A liberal, progressive and feminist display on the national broadcaster, TVM2

Published: October 27, 2013 at 12:05pm

The men sit with their legs open and the women, on their knees and with their hands ‘tied’ behind their back, simulate the obvious (this is a family site).

God knows why those women allowed themselves to be humiliated like that on national television, unless they are spectacularly naive and sheltered and don’t realise what’s going on.

The men look like idiots of another sort, carefully and with embarrassment keeping those cards carefully positioned, not only to avoid a direct hit by Miss Wootpacker, but perhaps also to conceal the inevitable – unless it has done the opposite and shrivelled up under the glare of the cameras.

Qabza fil-kwalita.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Charles Darwin says:

    A very stimulating game, but for the wrong organ.

    • Matthew S says:

      I wonder what the women’s families watching back home thought of the proceedings. I cringed while watching and I don’t even know any of the people in the video.

      Malta’s new-found progress and liberalism are very off-base. They basically translate into an obsession with and acceptance of public sex.

      We have heard so much about gentlemen’s clubs, public sex shows, flaunting our gayness or our gay friends if we aren’t gay ourselves (that’s distinct from fighting for gay rights) and so on and so forth in the last few months.

      I’m surprised we’re not promoting sex tourism yet, though Super One do have a programme called One Night Stand in which the presenter (a man from the Zoo team) invites women in for a drink and a chat in a homely atmosphere implying the obvious.

      This morning I saw a fat woman walking down the street wearing very transparent trousers. She was wearing Brazilian knickers underneath. The left knicker covered half her butt-cheek in the normal way while the right one left the cheek totally exposed because it had rumpled into her natal cleft.

      Watching her waddling down the street was a truly bizarre sight to me but this is considered perfectly normal in liberal, progressive Malta 2013.

  2. Il-Kajboj says:

    This show is produced by a company owned by former ONE TV Gozitan Chairman, id-Dentist Michael Vella Haber.

    Ironically he started producing for TVM under the Nationalists’ regime after he fell out with his fellow Laburisti.

    L-aqwa li dak iz-zmien Malta ma kienetx taghna lkoll.

  3. Matthew S says:

    Oh dear, has TVM 2 descended to this as well?

    Under the previous administration, TVM 2 had established itself as the smartest television station in Malta (admittedly, not very hard to do) running mostly programmes and documentaries (some Maltese, some British) about history, art, culture and so on. It also had the better political discussion programmes (Bondi+ was on TVM 2, Xarabank on TVM).

    Enter Labour full of pseudo artists from Frederick Testa to Kenneth Zammit Tabona and everything goes to the dogs. Bondi+ was axed because it didn’t fit TVM’s new vision for the future. Simulated fellatio does though.

    Does anyone know if TVM 2 is still airing David Attenborough documentaries or don’t they fit in with the new vision either?

  4. Joseph Caruana says:

    Doesn’t this represent a sector of Maltese society? The new middle class, ready to slut themselves to anything as long as it’s vera wertit.

    On another note, while the video is playing in small screen mode, click keyboard key five per second.

  5. Mark says:

    Just when I thought Scrabble was fun.

  6. A Montebello says:

    This is doing the rounds on social media.

    Besides the vulgar intentions of the producers, what strikes me most of all is the lack of humour on set.

    Nobody is laughing or even smiling to dilute the vulgarity down with a bit of tongue-in-cheek.

    Bloody hell. Vera qabza kbira fil-kwalita’. Imnalla ghandna lil Frederick Festa in carch es konsultint.

  7. Nik says:

    This is the pits. At what time was this programme aired? Not that that’s the most relevant thing. I’m against censorship, but this is simply crass and in bad taste.

  8. CC says:

    Qlibtlu u hekk kont qed nghid – hawn min hu daqsekk imgewwah li irrid jigi jirredikola ruhu fuq it-tv biex forsi jiddobba tieg b’ xejn.

  9. Rahal says:

    ‘Simulate the obvious’ . Well these girls seem to have understood what it takes to please today’s party in government. In keeping with the latest voting trends they could well be switchers doing some rehearsals.

  10. canon says:

    Ara vera morna il-bahar.

  11. Disgraceful standards.

  12. A.P. Gambina says:

    How utterly ridiculous. What a visual bad example for children watching this ‘show’. The presenter does not need to wear a suit and tie to present such shallow stuff.

    Surely they can do much better than getting a couple of young women woodpecker isn’t a piece of paper, in such a body area of the opposite gender, close to the goolies.

  13. JC says:

    This is just wrong.

  14. evelyn says:

    Jien u narahom xtaqt l-art tiblani minflokhom.

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