Lying scum update (1)

Published: October 30, 2013 at 8:34pm

Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard said that it wasn’t they who rang the police to report Norman Vella. Kurt Farrugia even denied it “categorically”.

But now on NET television, his lawyer Karol Aquilina explained how the investigating officer had told him the report was made by “Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard”.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Denis says:

    Two-faced scum, the lot of them.

  2. J. Aquilina says:

    I hope we’re not about to witness another crusade on the investigating officer now. These people are really the pits.

  3. Rahal says:

    Joseph fejn hi l-accountability ta l-ufficjali tal Gvern? Promessa elettorali ohra michuda?

    Ghati l-ezempju Joseph. Urina li inti Prim Ministru l-fuq mil-politika w kecci lil Kurt and Ramona.

  4. edgar says:

    ZIBEL is the only word that I can think of at the moment.

  5. Joseph Borg says:

    I bet that it is the inquiring officer who is going to have her head chopped off.

  6. Fenka says:

    Kurt and Ramona are only saying that “they did not phone the police to make a report”.

    They never denied they reported the matter to any of their ministries for action to be taken.

    Eventually, one of the ministries, most likely Mallia’s, actually passed on the report, exposing Kurt and Ramona as the originators. That would explain the examining officer claiming that the report was made by them.

    In this scenario, they would still be the accusers.

  7. Mandy says:

    Perhaps they are taking their leader’s lead. Well, he is on record as saying that one must SOMETIMES resort to saying the truth (i.e., they can lie the rest of the time).

  8. Niku says:

    Kurt and Ramona should be arrested for false accusation and have their mobiles confiscated by the commissioner of police to investigate who made the call.

  9. Aston says:

    If Kurt and Ramona are saying the truth, it could only mean that somewhere there is a person who’s job it is to continuously monitor Norman Vella and report anything that could be used to ‘strike below the belt’.

  10. janni says:

    Kurt Farrugia u Ramona il-vera tnejn ZIBEL.

  11. ron says:

    Nahseb li Kurt ipprova jinheba wara t-tul tieghu imma ma tantx sab fejn jistahba.Ghalhekk inqabad.

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