A turnip speaks

Published: October 30, 2013 at 11:44pm

Not only a turnip, but common as muck. Here we have a member of parliament who allows the term of abuse ‘bott liba’ on his Facebook Timeline.

Scum. Imbasta jmur il-Marsa Club, forsi xi hadd jahsbu pulit. I mean, look at his profile picture.

And he’s so witty, too, God bless him, describing as littering Norman Vella’s gesture of leaving a copy of this morning’s judgement on the prime minister’s office doorstep.

The Labour Party is stuffed full of crooks and cabbages.

a turnip speaks

23 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Il-politika ma tidholx f’dan il-kaz. Hekk qal l-gharef.

    • ciccio says:

      In fact, wasn’t it just a “personal case”? That’s what the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said.

      • Ta'Sapienza says:

        When they justify dubious appointments as being positions of trust, then it follows that when said appointees fuck up, you carry the can.

    • P Sant says:

      Fic-centru tal-istorja hemm zewg ufficjali appuntati politikament u jigi dan u jghidilna li il-politika ma tidholx f’dan il-kaz. Ahjar nidhak.

  2. Mr Meritocracy says:

    “Il-politika ma tidholx f’dan il-kaz”

    Expect no resignations to come from Kurt the Coconut, Ramona, Peter Paul Zammit and Manuel Mallia then; and no further comments to come out of the Prime Minister’s mouth, because Luciano has said so.

  3. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    A court judgment described as litter by a lawyer and member of parliament.

    Norman WAS a victim.

  4. Victor says:

    “Il-politika ma tidholx f’dan il-kaz”

    Joke of the century!

    And there are some of us who are expecting resignations?

  5. Natalie says:

    Kemm iddepozitaw karti u flyers minn taghhom wara biebi fi zmien l-elezzjoni. U kollha mbarazz kienu.

    U kemm bghatuli messaggi fuq il-mobile wara li akkwistaw in-numru tieghi b’mod llegali.

    Dawk huma affarijiet illegali Sur Busuttil mhux li thalli ittra wara bieb xi hadd.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    On a serious note – the viciousness in his thread is astounding. First of all, Vella has committed no crime; secondly, the courts have confirmed the police’s abuse and these people are dismissing it.

    It seems that hate speech has become PL’s standard communication.

  7. Kid inhi din. says:

    He must have a very narrow definition of politics.

  8. Alf says:

    “Safejn naf jien jekk tarmi jew tiddepozita karta barra tehel citazzjoni”

    Ghalhekk lil nies bhal Luciano u lil shabu ma narmuhomx barra ghax nehlu citazzjoni. U ma hawnx skips bizzejjed biex narmuhom fihom. Veru hmieg.

  9. tik tok says:

    ‘The Labour Party is stuffed full of crooks and cabbages’

    That’s an understatement.

  10. Nana says:

    Luciano Busuttil’s canvassers used to fill my letter-box with litter during the election campaign.

  11. albona says:

    My dear Malta – forever to remain an ignorant island.

  12. The chemist says:

    Il-fatt li Luciano Busuttil ma nehhiex il-kumment ta ‘l’onorevoli bott libs’ Gerald Magri minn fuq il-page tieghu juri kemm hu baxx u njorant.

  13. Vagabond King says:

    To the Police Commissioner: I would like to report that last night I saw an asshole (Luciano Busuttil) walking into Parliament.

  14. Kevin says:

    At the time of the divorce referendum, I was disappointed by Dr Gonzi’s stance of voting against the motion passing through Parliament.

    Even though the result arose from a consultative referendum with no obligation on government, I thought that Dr Gonzi should have, at worst, abstained.

    I wasn’t too sure that I bought into the story of voting ‘no’ due to matters of conscience. I thought it was simply Dr Gonzi’s staunch Catholic beliefs doing the talking there or that he was simply being hard headed. Yet this conclusion did not convince me either because it doesn’t add up.

    I have been mulling over this since: Why did Dr Gonzi vote against divorce?

    Luciano Busuttil’s comments, however, supply me with the only solution.

    We may debate whether Dr Gonzi and others should have voted yes or simply abstained endlessly. This, however, is not the heart of the matter. What matters and what most people missed out is that Dr Gonzi actually had a conscience that guided him. His decisions right or wrong were always guided by ethics and moral principles. That was his style of government and leadership.

    Perhaps I am stating the obvious or echoing what has already been said. I do however want to use this to contrast to Muscat’s stance on all the real issues we are facing as a country.

    On illegal immigration, for example, the Times reports that: Muscat “also said that Malta was ready to enter into a repatriation agreement with Libya but it could not do so because the EU had as yet not accepted that the situation in Libya was stable.”


    The right thing to do is not to repatriate these immigrants simply because their life is in danger and not because the EU has not labelled Libya as safe. Muscat cares less about doing the right thing to ensure the safety of human life.

    Similarly, he has elevated alleged fraudsters to positions of trust. He and his friends are systematically raping the island from its money, its resources, its industrial strengths, its reputation and its position to be a shining example of friendship and peace within the EU.

    The cherry on the cake is the ludicrous comment by Luciano Busuttil who believes that a court judgement is litter and that Norman Vella is still guilty of something. Has Dr Busuttil learned anything substantial from his various law courses?

    Where does that leave us all? We have a soul-less government who’s selling us all to the highest bidder.

    I keep reciting the quotation by Martin Niemöller:

    “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.”

  15. Mariella says:

    The true colours of Labour, and this is only the beginning.

    It’s useless wearing blue ties and make people believe this is a ‘moviment gdid’.

    I am glad everything turned out well for Norman, and a big well done to Karol Aquilina and Therese Comodini Cachia for their great work.

  16. Jozef says:

    Love the way Gerard Magri suggests it’s been an own goal and Luciano cuts him short.

  17. Guzi says:

    Is Luciano Busuttil supposed to be a lawyer?

    “Il-pulizija ghamlet investigazzjoni u il-Qortu tat decizzjoni” he said.

    But no, the court’s decision was not based on any kind of investigation. The court declared that there was no basis to investigate in the first place and in this case Noman Vella was not the accused but the Commissioner of Police was the accused..

  18. krakatoa says:

    Kieku Luciano kellu jhallas centezmu ghal kull cucata li jghid, kieku Malta sinjura.

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