“Miljunarju Ingliz”

Published: October 13, 2013 at 2:31am

A few weeks ago, L-Orizzont announced Shiv Nair’s appointment with great fanfare, trumpeting him as a “miljunarju Ingliz”.

Not just a miljunarju, but gosh, an Ingliz too.

Effing peasants. There you have it: why they were impressed and didn’t think to check.

Miljunarji Inglizi are hot-shots in Burmarrad, I’ll bet. Not many of those drop in for chincherbrett menn and a chet.

41 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Who is that ‘English millionaire’ who gives business consultation services for 6000 Euro?

    • La Redoute says:

      He is a British man of indian origin who goes by various aliases but has become well known here by the alias Shiv Nair.

  2. seksieka says:

    Għax l-aqwa li Ingliż. Ara kieku Taljan kien ikun tal-mafja. Qattgħa nies imbeċilli u stupidi. B’dawn aħna mwikkijin biex imexxu l-pajjiż. Tat-twerwir.

  3. Salvu says:


    Kullhadd did say that Shiv Nair was a “negozjant multi-miljunaarju” and “konsulent tal- Malta Enterprise” .

  4. P Sant says:

    Whilst we have GuziPL boasting about how Malta saved human lives, now we get this report…


    Seriously what were they filming? Who gave instructions like these? This has cost lives… someone needs to provide us with explanations here. Who is responsible for this loss of lives?

  5. Catharsis says:

    L-Orizzont. Enough said.

  6. ciccio says:

    Errm, sorry, I know I am being pedantic, but Kulhadd actually described Mr. Nair as “…MULTI-miljunarju Ingliz…”

    I had raised an eyebrow when you quoted this:


    Let’s not forget the level of the audience…

  7. Daffid says:

    Your post http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2013/10/maltese-passports-for-the-stamp-collectors-of-georgia-and-azerbaijan/ linking Nair and Holland Park to Azerjbaikan may provide useful insight into the news today that the Maltese Azeri consortium clinched the gas plant deal.

    Even though I am not a gambler and don’t really understand how to calculate odds, I suspect that if you add up Malta, Energy, Azerbaijan, gas plant and Nair advising Government the chances of his involvement in this deal must be pretty high. Full transparency would help the suspicion that the ‘chosen few’ are not involved in anything but a clean deal.

  8. pablo says:

    The identity new “Maltese” citizens is to become state secret or at least, will not be published in the Government Gazette anymore. This means more of the same type of “due diligence” not employed with Shiv Nair.

    Lack of basic transparency is the mother of kick backs and all kinds of graft.

    Mamma, let your hair down, the Golden Years are back.

  9. Matthew S says:

    Electro Gas Malta has won the right to build the new power station. Interestingly, the name Electro Gas Malta doesn’t include the name of the other country involved in the consortium, Azerbaijan.

    Gasan and Tumas groups have never been known as companies related to the energy sector which makes me think that the company holding most sway in the consortium is the state energy company of Azerbaijan.

    Cheap oil from a quasi-failed state.

    An energy company controlled by the autocratic Chinese state.

    A power-station run by the autocratic Azerbaijani state.

    Really, really classy.

    Just last week, the EU condemned Azerbaijan for its human rights violations.


    • ciccio says:

      I don’t understand why the Maltese government waited until after the elections in Azerbaijan to announce the winner of the gas power plant tender.

      In Azerbaijan, they did not even wait until after the elections to announce the results of those elections.

  10. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Daphne, did you read this?


    I find such comments incredibly rich coming from him, especially in the light that he finds it absolutely logical to sell off passports to ‘foreign investors’ for €600,000.

    • La Redoute says:

      He’s a fine one to talk with his constant posturing as the tough guy of the Mediterranean, appealing to the atavistic nastiness in people who feel they are now in competition for scarce resources with subhuman infidel invaders, thanks to Muscat’s rhetoric

  11. Zammit says:

    “Money more important for EU than people – PM”.

    What a bigot! Because it’s actually far better in China. People come before money in his beloved China and its great human rights record.

  12. Freedom5 says:

    Muscat claims that among the survivors on the second capsized tragedy , were 10 doctors and a neurosurgeon escaping war in Syria.

    I can’t understand how these people found themselves in a rickety boat off Libya, when Sweden has offered asylum to all Syrians. Something does not add up. Are we accepting things at face value, without verification of the facts?

    • La Redoute says:

      It’s entirely beside the point whether they were doctors or beggars. When escaping danger, everyone is in the same metaphorical boat and, in this case, quite literally too.

      Everyone who arrived here arrived with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and some not even with that much.

    • Colin says:

      Maybe Syria’s border with Sweden is shut?

  13. zunzana says:

    Muscat said that the due diligence on Shiv Nair did not result negatively. Who was the person responsible for carrying out this due diligence exercise? Is he not accountable for this gross misinformation he gave to our Prime minister of MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL IL-LABURISTI.

  14. ciccio says:

    Where is the World Bank?

    And where is the Auditor General?

    And Evarist Bartolo?

    1. “Maltese-Azeri investors clinch gas plant deal, Siemens to be lead developers”
    – timesofmalta.com, 13 October 2013


    2. “Only corrupt companies need apply”
    – Evarist Bartolo, MaltaToday, 30 May 2010.


    “…Siemens is also blacklisted by the World Bank because of corruption by three of its companies in Russia between 2004 and 2006.”

    3. “Joseph Muscat’s Proposals to fight corruption”
    – The Malta Independent, 14 May 2010.


    “Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat yesterday announced 15 measures against corruption, which the party will be implementing once in government…

    point no. 8. Persons or companies found guilty of corruption will be blacklisted by the government and will not be allowed to bid for government contracts for a period of time, depending on the gravity of their case.

    point no. 9. Those who are blacklisted because of corruption by international organisations such as the World Bank, the EU or the Bank for European Investment will be automatically disqualified from bidding for government contracts.”

    4. Siemens to pay $100m to fight corruption as part of World Bank Group settlement
    – World Bank, 2 July 2009


    “…the company’s acknowledged past misconduct in its global business and a World Bank investigation into corruption in a project in Russia involving a Siemens subsidiary…”

    “…As part of the settlement, Siemens has also agreed to co-operate to change industry practices, clean up procurement practices and engage in collective action with the World Bank Group to fight fraud and corruption. Siemens will also provide information on any additional cases of wrongdoing to the Bank’s Institutional Integrity Vice Presidency (INT), which investigates fraud and corruption in Bank Group-financed activities…”

    It is clear that Siemens was found guilty, and the company has acknowledged that it had carried out corruption.

    How is Muscat fulfilling his 15 point plan against corruption with regards to Siemens?

    If Shiv Nair is involved in Enemalta’s restructuring and the government’s energy strategic scheming, where does this leave Siemens and the World Bank?

  15. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    All joking aside, does anyone think it’s possible that Malta will actually leave/be kicked out of the EU in the next 10 years?

    Things like Shiv Nair and how people seem to be oblivious to what is going on makes me seriously worry for my future as an EU citizen.

    • manum says:

      Lets keep our fingers crossed that in 10 years we would have gone through 2 general elections. By which time common sense should bring back the PN.

  16. Jozef says:

    Your piece in The Malta Independent nailed it, as usual.

    Muscat’s playing tough, when the rest of Europe is considering setting up corridors to divert conflict refugees and people fleeing for their life from the shores of Libya.

    Is he aware of the situation in Eritrea, Darfur and Somalia?

    The mayor of Lampedusa insists it’s no longer ‘African’ economic immgrants, young males, but whole families from these countries and Syria.

    He reduced himself to a soundbite on BBC’s World Service, mentioning Dublin treaties like there’s no tomorrow.

    A bit like the Lega whose Maroni had the bad taste to declare the ‘north’ won’t take survivors. Thankfully, he got pelted with bad eggs in yesterday’s ‘protest’ march in Turin.

    Times change, global scenarios as well, Muscat doesn’t. One can’t expect a cardboard cutout to keep up with the times.

  17. Harry Worth says:

    One gaffe after another … ludicrous.

  18. C Falzon says:

    The prime minister today,

    “….. like what happened when Mintoff decliminalised homosexuality …..”

    Is the Prime Minister ignorant enough to actually believe that or is he knowingly perpetuating that popular myth?


  19. anthony says:

    Basta Ingliz u miljunarju mhux xi povru mejjet bil-guh u mimli qamel mis-Somalia.

    Arah hej, tghid mhux Gerald Grosvenor.

  20. L-Indjan says:

    A “miljunarju Ingliz” who was going to be paid an annual consultation fee of 6000 Euro…

  21. George Grech says:

    What happened to Mejd In Malta after just one episode ? What an achievement for TVM’s new drama consultant.

  22. Joe Micallef says:

    The Azerbaijan contact


  23. Denis says:

    They only check on Facebook.

  24. ciccio says:

    Somebody should have a look at this.

    This morning, Minister Konrad Mizzi described the winning consortium for the Delimara gas power plant as “a world class team.”


    timesofmalta.com reports that Gasol, a UK-based company which is part of the “world class team” will hold a 30 per cent stake in the new project.

    Now look at the annual report and accounts of Gasol plc representing the position of the company at 31 March this year. The accounts were signed on 28 August 2013 – just about a month ago.


    The accounts show:

    1. Minimal revenue (below £100,000) per year.

    2. Recurring losses totalling £6 million over the past two years and doubling from 2012 to 2013.

    3. Total assets of £10 million which comprise of £3 million of “goodwill” and about £7 million of cash, but no relevant capital equipment assets or other investments.

    4. Loans (bonds with interest payable at 10%) exceeding the total assets, and hence a hole in the capital of the company of over £2 million.

    The auditors have raised an “emphasis of matter” relating to “going concern,” stating that:

    “The Group currently have sufficient funding to meet their obligations as they fall due for the next 11
    months. Although the Directors are confident of being able to obtain further sources of funding to enable the
    Group to progress projects to positive cash generation, this cannot be guaranteed and indicates the existence of a material uncertainty, which may cast significant doubt on the Group’s and the Company’s ability to continue as
    a going concern. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Group and
    Company were unable to continue as a going concern.”

    This means that the company has financial issues. Besides the fact that the company is relatively small.

    Meanwhile the directors have paid themselves half a million sterling in remuneration.

    And this is supposed to be a “world class” company which will hold a 30% – one third – in the new Delimara gas plant.

    And we were told there was huge interest in the project.

    And I haven’t started about their geographic area of operation.

    And of course, one would need to understand what the role of each party in the consortium is – for instance I expect SOCAR to provide the gas but not to build the infrastructure.
    Doesn’t Gasol plc represent a major risk that the project will not be delivered because the company could go under?

    Am I missing something?

  25. ciccio says:

    I wished to post this here when I found it, last week.

    It’s similar to what Konrad Mizzi thinks he is doing at Delimara.



    Quite interesting. Especially this bit: “Floating storage and re-gasification vessels (FSRUs) are essentially large storage ships, often an old LNG carrier, which have been refurbished and upgraded. Depending on its size, an FSRU can store anywhere from 80,000-145,000 cubic metres of LNG.” (proactive investors article).”

    Back to second hand “racanc,” it seems.

  26. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Prim Ministru sabih, qisu Ingliz.

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