Another true-life experience from the Malta Taghna Lkoll front

Published: October 30, 2013 at 9:55pm

Somebody who gave me his real name but asked that it be withheld has just sent this in.


Daphne, I plan on suing the Government in the coming weeks for having recently terminated my employment contract without just cause or so much as an official termination letter.

They planned my dismissal for months, setting impossible deadlines (which I frequently met by working evenings and weekends) and subsequently by reassigning subordinates to other departments so that I would fail.

I was challenged and humiliated before my subordinates and excluded from meetings where decisions affecting my remit were taken.

Staff were directed to perform duties without my knowledge or consent, and to ignore my direction.

All this because I did not from part of the “Taghna Lkoll” clan and was perceived as a threat because of the way I vote. I was under the impression that “tista’ ma taqbilx maghna, izda tista’ tahdem maghna”. But I was never given the chance.

I am aware that similar treatment is being meted out to several other public officials. My advice to them is to seek legal advice asap and challenge this government. I voted to join the EU because I aspired to live in a civilised and democratic country.

I will sue this government to do my part to ensure that those aspirations are fulfilled.

24 Comments Comment

  1. AE says:

    Good for you. How refreshing it is to see people take a stand rather than the usual cowardice thasensually prevails. Go for it. Persevere. In doing so you will give an example to others and possibly encourage more to do the same. This is how mentalities can be changed,

  2. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Good for you for sticking up for your rights and for ensuring that you will not be trampled upon.

    It is ridiculous that in just 7 months of government this little man has managed to make a mockery of all the effort put in by each of us over these last 25 years.

  3. P Sant says:

    I hope that a fund will be set up to finance the legal expenses of such people. Perhaps lawyers will provide their services at subsidised costs. I am sure that, as time passes by, more cases will come out. Today’s ruling will bring hope to many people that justice will finally prevail.

  4. Solidarity says:

    Just a short note to express solidarity to this person and all in a similar predicament. I believe in the strength of sound values.

  5. Don't touch my mobile says:

    Good luck to this person who wrote in. Stay strong and fight for your rights.

    More people need to come forward. Do not allow anyone to trample on your rights.

    This is a call to arms to fight for one’s rights and civil liberties. This government is a far-right fascist one disguised in a cloak of leftist red.

    They hijacked the Maltese flag and called for people to unite against the injustices of a dictatorship. They are trying to establish a dictatorship.

    This person’s stand and Norman’s need to be kept clearly in mind because more of it is going to happen.

    I sincerely hope that the courts will remain truly independent in their judgement and not be slowly influenced and taken over. The government has very quickly taken control of the national broadcaster, the police and the army.

    The media are dead and don’t have the balls to fight back and ask driving questions to keep these wolves under check. The courts will be next.

    • Spock says:

      Well said – couldn’t agree with you more. The nightmare seems to be getting scarier and closer to the golden years of KMB and Lorry Sant. Actually I’m more worried now than I was then. Will there be another free election in Malta? It seems that the opposite of the Arab Spring is happening here under our very noses – a revolution from democracy to dictatorship.

  6. ciccio says:

    Good luck to this person.

    From what we have heard in the last few months, I believe there are many other similar cases of political abuse.

    I have this feeling that unless one has been politically abused, harassed and discriminated by Labour, one cannot fully comprehend the extent to which they can go to harm their targets.

    • Catherine says:

      I was abused, harassed and discriminated against by a Labour fiefdom (seriously, everyone was Labour, it was incredible) at my previous job and this was when they weren’t even in government. I can’t imagine what it must be like now. Don’t let them get away with it.

  7. Joseph Caruana says:

    What a day to remember for the Labourite scum.

    And I guess this is only a tip of Joseph Muscat’s iceberg of corruption and way of doing business.

    Keep on unhiding.

    “All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” – Hawking.

  8. maltija says:

    Nammirak u nawguralek. Kuragg. Ghandna bzonn aktar nies bhal Norman Vella u bhalek.

    J’Alla l-ezempju taghkom iqanqal aktar nies biex ma jcedux ghal dal-gvern bla principji.

    Taqtghux qalbkom.

  9. AG says:

    One thing keeps going through my mind – how dangerous ignorance is.

    Ignorance of the masses who do not understand the responsibility they hold when they cast their vote; who do not understand the threats to democracy as they unfold; who do not understand the harm inflicted upon the economy.

    Oh how I wish the world was made up of a majority of intelligent and logical people.

  10. Gaetano Pace says:

    I wish the gentleman luck and success. What strikes me is the fact that in this country one has to be bitten to cry DOG.

  11. Rumpole says:

    Mhux ovvja. It was some sort of sentence spoonerism – they meant: tista ma tahdimx maghna jekk ma taqbilx maghna.

  12. Victor says:

    Well done to this person. Malta needs people who will fight back any injustice. It is our only hope to show the scum who are running our country, that contrary to what they think, they are not the Almighty.

    Good Luck!

  13. Dor says:

    Unfortunately we were all expecting these kind of stories. All I can say is may God help us for the coming years.

  14. vg says:

    What is your email address?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  15. wardaddoqq says:

    Before the election the PL used to ridicule the PN if it mentioned Labour’s ugly past and reassured everyone that it had changed. Povri l-fidili li belghuha.

  16. Gahan says:

    From what I read in the industrial tribunal reports I can say that this qualifies as a CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL.

    My advice: “Keep a diary and as much documented information as possible, don’t give in, let THEM fire you” .

    There’s no responsibility without authority.

    I can’t hold you responsible for the security of a property when I am the one who keeps the keys.

  17. I wish to go on record as wishing this person good luck.

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