From the website run by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Published: October 1, 2013 at 2:51pm

Reception Held in Malta to Celebrate the 86th Anniversary of the Founding of the PLA
(From Chinese Embassy in Malta)


The Chinese Defense Attaché to Malta Sr. Col. Mr. Ye Feng hosted a reception at the Chinese Ambassador’s residence in the evening of 25th July 2013 to celebrate the 86th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. H.E. Ambassador Cai Jinbiao and his wife Madame Wang Jianqun joined him in welcoming the guests from Malta’s Military headed by Hon. Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Dr. Emanuel Mallia and Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta Brigadier Martin Xuereb.

Reviewing the excellent relationship between the PLA and the AFM over the years, Sr. Col. Ye Feng wished the bilateral military exchanges and cooperation would be further enhanced to mutual benefits. A documentary showcasing the highlights of the PLA in 2012 was shown at the reception.

The commanding officer of Malta's army, and Malta's army minister, celebrating the 86th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army at a reception hosted by the defence attache at China's embassy in Malta - photographs uploaded on China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

The commanding officer of Malta’s army, and Malta’s army minister, celebrating the 86th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army at a reception hosted by the defence attache at China’s embassy in Malta – photographs uploaded on China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs website



24 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    So China sees our Home Affairs minister as part of Malta’s military.

    Why do I find that so disturbing?

    • ciccio says:

      The PLA.

      Not very different from those ‘impressive’ videos from Pyong Yang.

      According to Wikipedia, the PLA “is the military arm of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the de facto armed forces of the People’s Republic of China, consisting of land, sea, strategic missile and air forces. Initially called the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, the PLA was established on August 1, 1927 which is celebrated annually as “PLA Day”.”

      That’s the company with whom the Minister and the commander of the army were celebrating – the part of the Chinese Communist Party which is dressed up in military uniform.

      I was not exaggerating when I asked Baxxter to see how long it will take before the Maltese army is merged with the Cabinet following the recent take over by the Malta Labour Party.

      The absence of an army commander is worrying. What’s on the Minister’s plan – will he be assuming that role, or has China bought a “share” in the army as well, and will merge our army with the PLA so that the Brigadier will be replaced by a Chinese Colonel?

      Thinking of it, we could become a European and Mediterranean military “safe haven,” running armies in Libya (30 minutes away). Tunisia and Egypt (1 hour away).

  2. ken il malti says:

    That nervous guy in the background in the second last photo needs to have his trousers properly hemmed by a tailor whoknows what he is doing.

    • Min Jaf says:

      The sad example of the human species in crumpled trousers in need of a hem is lined up to take over (he hopes) Brigadier Xuereb’s post.

      A very apt candidate to take command now, given the sorry state to which the army has been reduced by Minister ‘tubby’ Mallia and the PL government.

  3. Martin Galea says:

    First photograph, on the left: army officer Gerald Degaetano. And on the right, judging by the crew-cut hair style, newly promoted (twice in two weeks) Mark Mallia.

    Second photograph, from left: newly promoted (twice in two weeks) Melvyn Haber, Mary Grace (aka Martin Xuereb), Mario Borg, Alfred Attard. Extreme right: Gorg Galea and Harold Stivala.

    All movers and shakers in the army over recent years. But I wonder what’s going to happen when all he wheels have stopped turning.

    Annoying that our military officers show up at an embassy function in mufti, as if they are ashamed of showing the uniform. Quite telling actually.

    [Daphne – No, it’s not telling of anything. Those are the rules on military uniforms at foreign receptions, pretty much internationally in the free world, with only the narrowest exceptions: they’re not to be worn, and a suit is to be worn instead. The same rule applies generally to ‘own country’ receptions: uniforms to be worn only at National Day/Army Day receptions, and then only during the day. The rules on the evening use of uniforms are narrower still.]

    • Martin Galea says:

      Well, that told me! What do I know, even after spending 14 years in uniform.

      I was never one of the ‘in crowd’. Spent my time doing my job, in uniform, rather than looking for career advancement and hobnobbing with the right people, swilling whatever free booze was on offer.

  4. it-Tezi ta' Mario says:

    What was in the agreement Leader of the Opposition Joseph Muscat had signed with China in 2010?

  5. Galian says:

    Gerald Degaetano’s appearances are not limited to being cc’d in emails then.

  6. Kevin says:

    These people are playing with fire.

  7. Natalie says:

    People’s Liberation Army indeed. Everyone knows that China is a communist country where its citizens have little freedom. Why, oh why are we fraternising with this country?

  8. Does any other embassy in Malta hold a reception to commemorate the anniversary of one of its armed forces?

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    I don’t know what it is, maybe all this talk of China, but I feel myself being drawn very strongly to Falun Gong.

  10. matt says:

    No doubt China is a communist country where the media is muzzled and the democratic institutional reforms are an anathema to them. Nevertheless, the country is quickly changing as the young people are more interested in modularizing the country. They have very bad opinion of chairman Mao or Deng.

    Billions of dollars have been poured in the city of Macau and now it has become a modern Las Vegas. Incidentally, without China, USA would not be able to move economically forward as they are buying billions of US treasuries daily. Mind you they are doing this at real interest rate f 0.25%.

    Like USA, Malta should not ignore China for investments but ignoring neighbouring countries in the EU is a bad policy. Muscat should reconsider this.

    • La Redoute says:

      The country is not changing politically. Those best placed to fight for political change are economically comfortable. Those who economically motivated to fight for change are too busy trying to survive.

      The jasmine revolution was strangled at birth.

      China is buying up US debt because of the political leverage it gets.

      Malta cannot ignore China because Muscat is in China’s debt.

      Muscat is not so much ignoring neighbouring countries in the EU as ignoring the EU itself. That includes Malta, but when was Malta ever Muscat’s priority?

  11. Foggy says:

    In the West Mr Mallia might be regarded as the Minister responsible for the Armed Forces but not as the head of the military. In Malta that is the Brigadier. In the Soviet Union and China the tradition of political commissars with military rank would lead to a different view.

    The wearing of mufti by the military is a little more complex than you suggest. The British tradition, which because of past connections the Maltese AFM will follow, is certainly not to wear uniform on such occasions or, even, in the evenings.

    The US Armed Forces, however, often wear uniform where the British would not. The fear of a standing army which gave way to an army led by gentlemen “amateurs” who purchased their commissions and were indistinguishable from, and socialised with, the ruling classes has much to do with the British tradition.

    In the States the role of military force in achieving independence and maintaining the unity of the state has led to the notion of the military hero and, often, to political preferment. This has influenced views as to where and when to wear uniform.

  12. La Redoute says:

    The humiliations of being Mrs Emmanuel Mallia are dreadful. Mrs ambassador greeted guests, including the head (sic) of the Maltese military and Mrs Mallia doesn’t exist. So who was that at the door and why isn’t she openly acknowledged?

  13. ciccio says:

    It is evident that China is good at building bridges – not only those made of steel – but political ones also.

    Over here they are testing the Maltese military.

    If they are going to invest here, they will need to sleep well at night knowing that their investments are secure and well looked after.

    But isn’t entertaining the Minister of National Security (and I emphasise that part of Mallia’s responsibilities here) and the commander of the army of an independent EU member state a possible attempt at espionage?

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