom bil-privates tieghu, nahseb li 5 ewro wertit.

    Ma tantx issib min jghabbik fuq il-privates tieghu u jtik kikkra kafe b’hames ewro.

  26. anthony says:

    Like Cecilia Malmstrom, Silvio Parnis is smelling the coffee.

    Kopi Luwak I am sure.

  27. C C says:

    HALL Tarxien? Or is that the venue?

  28. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    And absolutely nothing to do with this.

    But can someone explain to me how spending 6 million euros to create 66 jobs over 5 years is an effective way of spending our money?

    Ian Borg, please tell us that there are other benefits and that The Malta Independent had it all wrong in their headline this morning.

  29. ciccio says:

    The mistake about Hall Tarxien is probably worse than it looks.

    The advert probably should say “Gondolier Hall, Tarxien.”

    In which case the English “H” should be used.

  30. Osservatore says:

    Is yet another marijuana smuggling ship burning nearby to the detriment of your readers’ ability to figure this one out? It is Gondolier Hall in Tarxien of course (kitsch and unimaginative name for a hall that is probably as kitsch and unimaginative)!

    And yes, the person who designed and approved the flier putting “Hall Tarxien” on the same line is indeed a first class moron! Silvio, is that your doing?

  31. Stephen says:

    Malta’s desk at the UN general assembly is vacant. Is that regular ?

  32. Paul Bonnici says:

    Is this man for real?

    Ministru tal-Kofi mornink.

  33. zaren says:

    proprja Ħal Tarxien (bla sing, għax raħal Tarxien)

    Ir-riklam, eżempju ċar ta’ Malti mgħaffeġ. Il-lingwa tirrifletti d-dinja ta’ barra.

    Jew forsi ried jgħid Ħall, għax kollox qares ġej.

  34. Pepe' says:

    The ‘Hall’ error is was a Freudian slip. Whilst his front bench colleagues feast on caviar and champagne, he was left to suck vinegar from a sponge.

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