Former Labour Party broadcast media chairman and Joseph Muscat’s ex boss at Crystal Finance to be made Deputy Governor, Central Bank
Alfred Mifsud, former chairman of the Labour Party’s broadcast media Super One and the only person ever to give Joseph Muscat a job in the private sector – with his company Crystal Finance – is to be appointed deputy governor of the Central Bank.
Meanwhile, in more minor news, but also interesting, Central Bank employeee Clint Flores will be leaving his job there – it is not yet clear whether he will be on secondment to the Maltese embassy in Brussels, or whether he has resigned altogether – to join his boyfriend Ray Azzopardi, long-time MC at Labour mass meetings and Super One fundraisers, who is the new ambassador in Brussels.
The Central Bank had sponsored Flores’s master’s degree from a British university, and had also allowed him out on long leave during the election campaign.
There are many Clint Flores on Facebook, but the one you need is the one you’ll find through Jason Micallef’s friends list.
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Ah, Clint Flores must have restricted access to his Facebook page.
Apologies for being naive or not up-to-date. Is Jason Micallef married? That is what his page says. I always thought he was one of those men who cannot find a woman who is good enough for them.
Jason Micallef is married.
So was Rock Hudson.
So was Alfie Rizzo.
Muscat is married too.
It wasn’t me this time!
The Alfred Mifsud image with the Charles Butcher shopping bag is priceless.
issa ma min ser taqbad wara dan ? mhux ahjar iddur dawra ma dwarek u tara li issib storja aktar interessanti, kif qazzistna
[Daphne – People like you deserve to live in a dictatorship, Tromba. The basic freedoms are wasted on you.]
Tromba stunata, dal-gvern ghaziz tieghek tant qed jaghtina fuq hiex naqbu li issa ghandna kju. Illum ma dan, u ghada ma min imissu.
Ahjar int iddur dawra ma l-ministri korrotti, sturduti li kienu jiftahru li lesti jiggvernaw u sitt xhur wara li hatfu l-poter ghadhom jghaqdu bhal zugraga.
Hadd ma jaf xejn, hadd m’hu hu, wiehed iwahhal fl-iehor, insomma kawlata shiha, frejjeg kulljum, qassatat nhar ta Sibt u balbuljati spiss ghax basal, tadam u bajd hawn bir-rimi dil-habta.
Gawdi kemm tistaTromba, ghax Gowzef u Dwardu daqt jghabbuk b’xi 50 miljun ewro taxxi godda.
TROMBA……….. jekk tqazzist dabbar rasek.
Of course, lined up to take over after the Governor’s term expires..clever thinking, Watson.
That’s interesting. Will he be allowed to keep his shareholding in Allcare Insurance Ltd and other private companies?
Somehow conflict of interest and access to statistical data of competitors comes to mind
What a gross hairstyle. Has it been more or less the same since 1971?
Does Mifsud not have a massive conflict of interest?
A really unpleasant man with a huge chip on his shoulder.
Daphne, another important information would be that Clint Flores made Malta proud when he managed to get the highest marks out of all students in his course.
[Daphne – We’re not at school here, Mr Attard. Anybody over the age of 12 who talks about ‘the highest marks’ needs to sent for psychological evaluation.]
High marks do not make great men. They are not even worthy of note in adults. It’s embarrassing to speak of them.
Daphne, making a jibe at a person who is not a public individual is not right in my opinion. Clint Flores is an excellent economist, and has made the country proud (and the investment worthwhile) in obtaining a distinction overseas in his second Master degree. The pity lies in the fact that throughout his tenure at the Central Bank, his knowledge and expertise, and hence the investment made, were not efficiently exploited.
[Daphne – If Clint Flores is not a public person, then Mrs Konrad Mizzi isn’t either. Special treatment to allow him to join his boyfriend – also specially treated – in Brussels throws him open to public scrutiny, if only to ensure there was no such special treatment. It’s bad enough that his dreadfully unsuitable boyfriend has been made ambassador. I hope you understand this distinction. Otherwise, I don’t give a damn about Clint Flores and nobody else does either. He’s just another guy.]
Jeez, this country is knee deep in TOP STUDENTS.
I feel right proud of our Clint Flores. Gotbless.
My my, the Labour elves are flooding in. That already makes three of them under this post.
The next Governor of Malta can be trusted to look after the country’s finances diligently. He certainly looks after his very carefully.
Swimming at Tigne Beach he was observed avoiding using the main entrance thus saving his, as well as his partner’s, entrance fees.
Alfred Mifsud is Tarcisio Mifsud’s brother.
Bastjan u hu Bastjan.
All in the family.
Pure Maltese haxjokrazija.
I am a staunch nationalist and i had joined Barclays Bank DCO with Alfred Mifsud and worked under his chairmanship at Mid Med Bank ltd.All I can say is that he is a capable person and was a fair chairman at MidMed bank.On the eve of the elections won by our party a promotion exercise was effected and I fairly figured in it even after a board interview chaired by mR.Mifsud and was given the promotion.Following the election Dr, Delia was made chairman and these promotions were retracted and fresh ones issued and to my dismay,not because i was nationalist, i was left out.
Thank you Mr.Mifsud for your fairness and good chairmanship[were allowedobviously] Good luck with your new post.Sorry Nationalist kont ,ghadni u nibqa.