Here’s somebody with a Maltese passport he’d like to sell

Published: October 8, 2013 at 10:44pm

Denis Catania bil-passaport

Denis Catania is serving time in a New Jersey prison for conspiracy to murder. He won’t be needing that passport much, but he might be able to use the Eur650,000.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Grezz says:

    This is Mrs Shiv Nair:

    Any day now, and she’ll be the Malta government’s special envoy to the Kingdom of Vladimir Putin.

  2. botom says:

    When answering to questions about Shiv Nair raised by George Pullicino the Prime Minister said that it is evident that Mr Pullicino was reading a particular blog. The reference was loud and clear. Prime Minister Muscat may not be one of your admirers but he is definitely one of your readers.

    [Daphne – Well, he can always try buying me for Eur650,000 and see where that gets him.]

  3. etil says:

    Thanks to Joseph Muscat Malta will become a whore in the Mediterranean.

  4. etil says:

    The man is sending Malta on the brink of disaster. Can no one stop him or make him see sense.

  5. Victor says:

    And to think that when I tried to talk some sense into certain people who wanted to vote for change, their answer was always ‘we’re in the EU now, he cannot do any harm’.

    I hope that they realise that the greatest harm he is going to do is BECAUSE we are in the EU.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Only if the European Union allows him and as long as its patience doesn’t run out. Mintoff tried the same trick at the CSCE conference until he was forced to cave in when faced by the imminent expulsion of Malta from that European stage.

      Muscat cannot afford to be ejected from the EU. If that happened he would be dropped like a hot brick by those whose only use for him is as a Trojan horse into the EU market.

  6. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Has the socialist intelligentsia in Malta been muzzled or is too ashamed to be associated with Muscat’s pimping with world-notorious fraudsters permanently debarred by the World Bank?

    • observer says:

      Which ‘socialist intelligentsia’ would be ready to forego the benefits, preferential treatment, and abusive enjoyment of power currently accorded and speak out against government’s obscenities?

      I know of none – perhaps because of the limited circle of ‘socialist intelligentsia’ I come in contact with. Maybe there actually are a few out there – but I would not vouch for that.

  7. tinnat says:

    Any one else seeing this passport-buying business as a massive opportunity not just for economic investors but also terrorists seeking to enter the EU legitimately but through the path (and country) of least resistance? Will proper background checks be made? Will the official lists of known terrorists applications be checked?

  8. E says:

    Also, could this affect the USA visa waiver programme? If Malta sells passports to whoever can afford it couldn’t that pose a potential security risk to them?

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