No wonder Labour feels so very comfortable with China

Published: October 27, 2013 at 12:32pm

Labour China

Do read this article. It’s horrifying. In the Cultural Revolution, they paraded enemies of the state through towns and villages, in rope and with placards round their necks.

Now they do the same on television.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    And our Foreign Minister has no clue as to whether US surveillance includes Malta?

    Is China also to be involved in training programmes at the newly announced Police Academy? Exploring other historical ties between shuanggui and Mintoffian tactics?

    From the following article, this is one of the comments that struck me:

    “Beijing is now especially attentive to making its case before others do it for them.”

  2. Jozef says:

    Just look at that thing. DLH was trying to convince MEPA approving this then introducing restrictions on ridge developments simply didn’t make sense, if not plain insolent.

    Astrid, Kenneth, Jackie Mercieca, et al; up yours.

    • Jozef says:

      As for the application’s consistent flaws, perhaps the ‘architect’ should be crucified.

      And don’t give me Musumecese, architects do not work isolated from their surroundings.

      Will no one see the perverse reasoning?

    • ciccio says:

      Looks like a project of social housing in one of the Communist “democratic people’s republics.”

      Who will they be selling to, Chinese oligarchs who will buy a Maltese passport from Joseph Muscat?

  3. Jozef says:

    Remember when Lou Bondi was Saviour’s target?

    Perhaps the PN could work out why it results so out of synch sometimes. And the extent of Muscat’s efforts to monopolise the message.

  4. Mel Holmes says:

    Thank you for agreeing that Daniel Holmes sentence seems very harsh. I have sent a private message (which will go to your “other” folder on Facebook) concerning your article in the Independent today. I have also phoned the paper.

    [Daphne – My pleasure. I don’t have a Facebook account, though.]

  5. Makjavel says:

    Will we get a Xarabank version of this?

  6. Manuel says:

    The Times headline should have read “Chinese financial reporter forced to confess on TV”.

  7. etil says:

    No chance of seeing this on Malta state TV as there are no reporters/jounalists with guts who are ready to report proven abuses of power.

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