Funny how fat, ugly, ageing and dull-witted men with money are the same whether they are gay or straight
The Labour mayor of Zurrieq is getting married – except that we’re not allowed to call it marriage even though the law is the same as it is for men marrying women, because Joseph Muscat is on the record as saying that he approves of civil unions but not of marriage for those of the same gender.
And so instead of having one marriage law for all, we have two marriage laws that are exactly alike, except that one is called marriage, and is for mixed genders, and the other is called ‘civil union’ and is for those of the same gender.
But back to Ignatius Farrugia – it really is quite extraordinary, isn’t it, how a certain sort of very unattractive older man with money will, whether he is gay or straight, acquire a ‘mail order bride’ who…loves him for himself.
Ah well, at least he will get to wear that veil for real, after all.
Best of luck, Mr Farrugia, and do be sure to lay on plenty of drings at your reception.
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I pity any children those two choose to adopt.
I pity any children that turn out to be gay and fall under custody of narrow minded people like you.
Daph, I think you should send him a private message to get invited. Why is he sending out invitations in the first place, if it’s open to everyone?
And ‘intertament’? Is entertainment so difficult for this fool?
Not at all. He manages it effortlessly, if unwittingly.
It is ‘ INTERTAYMENT’ you see. Siamo la coppia piu …… and it goes on!
That was supposed to be in the Maltese version – probably, he left out a “j”.
I take this to be a joke. It’s just a photo he has with a good looking guy and he’s making a fuss about being so close ‘ma wiehed faqa’.
Do they never blink?
They always have that “deer caught in the headlights” blank stare.
I wonder.
So he’s bought himself a Greek demigod. Good.
I wonder if I should send him a private msg to be invited to his wedding. I’d like to be part of his ‘intertament tat-tieg.’
Incidentally, I thought he’s with Mr. Anthony Zammit. I remember them flirting together at the Medical School Library back in the days when Natius was a librarian there.
After 14 February 2014, the annual comedy played at l-Istitut Kattoliku in Floriana will be renamed “It-tieg tas-sindku” rather than the old “it-tieg ta’ Karmen Abdilla”.
I can think of only one “privite mes” which will inevitably come about when Natius claims his marital rights after the wedding.
Free brollies ? This takes the biscuit.
Haha. Hilarious.
I shall not be surprised if the guests get the free brollie as a wedding souvenir.
So Ignejxis.
At least we’ll get an umbrella if it rains.. He’s getting more ridiculous by the minute.
Auguri e figli maschi.
Nahseb ser ikollu hafna nies ghax, apparti li hawn hafna li japprofittaw ruhhom biex jieklu u jixorbu b’xejn minn fuq dhar haddiehor, hafna ohrajn imorru biex jaqtghu l-kurzita’.
Ara vera ma nistghux naqghu aktar fil-baxx.
Nice catch, Nace. If only the Church could see we would start calling it ‘marriage’ and welcome new families with plenty of new kids to christen.
Ooooh! Natius Farrugia has come back with what, one can only assume, he thinks is a witty retort that’s befitting for a mayor.
As can be expected, his rabble of arse-lickers (mostly women who go to his salon for the odd fejxjil, deppilaxin and fanny wexxin’, are cackling and edging him on which, given his personality, he is lapping up and interprets his postings on facebook as legit for a mayor. Kullhadd ihobbni, John… vera jhobbuni ghax cajtir. Ma tafx inti kemm jien funny, john, jien?” (burp!). I wonder what JPO’s take on all this is.
Furthermore, I can’t believe how lost the irony is to these people when the obese kettle pokes fun at a perfectly attractive woman as though he didn’t have a triple chin, and a girth that not even the hunk in the picture could get his arms around anyway.
What an absolute and utter tosser!
Did he really just ask people to invite themselves to his wedding?