Fascinating that this should be the first response to my invitation to send in photos of government ministers and their aides

Published: October 31, 2013 at 1:00am

Do You Know Who I Am’s ZER 088 car, illegally parked outside the Police Headquarters while he popped in for a visit. You realise that it’s not so much the parking that’s the issue here.

These pictures were taken last week.

Silvio Scerri police depot_1

Silvio Scerri police depot_2

15 Comments Comment

  1. Pisces says:

    L-iktar haga li tinkwetani hija li ‘spicca serhan il-mohh’ taz-zmien il- PN.

  2. The chemist says:

    Luciano Busuttil might give us some insight here as to what law has been infringed seems he seems well versed in the subject.

    Hell, he might even report the guy himself.


  3. Min Jaf says:

    The agendum for the meeting being “x’wahda hrajniha, madoff Pawl. Kif il-qahba ser nohorgu minna?”

  4. Natalie says:

    Silvio Scerri can’t seem to understand that his job NOTHING to do with the police.

    Let me explain it to him in simple words. A chief of staff in a minister’s private secretariat is like a personal secretary to the minister, organising things, smoothing out the way, dealing with problems as they crop up within the ministry (mind, not the Police Department), and generally placing the minister in a good light.

    • Natalie says:

      And his subordinates are not the rest of us, they just include the rest of the people employed in the Ministry.

    • imbellah says:

      You are right to explain what their duties are but I’m afraid that they are missing the bulb.

    • Louis Apap says:

      Indhil dirett fil-korp tal-Pulizija. Ara min igiddibni. Biex ic-carlatan tal-ministru jipparkja fejn il-Police HQ biex jitkellem mal-kummidjant li nhatar flok Rizzo.

      Korp tal-Pulizija politiccizzat. Min jaf x’hemm imhejji ghal Maltin forsi s-snin 70 u 80? Bil-haqq il-Ministri minn dik l-era kerha gejjin.

  5. CIS says:

    Was he replacing the Police Commissioner, while the latter was in court defending the indefensible?

  6. katrin says:

    Li jinkwieta lili u ohrajn bhali hu li qabel, l-affarijiet kienu mexjin hafna hafna aktar ahjar milli huma issa u kien hawn balla tgergir u qrid u issa hlief tgerfix, tahwid u h**i m’hawnx, u dan f’7 xhur. u alla jbierak hadd mhu ighid xejn.

  7. edgar says:

    Katrin, the problem is that those people who never stopped grumbling in the past voted PL and now are hiding and too ashamed to talk.

  8. Mister says:

    Unelected, uneducated, ill mannered and inconsiderate.

  9. daniel says:

    What is Silvio Scerri doing at Police HQ? Doesn’t he ever learn?

  10. ken il malti says:

    Do you think the Silvio Zero Scerri has several look-a-like cars with the same licence plates to make him seem to be all over the island all at once?

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