Come back, Hames Mitt Ewro – all is forgiven

Published: October 20, 2013 at 5:35pm
The chairman of the Malta Sports Council tries a bit of exertion

The chairman of the Malta Sports Council tries a bit of exertion

The latest installment in Labour’s trolley-rush through the grab-as-much-as-you-can-supermarket while keeping your snout in the trough:

Labour MP and Public Accounts Committee member (he spends all hearings fiddling around with Facebook on his smartphone) Luciano Busuttil, he of the mind like overboiled cabbage, has been given a salaried position as chairman of the Malta Sports Council.

His CEO is to be former Super One TV journalist Mark Cutajar.

15 Comments Comment

  1. It-Tezi ta' Mario says:

    Busuttil’s appointment to the board was made possible after the government passed an amendment to a law precluding MPs from sitting on government boards and entities.

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    What a fake Lothario.

  3. James says:

    Mark Cutajar is already on the state payroll. He’s private secretary to Edward Zammit Lewis.

  4. Makjavel says:

    His favourite sport is obviously being shown on this photo.
    We will have saturday night fever dirty dancing in the sport curriculum very soon.

  5. pablo says:

    After Konrad Mizzi supervised the wife’s rise to a six-digit income at the workers’ expense, can you expect anybody in the Labour Party to deny himself the same pleasure?

    Some slow boat to China this is.

  6. Watchful eye says:

    Joe Muscat and his merry men and women are just going too fast. Their brakes seem defective and poor Malta is heading to the wall. You switchers handed it to them on a silver platter. But they will disown you once nothing is left.

  7. canon says:

    Luciano Busuttil’s first task should be the installation of a roof over the pool.

  8. Accountability says:

    Daphne, can we create a full list of all the appointments made by this government and calculate how much it is going to cost the Maltese taxpayer.

    Let us all not forget that for the few boards that existed before, this government has appointed probably as much as three times as many more boards. Furthermore it created many more ambassadors than what was really required.

  9. Accountability says:

    Can Mr. Cutajar retain both positions?

  10. Antonio says:

    What happened to the current CEO? Isn’t he still there? How was Cutajar appointed then?

    • Watchful eye says:

      Is it not obvious how he was appointed. Do you not know that he has the necessary qualifications just as much as Mrs Sai Mizzi Liang has? This and similar questions are superflous.

  11. Sparky says:

    Mark Cutajar? Labour’s ‘illuminati’ are taking over.

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How very sporting of him.

    Jolly good show.

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