Now that we’ve found out the truth, how is Muscat going to justify his government’s involvement with Shiv Nair?

Published: October 3, 2013 at 9:51am
I thought his picture most appropriate in the context.

I thought his picture most appropriate in the context.

When challenged by reporters to explain why he has made John Dalli his consultant despite his being sacked and investigated by the European Commission for suspected bribery and trading in influence when he was an EU Commissioner, the prime minister said:

“The EU doesn’t tell us what to do.”

What is he going to say about his other consultant, who we have now discovered is debarred permanently by the World Bank – twice under two aliases – for fraud and corruption?

That the World Bank doesn’t tell us or him what to do?

10 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    That is exactly what Muscat will say. When challenged about dealing with a black listed company, he said that due diligence begins with the company’s ultimate owner, i.e. China.

    What he failed to see is that guilt by association works in both directions. If a company is black listed, its owner is tainted too.

  2. Fish in my Gut says:

    This photo would be a true reflection of reality if Nair was in the photo instead of the Pope.

  3. michael seychell says:

    The P. M. will give the same reply he did on John Dalli – that Nair has never been charged by the police, and he will ignore the World Bank, despite embarrassment to Malta internationally.

    No wonder that his popularity with certain persons who voted for his party has vanished already, and they are keeping their distance from him.

  4. Chanel says:

    The below made interesting reading.

    Good analysis of the situation on your part, Martin, but it does prove that you were lacking in foresight the way you supported a “change”.

  5. tinnat says:

    Of course this is what he is going to say. He couldn’t give a s..t what the World Bank thinks about his consultant.

  6. Alexander Ball says:

    Have Dalli or Nair been accused of anything in a Maltese court?

    Their Good Conduct Certificate is unsullied.

  7. follower says:

    Tibzax x’jimporta issa jaghmel gabra minn ghand il-ministri. Tghid ma jigborx kemm ghandu bzonn. Wat de hek il-werd benk!

  8. rpacebonello says:

    A reputable consultant on each side. Way to go.

  9. Pluribus says:

    Joseph Muscat will state that he (Shiv Nair) is the most competent person for the job, and that he trusts him completely…Just wait for it..God help us.

  10. We are living in Financial Times says:

    Once dirty funds have already knowingly been pocketed, or actions commenced on the promise of gain from that tainted source, one has lost one’s dignity. Whatever is said, or left unsaid, will be insufficient.

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