Is Mrs Konrad Mizzi really in Shanghai, or is she in Liaoning, on the Chinese border with North Korea?

Published: October 29, 2013 at 5:38pm

Sai Mizzi Laing, Mrs Konrad Mizzi – wife of the energy minister – is not from Shanghai. Her family lives in Liaoning, where she was born and raised.

Given that liars and concealers of information are now in charge, we might usefully consider the very real possibility that Mrs Mizzi is not in Shanghai at all, which is why Malta Enterprise does not have an office there ‘yet’, and that she is at home on the border with North Korea.

Liaoning, right on the border with North Korea

Liaoning, right on the border with North Korea

8 Comments Comment

  1. Neil says:

    That’s quite a commute for the poor woman, if she ever does get an office that is.

    • Allo Allo says:

      Il-President ghandu habta jithassar lil nisa li msieken ikollom tbatija bi vjaggar skabruz. Jaf forsi jsibilha xi soluzzjoni.

  2. imbellah says:

    An old Maltese proverb says;
    Il-giddieb (in all these cases) omru qasir

  3. AE says:

    We are living in the days of “uwwija mhux xorta” (shrug)

  4. Jozef says:

    That’s ca. 900 miles driving distance.

    Quite a commute.

    Bit of a funny bones this one.

  5. anthony says:

    Who said she is going to drive?

    We will buy her an Agusta Westland AW101 VVIP chopper.

    It just costs as much as 26 passports shan u tajbin.


  6. socrates says:

    Daphne’s insights are so helpful in revealing PL’s nonsense and waste of our taxpayers’ money.

  7. It is normal that an ambassador may have to wait for some time before he finds accommodation, and in China that would be more difficult because diplomats may only stay in places approved by the Chinese authorities.

    However, in such cases the Maltese government expects its diplomats to stay in a hotel in the city they are expected to work.

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