Muscat family friend Jeffrey Curmi: up two ranks in as many weeks, and now appointed Deputy Commander AFM
General Idi Amin would have been proud. A certain Major Jeffrey Curmi of the Armed Forces of Malta has been hauled up two ranks in as many weeks: to lieutenant-colonel then colonel.
And today we discovered via The Government Gazette that he has been appointed Deputy Commander AFM (for which the rank of colonel is mandatory, hence the Idi-Amin-style rocketing up the ranks).
Should anybody see fit to waste even one jot of sympathy for Brigadier Xuereb, who is still functioning as Commander AFM despite having his retirement/resignation splashed all over the news, please know that he led the board which decided on these promotions and made them. The other members of the board were, quite incredibly, four civil servants and not military officers.
As for Curmi, the new Deputy Commander AFM, he is a good friend of the Prime Minister’s family. One of his responsibilities in his incarnation as a major in the army’s explosives division was signing off on approval for the importation of consignments of explosives chemicals, and he dealt with Muscat senior regularly.
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Damn shame Martin Scicluna couldn’t see it coming. You would think a man of his age, experience and insight would have been able to foresee what I and many others correctly took to be inevitable.
Hu go fik, Scicluna. Ma kontx xbajt tghidilna kemm hemm bzonn il-bidla?
And we got one … pity it was for the worse.
Hekk hu. Kieb ilu jokrob ghall bidla. U s’issa ghadu ma ha xejn.
Well done, boys.
You would think that someone who advises about the army would have enough strategic foresight to see what we saw for 5 whole years leading to 9 March 2013.
Unlike Martin Scicluna and the other 35999 switchers, I am at peace with myself.
Does Jeffrey Curmi need to change his uniform every time he gets a higher rank?
No, just adding more badges.
No, just his rank insignia.
Once again it is all going to end in tears. Power has gone to their heads in just a few short months.
Is this a case of ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ or is it already too late for that?
Beats me how this “leader” can face his men and women.
This is not the end of the story. Another promotion awaits this officer, that of Brigadier and head of Malta’s armed forces.
Joseph Muscat will have his way and he couldn’t care a damn for what you or I may think.
However, the obscenity of this series of promotions will come to haunt Joseph Muscat in due course. I have confidence that there are enough level-headed voters who will realise that Malta’s true interests are far from the basis of JM’s agenda.
Actually with Muscat there was a change of government and I almost hoped that after all it wouldn’t be so bad.
I still voted PN – I didn’t trust him and his party enough to change my alliance.
However, the point is, Muscat has actually reneged on all his pre-election promises as written in the MLP manifesto.
And as such he is traitor to his own self, his party and Malta. So is what he is doing “ultra vires”? Shouldn’t there be fresh elections as he is doing all except what was written and much vaunted about? Where’ s the meritocracy. the Malta taghna lkoll, the transparency the consultations and justice?
Yes Idi Amin would have been pleased ‘don’t you know’
It took years to build up our army’s reputation and having our people look at our soldiers with pride.
Now our prime minister has taken the army back to those Mintoff years when everybody treated our army as a ‘dad’s army’. What a shame.
Well Martin, this is going to the fist of many other decisions that will dismay you.
Not much of a tactical planner if you did not see this coming.
I think even Goering never had so many promotions so quickly….
The explicit arrogance of the Prime Minister and his cabinet, particularly Dr Mallia, are the source of so many injustices being made.
Democracy is seriously threatened by such misdeeds, where arrogance is breeding unhappiness for so many PL and PN people of good will.
The Muscat-Mallia unbridled abuse of their legitimately acquired power means that democracy is always fragile and may surprise its upholders when those in power think that they are more powerful than their electors and their supporters.
ex-Super One Chairman Alfred Mifsud to be appointed the Supernumerary Deputy Governor.
This reminds me when Mintoff lowered the height limit for police constables to make Enoch Tonna police commissioner.
We can still call our army AFM – Armed Forces of Mallia. Even in wartime stepping into dead men’s shoes had to spend six months as “temporary” when my commanding officer was killed. As for the Brigadier the least said the better
What happened to Franco? Has he got an opinion on these appointments? Are they “evil” or not?
Ibqaw certi li erbghat ijiem ohra anke dak l-ufficjal Qormi li jigi minn John Dalli joghla erbgha ranks ohra.
Now we know exactly why Brigadier Xuereb was praised for his ‘personal loyalty to the Minister’.
So Anton Refalo phoned his canvasser, an off duty junior officer. This guy, whilst being off duty, had more authority than the ‘on duty’ officer. Dont they know the saying “When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.”