I’ve worked out what picture triggered them off, and I can’t believe they’re so STUPID (but not as stupid as those who voted to put them into power)

Published: October 29, 2013 at 6:16pm

Joseph Muscat Keith Schembri Kurt Farrugia

statement excerpt

Right at the end of Norman Vella’s statement to the police, there’s a bit where he puts on record that he was shown a photograph of Keith ‘Kasco’ Schembri with the prime minister and Kurt Farrugia, on this website.

He says he could not understand why he was being shown it, the police did not explain, and it looked to him that it wasn’t taken at the airport. He said that he had never seen those three together, let alone photographed them.

I couldn’t understand what this was all about either. Then it clicked. In one of my several posts about the ex Super One contingent to London, I had uploaded this photograph, shown here. It was taken way back in the general election campaign or immediately after the election, and is a press photograph FROM THE LABOUR PARTY’S OWN FACEBOOK ACCOUNT.

I later removed it and replaced it with what I thought was a more appropriate one.

But for heaven’s sake – can they be so b***dy stupid? Were the prime minister and his PA Kasco at the airport with Kurt Farrugia, going to London on Sunday? OBVIOUSLY NOT. Does that photograph look like it was taken at the airport? OBVIOUSLY NOT because they are clearly celebrating something. Do politicians and their aides usually go through passport control high-fiving each other? OBVIOUSLY NOT. Would they be travelling in a suit and tie on a Sunday? OBVIOUSLY NOT.

Our country, and our police force, are in the hands of MORONS.

And we are still left with the bottom line: TAKING A PHOTOGRAPH OF POLITICAL AIDES/THE PRIME MINISTER IS NOT A CRIME. IT DOES NOT WARRANT ARREST. ANY SUCH ARREST/INTERROGATION ON THIS BASIS BY THE POLICE IS ILLEGAL. At most, taking a picture of ‘clients’ while on duty might constitute a disciplinary matter – but that’s for the employers to decide, and not for the police. Norman Vella is a civil servant, not a policeman.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Mister says:

    So THIS is what the police think is the suspected photograph taken at the airport?

    God help us and our children too.

  2. P Shaw says:

    Does Keith Kasco want to remain incognito so that we forget that he is ‘the invisible hand’ that strikes all the shady deals, without ever appearing anywhere?

    I remember that during the University debate, he tried, unsucessfully to hide from the TV cameras. He has not appeared anywhere or frequently since the election, which indicates that he wants to maintain a very low profile in order to facilitate all the underground activities he is conducting.

    Probably he should be the one in the news and he should be regularly chased/questioned by the media rather than Silvio Scerri, JPO, and all the similar clowns that are the talk of the town at the moment.

    • La Redoute says:

      Keith Schembri regularly appears in press photographs issued by the DOI wearing the sort of expression that warrants the description “qisu ebete”.

      I agree. He should be doorstepped at every opportunity and questioned closely about his business deals and his role in government affairs.

      So should Shiv Nair, who is not going to go away just because Muscat said he never met him.

  3. Esteve says:

    Well, then the clowns have really taken over the circus.

    • rpacebonello says:

      I do not think this funny. On the contrary, it’s very, very serious. This had to be the reason why his mobile and laptop were taken and being retained by the police, and that is why it is extremely dangerous. Interesting times ahead.

      • Watchful eye says:

        I have been repeating ad nauseam that we are living in dangerous times. The writing is there on the wall for all to see.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Norman should on no account use the same mobile and tablet again, and should be claiming the cost of these compromised tools in his case.

  4. Wormfood says:

    An entire government and its cronies afraid of one woman and her blog. One single woman who appears to be more effective than two major newspapers and the entire opposition at holding the bastards to account.

  5. Wormfood says:

    I personally think that they knew the photo couldn’t have been taken at the airport. I think it was merely another excuse to try to bully and intimidate Norman and using the police to do it.

  6. A. Cremona says:

    Admittedly I find the handling of Norman Vella highly worrying. This is so reminiscent of Old Labour, times I vividly recall and had hoped would never return. Switchers, take note.

  7. ciccio says:

    “It was taken way back in the general election campaign or immediately after the election, and is a press photograph FROM THE LABOUR PARTY’S OWN FACEBOOK ACCOUNT.”

    The police of the regime must have thought “winning the elections is the beginning of a journey, not the point of arrival. So yes, the picture must be the one which shows the Coconut and “senior government officials” at the passport control on the beginning of their journey.”

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It warms my heart to see Franco Debono speaking out against this blatant abuse of power and shameful breach of human rights. He is blogging furiously even as I speak. He is one noble individual, as well as a top lawyer.

    I also note with satisfaction that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is collecting signatures for a petition against Police harassment. He is another noble individual.

    Malta is indeed fortunate to have them.

  9. Natalie says:

    It’s a frame-up, plain and simple. They know it’s not the photo but they excel at throwing obviously false information at people to bewilder them.

    Remember, it’s the Age of Lies and Falsehoods.

  10. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Omertà galore. ONLY ONE has the guts to stand up and be counted.
    Come on chickens, time to wake up and give us, the general public a decent service. Just show us that you have what it takes.

  11. M. Cassar says:

    I fully agree with the stupid voters part but I am afraid that experience will not allow me to call ‘stupid’ a move to have access to a person’s phone and other equipment after he dared challenge the establishment. Underestimating the enemy is never wise.

    [Daphne – It is most definitely a stupid move. And I have never made the mistake of underestimating the amoral stupidity of the Labour Party. The mistake I have long made is in overestimating the intelligence and morality of electors.]

  12. silvio loporto says:

    What might be stupid to some, might be brilliant to others.

    Now take me., I used to think I was doing something brilliant by voting P.N. for all these years, it was only lately that it dawned on me that I was just being used and was nothing but Stupid.

    • Josette says:

      Actually you’re still stupid Mr Loporto. Actually, scratch that, you are stupid now. Before you apparently voted wisely but for the wrong reasons.

  13. Butterfly says:

    Muscat has more hair in this photo than he has now so it’s definite that the photo was taken months ago.

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