Plan A having bit the dust, it’s time for Government Plan B, courtesy of Eddy Privitera

Published: October 30, 2013 at 8:54pm

Here he is, already breaking a lance for Labour on this issue, on timesofmalta’s comments-board:

“I could say that the person who made the report to the police about Norman Vella must be a PN apologist who planned the story so that when the police interrogate Norman Vella the PN and Norman Vella can turn it into what you call ‘a witch hunt’ !”

While you are all on line, may I remind you that my email address, on which you may send photographs of government ministers and their political aides or their magic consultants, taken with your phones, is: [email protected]

62 Comments Comment

  1. P Sant says:

    Let’s hope that Plan B won’t be another scapegoat in the lower echelons of the Malta Police Force.

  2. P Sant says:

    Meanwhile Labour MP Luciano Busuttil, without specifically referring to Norman Vella by name, said on facebook: “As far as I know, to throw away or deposit a piece of paper outside in a public place carries a fine.”

    • ciccio says:

      Norman Vella deposited the court judgement on the doorstep of the Auberge de Castille. Isn’t MP Busuttil in contempt of court when he calls the judgement a “piece of paper”?

    • Josette says:

      Isn’t he just showing what a smug ignorant idiot he is?

  3. La Redoute says:

    Add Eddy Privitera to the list. He’d love the attention.

  4. Manuel says:

    What a prat that Privitera is. He thinks that people who read his declarations of insanity are as gullible as the people who listen, watch and read the Labour-cum-GWU Hate Machine Factory Productions. Go tell it to L-Orizzont or Super One, Privitera! What a prat, indeed.

    • Josette says:

      I would advise his family to get him examined by a psychiatrist. He appears to be suffering from paranoic delusions.

      • P SHaw says:

        Why do you think he is locked inside his house by his daughter Gabi? The internet-board is his connection to the outside world.

  5. imbellah says:

    Go, nanny Eddy, go.

  6. Kevin says:

    What Luciano Busutiil is reported to have said is just as bad:

    “Meanwhile Labour MP Luciano Busuttil, without specifically referring to Norman Vella by name, said on facebook: “As far as I know, to throw away or deposit a piece of paper outside in a public place carries a fine.”

  7. tt says:

    Imma kemm hu mbecilli. Dan haseb li n-nies ma jindunawx li dan il-gvern jigi jitmejjel mill-poplu.

  8. TROY says:

    You tell them, Ed. It was a conspiracy theory all the way.

  9. Don't touch my phone says:

    Let’s all take photos. Any sponsors out there to start a competition and give prizes to whoever manages to capture the best government aides/ministerial moments? Daphne, you can be the judge.

  10. M. Cassar says:

    Just when you think that you have seen the extent of someone’s stupidity he exceeds himself once again. Bravo.

  11. Rahal says:

    Eddy, ghadhom out of stock il-pilloli tieghek jaqaw?

  12. ciccio says:

    Is Privitera being “paid from Castille” to sit on the comments board, writing rubbish?

  13. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    That Privitera measures everyone by Labour’s yardstick.

    • imbellah says:

      But I think that the yard stick is either made from elastic or perhaps made in China

    • Neil says:

      Privitera’s biggest axe-to-grind, if we believe him, is that during the post ’87 Nationalist administration, he was vindictively overlooked for a promotion that he surely (skond hu) deserved, and should have been awarded, in spite of the fact that he DIDN’T EVEN BOTHER APPLYING FOR IT WHEN IT BECAME A ‘SITUATION VACANT!’ Caps lock intended.

      Go on ask him. He’ll confirm it. And so, here we are. Stuck with him 25-odd years down the line. He STILL thinks he should have got the job. Ara Ed, Vera trid tkun Labour.

    • Matt P. says:

      I would gladly challenge Eddy to a stick fight, but I’m afraid he has his a yard up his arse.

  14. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    And we can also say, it’s not a matter of who reported it, but the fact that the police proceeded with the action that is the issue. When what they really should have done was arrest the person who reported it for wasting their time and therefore public money.

    Oh, but I forget, we can now waste public money, this is where the problem started in the first place, wasting Euro 60k of our money in the useless training.

  15. curious says:

    Clowns, the whole lot of them.

  16. Nana says:

    Always he wants to blame it on PN. Well, in the golden years he and his family had the ice buns too. That’s why he praises Labour all the time. Go to hell and stay there, Privitera.

  17. FP says:

    Eddy ‘Aesop’ Privitera – fable writer with the imagination of a chicken.

  18. William Zampa says:

    He is the ultimate d-head. There just ain’t another moron of his calibre in the whole, wide universe. In all honesty, I can’t fathom what he’s on at the moment. You keep up the good toil, ma’am.

  19. A says:

    This is what Eddy Privitera wrote on his Facebook page in December.

    “Dan il-moviment se jaghti l-aqwa tieghu matul il-kampanja, imma se jaghti ferm iktar mill-Gvern biex inkunu l-aqwa pajjiz fl-Ewropa, ingibu bidla fid-direzzjoni u ma nibqghux bl-arroganza tal-klikka li qieghda tmexxi dan il-pajjiz.”

    I guess he failed to realise then that it meant izjed arroganza u izjed tal-klikka.

  20. qwerty says:

    Last para is simply so cool.

  21. Allo Allo says:

    Why doesn’t he ask the commissioner to name the ‘PN apologist’ then.

  22. Watchful eye says:

    Defending the indefensible. One word – KRETIN.

  23. Quo Vadis says:

    Eddy, one question. Remember Pietru Pawl Busuttil? Was he framed by a PN apologist as well?

    Kemm tiflah taqa’ ghan-nejk

  24. Joan says:

    Kemm jaf idahhaq Eddy.

  25. Gahan says:

    Ma jfiqx.

  26. Makjavel says:

    Eddy, itfa rasek gol-kantru u fflaxja, u x’hin tasal sellilna ghal Joseph.

  27. manum says:

    Poor Eddy, he is clutching at any straw, but there aren’t any to grab. Free media is not up your street, Eddy. You should check whether North Korea are selling any passports.

  28. truth says:

    OMG are they really going to start twisting the truth, then we are really back in the Malta’s political dark age.

  29. follower says:

    Nahseb li hu hekk kien imqabbad jaghmel that gvern Nazzjonalista. Ghalhekk qed jahseb hekk illum! Pulcinell u xejn izjed. Irid jiddeffes f’kollox minghalih li jifhem.

  30. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Maybe we should give Eddy the Noble Price (sic) for services rendered to the Labour Government.

  31. Quo Vadis says:

    By publishing comments like this, The Times is permitting itself to become the equivalent to Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park.

  32. PWG says:

    Eddy, what you have uttered thus far has been taken with a pinch of salt. From now on it will be taken with sacks of salt from is- Salina of old, stench and all.

  33. Vincent Borg says:

    Kemm int tan-nejk

  34. Fenka says:

    I hope that Eddy is not laying the foundation for a Nationalist to be framed.

  35. Aunt Hetty says:

    Eddy and his Munchausen syndrome at it again on the Times comments boards.

  36. Foggy says:

    After that piece of inspired inventiveness Eddy should make haste and visit the nearest shrink. He is clearly a mendacious idiot and I for one will not bother to waste time reading his inane comments in future.

  37. tik tok says:

    Typical Mintoffian scum. Can’t wait to rejoice over another ‘Glory Glory Allelulia …’ breaking news.

  38. Giovanni says:

    Miskin tuh break lill Eddy ghax gibtuh zibel.

  39. Plutarch says:

    Privitera, ghax ma toqghodx tehda ma xi par zejziet kbar sakemm isirlek il-hin ghal injection ohra?

  40. Banana republic ... Again says:

    The same banal mentality of those hunters who claim that BirdLife shot the birds to tarnish their image

  41. Edward Bonello says:

    I think all of us got it all wrong. I think Eddy is being paid by the PN to write these stupid comments to make Labour look ridiculous. I see no other explanation for his comments.

  42. Rumplestiltskin says:

    As the Maltese saying goes (polite version): “L-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik.”

  43. J. Borg says:

    I’m surprised that our beloved Eddie the Idiot hasn’t also suggested that the policemen who arrested Norman Vella must also have been ‘PN apologists’.

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