(No) Sex, Lies and Videotape
Hadn’t the police said initially that they arrested and detained Norman Vella at his work-place, took his phone and iPad, and interrogated him because “he had been caught on CCTV taking photographs”?
That sounded far-fetched and unlikely at the outset – it’s not as though that lot spend their time glued to the CCTV screens waiting to catch somebody raise a mobile phone.
Now The Malta Independent reports on Norman Vella’s petition to the courts this morning, and the police’s response (in the statement uploaded in a previous post):
The police had said in a statement that they would examine CCTV footage recorded at the time the photos were taken. So far it is not known if the police found anything relevant to their investigations.
Bunch of liars.
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That more or less confirms that the police were acting on a report from an oil slick and a midget.
Wait a second, didn’t they do that before? When they arrested him in the first place?
Exactly – arrested on the strength of CCTV evidence, that by their own admission the police HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN YET.
Liars. All of them.
Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard for instigating the whole charade with their panic call to Silvio Scerri, and then pleading that they were only aware of the case on their arrival in London.
Silvio Scerri for attempting to interfere during the interrogation, and then coming up with a bullshit excuse – he only did so to be able to give the reporters an answer. That answer should have been, if it was the case, that he had absolutely no idea about the goings on, and it should have been left at that. Is the Ministry’s CoS expected to be aware of every single investigation at the very moment it happens? No of course he’s not.
The Prime Minister for his weak, lame brush-off about personal matters, this in the light of Vella’s recent ‘below the belt’ court testimony.
The Commissioner of Police – basically for almost everything that comes out of his mouth.
The Commissioner of Police should check the mobile phones of Kurt, Ramona and Don’t you know who I am Scerri to ascertain that they did not make the calls to the Police.
We only have their word for it that they came to know about the story when they arrived in London.
I bet that the police have dedicated more time to this story than to the investigations of the latest murder in Kalkara. What a waste of time and money.
Nizlu l-maskri.
Ok, the lawyers of Norman Vella have now stated in public the names of those who reported the case to the police, quoting the police themselves: Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard.
And the Head Chef of the Police, who is appearing in this case to defend the Prime Minister, says on Wednesday in Court that the police hasn’t examined the CCTV from Sunday as yet. But on Sunday the police had said that they had acted because of CCTV evidence.
“In relation to the case, the police had seized and was still examining CCTV footage taken at the airport.”
And then there is this: “The commissioner said he spoke to the minster after he called him to ask about what was going on.” So the Minister called to ask about what was going on.
Dio Dirige Nos, indeed.
Privacy is a fundamental human right recognized in the UN Declaration of Human Rights. The confiscation of Norman Vella’s mobile and tablet violates this human right.
Fejnhom dawk illi vvutaw lill-Labour Party?
Qed jiehdu gost bis-sitwazzjoni li gejna fiha?
Clue part of it all. 1+1 = the reason for all this.
“Dr Comodini Cachia noted that Mr Vella had a pending court case against the prime minister. All this information, including communication between him and his lawyers, were stored on those items, making this a very serious situation.”
People voted for change without realising that change from good is bad, not better.
That’s not all.
Hasn’t anyone noticed that the initial charge of “breach of airport security regulations” quoted in the press statement published by the CMRU on Sunday has vanished into thin air only to be replaced by the ludicrous charge of disclosure of professional secrets by a public official?
I did say earlier that the police were out of their depth here. And what’s worse is that the Commissioner could not even defend the latter charge properly when testifying in court and the judgement has made him look like a complete moron.