Monsignor Anton Gauci, whose sister’s son, Monsignor Joe Vella Gauci, is the Labour government’s new delegate to UNESCO
October 24, 2013 at 9:51am
This is the Gozo monsignor whose ‘housekeeper’ – who lived with him and slept in the same house for donkey’s years – was a nurse in the X-ray department at Gozo General Hospital. It figures that he was a great friend and admirer of the awful Mintoff, a man of much the same sentiments.
His nephew, also a monsignor who was removed as archpriest of the Gozo cathedral by Mario Grech when he became bishop of the island, has a woman called Fabienne Grech, a state employee on a state salary, seconded to work with him under the government-aid-to-NGOs scheme, then working with Twanny Bronka the Gozo minister, and now back to working with the monsignor as delegate to UNESCO.
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Correct. Yet Monsignor Anton Gauci has fallen out with Labour over their pro-divorce campaign and is now a regular contributor to the P.N. Sunday newspaper Il-Mument.
[Daphne – They’re mad to have him.]
It must take a special kind of schizophrenic morality to live in a certain way but still vehemently oppose divorce.
No, they’re just obscure.
Lefebvrians in spirit. Kick them out.
How right you are. They are so mad, mad, mad.
Cremona should kick these assholes out.
No they didn’t.
If I’m not mistaken, Labour was all out against that contract saying his hospital was an empty shell. The contract was submitted to the PAC with Labour crying foul it wasn’t.
It was Frank Portelli himself who said he’d rescind the contract after the election, if anything untoward cropped up then.
But then, I’m not into double dealing. Blame GonziPN to cower Labour. Or maybe it’s the perfect stage for Muscat to announce his benevolence.
Ara vera msieken jekk dawn issejhilhom imprendituri. Minn fejn igibu iz-zejt ghal wicchom?
So he wants the UN to enter Libya.
I guess someone’s not pleased Libya’s just signed an agreement with Nato to help it physically settle the spoils of war.
We can’t risk Libya deciding for itself now can we?
The name Mintoff sends shivers through my spine. I left Malta in the late seventies because of that vile man.
One has to be twisted mentally to like him. I come from a family of illiterate farmers from the south of Malta, yet my parents always saw the evil in Mintoff. Mintoff did not appeal to all illiterate people.
All those pro-Labour, anti-Gonzi television appearances and statements on Super One didn’t pay off for somebody, who is now well and truly miffed:
Kemm hasibna mohhna zurzieqa.
Where’s Astrid when you need her?
Labour asked her to hand over her megaphone on 9th March, and the silly lady did. They’ve also castrated her, and she’s loving it.
She only speaks when there is a PN government. Surprising she has not yet got an iced bun yet.
She was on One TV a couple of nights ago.
She doesn’t fit the bill – tal-pepe, but straight, not gay.
Yes, she was on One TV this week, sitting next to Musumeci. Didn’t she have court case against him, or was it the other way round?
Oh, but there’s so much going on, she doesn’t even know where to start.
ODZ’s subject to ‘agritourism’ development, some very hazy conditions. So they’ll restrict to ten rooms per minimum number of hectares, stables allowed and swimming pools recommended. erm it’s either agritourism or the usual ‘luxurious’ posing by the pool.
Agritourism is not about the amenities, it’s about the produce, animals, vines and partaking in the process. Why existing buildings can be demolished to make way for the so-called rooms is also questionable. But that’s Musumeci, design regulations around some very particular, and dare I say detailed, request.
Xemxija heights being rushed through, 12 storeys atop the ridge. So they’re not 15, wow, that’s nice. Din L-art Helwa’s request to have the application subject to the envisaged restrictions on ridge development ignored.
Fancy that, Din L-art Helwa left alone to voice concern. Dahlulha fl-ghalqa miskina.
Michael Falzon writing bollocks to urban sprawl and the amount of abandoned property. Yes, he has a point, most are substandard in barely desirable locations.
Problem is, a holistic (hate that word, everyone using it nowadays) solution isn’t up to developers to come up with. When he doesn’t care to commit to a proposal, just imply deregulation, the style fails.
Or maybe she’s terribly taken up with Gasan’s proposal for il-Pjazzetta.
Twanny Bronka, Gozo minister, made so many promises before the elections that almost half of his voters have turned their back on him already after seven months in government. And now even his secretariat staff are leaving him.