Incidentally, any progress with the revision of Malta’s body of laws and the Constitution?
Or is the Law Commissioner and Chief of Constitutional Reform too busy acting for pimps, thieves, scoundrels, drug-dealers and murderers?
His latest, in Times of Malta today, is his brief for Ronald Urry. Isn’t that one of the men charged with the murder of cocaine dealer Mario Camilleri and his son of the same name?
Marion Camilleri is the Law Commissioner’s practice partner.
Raymond Bonnici and Ronald Urry have filed a constitutional application claiming a breach of their human rights to a fair trial within a reasonable time after a court case was left pending for 23 years.
The two had been accused of being in unlawful possession of a cheque for Lm93 (€216.6) which had been stolen.
The two requested the court to give them a remedy, pointing out that the criminal case had been repeatedly delayed by adjournments for decrees and, eventually, judgement. The case is still pending.
The application was filed by Drs Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri.
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This case which has been dragging for 23 years and many other similar cases should put to shame all members of the judiciary.
Law Commissioner’s practice partner? Poor woman!
Constitutional revision is stuck on this clause:
“Recruitment for employment with any body established by the Constitution or by or under any other law, or with any partnership or other body in which the Government of Malta, or any such body as aforesaid, have a controlling interest or over which they have effective control, shall, unless such recruitment is made after a public examination duly advertised, be made through an employment service as provided in sub-article (2) of this article.”
This guy knows on which side his bread is buttered. Gotta make moola now. Time is right.
He can still strut around Valletta as Law Commissioner, pony on his chest, billing his misfits, checking on his cocks, collecting his new found Labour salary and, Duh, ‘I gotta do some thinking and write a report? Little Joey didn’t say anything about that! Thought he was going to do that’.
He can prepare his report in the form of short poems. Haiku-style. Can even call the report: Law Reform with Almond Blossoms.
Just a suggestion.
Dr Reuben Balzan, speaking on DotNet (Net TV yesterday 6,30pm) replied to such a question, saying that they heard from the Law Commissioner who asked the Chamber of Advocates to cooperate with him. A representative of the Chamber has been appointed for such a task but Dr Balzan said he has heard of no further progress, or words to that effect.
After close to seven months one would have thought that something should have materialised. Is Joseph monitoring FD or was his appointment just an iced bun to eat without giving anything back?
Franco Debono had boasted, in those heady days of spewing bile against the party which had unintentionally propelled him to political notoriety, that, “he never embarked on, or was given a task, which he did not successfully conclude and in good time”.
Seven months after his appointment, he starts asking for help from the Chamber of Advocates?
Of course!
All loopholes have now been listed and are duly being used to lighten the load of criminals and get them back on the streets as quickly as possible. There was never a more opportune time to be a criminal lawyer.
Jista’ xi hadd jispjega (jew ahjar) jiggustifika il-bzonn ta’ pulizija ghassa 24 siegha kuljum, mad-dar fejn joqghod FD f’Hal-Ghaxaq?
Fil-ghodu jkun (suppost) il-Qorti u fil-ghaxija (ghandi nifhem) ikun l-ufficcju (ma nafx fejn) jipprepara r-revizjoni tal-ligijiet, ecc. Meta jkun irid jiehu ‘break’ minn dax-xoghol kollu, Alla biss jaf fejn ikun. Ghamel habta jghid li se jmur jghix l-Italja.
Mel’allura lil min qed tipprotegi l-Pulizija b’ghassa kontinwa l-gurnata kollha mad-dar tieghu?
His priority is to make money now…
If this report is as good as his thesis, I’m looking forward to it.