Comment of the night
October 8, 2013 at 10:13pm
Posted by ciccio:
If somebody is willing to buy a Malta passport for Eur650,000, then how unlikely is it that they will buy the Malta Labour Party for another couple of million?
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Maybe it’s been done already. A couple of years ago Labour was bankrupt, but then miraculously in the last election they had so much money that they were throwing it ‘at the docks’.
I have to just commend people like ciccio who take the time to write good comments. The same goes for so many others. It’s a pity that so many other people are blind to what is going on.
Comments like Ciccio’s prove that not all people are blind, or willing to turn a blind eye so as not to notice the shambles to which Malta has been reduced in just seven months.
I can see your point, but I am more inclined to think that so many other people are not blind at all to what is going on; but many of them are terrified of the goings-on since these are reminiscent of the notorious 70s and 80s. The Malta Labour Party (MLP) can never be trusted.
Hu go fik, Baxxter!
Niehu go fija zgur, ghax nies bhal ciccio jilghabuha tan-newtrali hemm barra.
The further decilne and fall of Malta.
Il-ftit minghand il-hafna…Cinizi , jew ahjar hafna minghand ftit Cinizi.
The Chinese oligarchs courted by Joseph Muscat made their money off the backs of their fellow citizens:
So it’s still il-ftit minghand il-hafna. All hail Labour.
They are blind who will not see.
Manuel Mallia has enough cash, and Faberge eggs to buy passports for his wife’s extended family.
Are they reputable enough for Joseph Muscat?
Wtf? Jekk irid kunjata, intih tieghi u jiffranka eur650,000
Il-kunjata mhux hu jkun iridha imma l-mara tkun trid il-familja taghha.
Hemm hafna kazi hekk. Barranin jaqbdu ma’ ragel Malti u f’kemm ilni nghidlek isib ruhu mdawwar bil-familja taghha kollha.
Romanians already have EU passports.
Save money. Why spend 650,000 euros to buy a Maltese passport? Just make it on a Labour billboard and you have a fair chunk of Malta Taghna Ilkoll.
It is a crime for any Maltese citizen to sell his passport for 650.000 euro or for any other figure – but it will be OK for Joseph Muscat to sell Maltese passports ad lib for that amount.
Hawwadni ha nifhmek.
Perhaps we should consider selling our passports on Maltapark, listing them somewhere between the humidity fire, the empli fire and the sub hoover.
Can anyone imagine the chagrin if this was done during the PN administration? Is this the way this party can achieve the required funds, by selling the Maltese identity?
Any bulk discounts?
Actually yes – it’s the passport for the main applicant which is the most expensive; those for his wife, children, parents and possibly in-laws cost far less.
And, once the Main Applicant (as the law refers to a would-be citizen) becomes a citizen, then any children which he/she has will be Maltese by right and therefore pay nothing for their citizenship.
Immagina x’festa jaghmlu dawk b’xi sitt nisa’ u erbghin tifel u tifla.
Let’s also not forget that these people will get a right to vote – which party do you think will get the vote of these people?
It cost less than a few million to buy them out.
Taht il-labour ta Joseph I bet there are many who would sell their passport for much less if it was at all possible.
It’s time to pack up and go.