Silvio Scerri’s ex wife lodges a report against him at the police station. The police officer who issued the charges is transferred.
October 2, 2013 at 1:01am
Police superintendent Carmelo Bartolo, who was detailed to District 5 (Zejtun, Gudja, Hal Ghaxaq, Birzebbuga, Marsaxlokk, Zurrieq, Qrendi, Mqabba, Kirkop and Safi) has just been transferred to the St Julian’s station.
Some days ago, when Superintendent Bartolo was still working on District 5, Silvio Scerri’s ex wife went down to the station and filed a report against Scerri (and not for the first time, either). Bartolo took her report.
Scerri, for those who have just landed, is the Police Minister’s chief of staff.
Superintendent Bartolo nonetheless followed procedure and issued charges against him. Four days later he was transferred to St. Julian’s.
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Do these people have a limit? I am afraid that nobody is going to stop this scum.
We are that limit.
Nah…ghadek ma tafx kemm hawn Laburisti genwini li jaraw dl-website. Ma tiftakarx x’kienu ghamlu u kitbu meta kitbet l-artiklu daphne fuq Mintoff…kemm offendewha.
Ghadek lanqas tista’ timagina kemm hawn Laburisti li mhux se jivvutaw.
Il-Maltin mhumiex cwiec. Malli jaraw affarijiet bhal dawn ha jindunaw kemm huma korrotti.
I now think that Busuttil is proving himself to be a stable statesman and he also knows the ins and outs of the EU. I am afraid that the PL will have to get use to democracy as it is here to stay.
Thankfully, the PN got us into the EU for this very reason. Now we have recourse to the EU so these authoritarians can be held to account.
We are playing with justice, something has to done fast before we hit the bottom.
We already have, but still digging deeper at a furious pace.
The pit is bottomless and Labour knows it and have been given the tools to keep digging.
Being transferred to St.Julians is considered a punishment within the police force.
[Daphne – Well, it’s the most stressful station.]
In the seventies and eighties we had education ministers who believed that teaching in a primary school was a punishment and affected certain transfers accordingly.
I see a similarity between the case of Inspector Julian Gafa and that of Superintendent Carmelo Bartolo.
I meant inspector Elton Taliana and not Julian Gafa. I apologize for mixing up the names.
What goes around comes around. Abuse of power by the National Socialists yet again. Good on the police officer who did his duty and served the public.
Charges? For what?
Current Oath of office of Police Officers:
“I …………………… solemnly swear/affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the people and the Republic of Malta and its Constitution and that I will faithfully serve the said Republic during my service in the Malta Police Force; as a Police Officer that I will subject myself to all Codes, Acts, Ordinances, orders and regulations relating to the said Force now in force or which may from time to time be in force and will discharge all the duties of a Police Officer according to law, without fear or favour, affection or ill will. (So help me God)”.
Post statute revision:
“Heil Mallia and that other guy”
Ah! But now allegiance, as in the case of the AFM Commander, has to be to Minister Mallia.
Recherche Du Temps Perdu – The Mintoff years revisited. Thanks to the blinkered vision of all those wretched switchers out there.
It all started in 1972. With a visit to China.
So now we expect to see Mr. Scerri in court right?
Can’t wait to see the Magistrate, or perhaps the lawyer of the parte civile, asking him to identify himself.
Easy, the answer will be – Int taf min jien?
Wrong, he will never be accused in court.
If he is there will be the usual stupid technical mistake to sent him off scot free.
Now do you understand the reasoning when l-Avukat Toni Bezlaq went in search of a pulizija Laburist in the ice block case ?
Women’s associations should follow the case and do the necessary if and when the time comes.
When Muscat attempts to brush this off, we’ll know what he’s really made of.
Absolutely sickening.
Someone has to ask him first.
Power drunk and beyond decency. It was the same under Lorry Sant and Dom Mintoff.
@ pablo
Yes it was, but not after six months. This will be worse, much worse.
Kif ma jisthux dawn in-nies?
Veru mod gdid kif isir il-politika!
Joseph Muscat qed jghatti kollox – sar pupu bla riedni kullhadd jaghmel il-hnizrijiet ghax mhux kapaci jghid le.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery..” – Winston Churchill.
The PL in Malta takes it a step further by selling itself as a Liberal party which effectively means that we now have the 70’s and 80’s mobsters dressed in suits and running rod shod over everyone and anything.
Nonetheless they remain Socialists regardless of the pretty faces.
Take that Malta. You asked for it. You got the Government you deserved.
I do not think it is quite fair to say we got the government we deserved. After all 162,000 voted for the PN and we certainly did not deserve this government.
In today’s The Malta Independent, Martin Scicluna complains loudly about the political interference by Minister Mallia in the AFM. Is he starting to see the light?
No, he is starting to see the tunnel.
Perhaps some oil is surfacing that he wants no visible connection to.
Either that or he didn’t get his iced bun.
No, he just expected to be on the promotions board of the AFM. Ramona Frendo was preferred to him.
Let’s hope so and pray that many others do the same and show their disapproval.
No, the wind is blowing from a slightly different direction, today.
Who knows what direction the wind will be blowing tomorrow, or even this afternoon?
Martin Scicluna attributed all the good done in the Army to the 22 months’ tenure of Alfred Sant. He gave little importance to the 22 yrs of Nationalist administration which saw the Army rising from the political dirt of Dom’s era to a smart professional outfit.
Probably, according to minister Mallia there is nothing wrong because as he said this week, the prime minister put him as minister, the law is behind him and he has to take the decisions. Which he or Silvio are taking.
Power, the law and the (ir)responsibility to do as they please. That is as far as they mean by democracy. It’s the basic Labour-Mintoffian mindset, no matter whether they are lawyers, economists or (pseudo-) journalists.
The classic evidence of this arrogant mindset is their (legal) gerrymandering of the 1981 election result and their ridiculous arguments and persistent obstacles to any compromise over the ‘perverted result’ (Mintoff’s own description) denying the country of the government obtaining the majority of the popular vote.
As long as the majority of the voting population does not realise this basic empirical truth we will continue, from time to time, to be riddled with this type of scum, whatever their guise,
L-akbar frustrazzjoni ghalija pero, hija l-media. Vera, tara kultant xi storja ta’ Ivan Camilleri (too little too late imma nsomma), bhal dwar tal-Gozo Channel. Pero daqshekk.
Niftakar li fuq kull hmerija ta Gvern Nazzjonalista, kont tara gwerra shiha minn kull front, jitkellmu fuq l-issues li jinqala’
Min +3:10 to 3:30
You are almost right on that, but as a minister you represent ALL maltese and not just those who voted you in parliament.
“I, Manuel Mallia, solemnly swear/affirm that I will
faithfully and conscientiously perform my duties as Minister in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of Malta, without fear or favour. (So help me God).”
“I, Manuel Mallia, solemnly swear/affirm that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the people and the Republic of Malta and its Constitution. (So help me God).”
A hangover to last them five years.
Kemm hu ahdar dan Silvio Scerri u min hadu mieghu. Malta taghna lkoll…harruba! Malta mahmuga giet b’dawn in-nies.
Posted by Mark Anthony Sammut on FB.
Dil-ġimgħa fil-Kunsill konna qed nistaqsu kif is-Supretendent il-ġdid tad-Distrett tagħna neħħewh wara biss ftit ġimgħat. Issa nafu. Neħħewh għax għamel xogħlu u mexa fuq rapport li sarlu fuq Silvio Scerri, li għax hu Chief-of-Staff tal-Ministru Mallia jaħseb li hu ‘l fuq mil-liġi.
Imbagħad Muscat ħa għalih u prova jagħlaq ħalq l-Oppożizzjoni għax qalulu li hemm indħil politiku fil-Pulizija. Kompli tkellem Simon Busuttil, għax jidher ċar li beħsiebhom inawru kull forma ta’ ġustizzja u demokrazija.
Another officer who has been punished for doing his duty.
The ministry run by Dr Mallia is becoming more tribal every day.
It is dangerous that such people are responsible for ensuring law and order in the country.
When faced with any form of criticism, Muscat usually appeals to the standard argument that the PN isolating itself through negativity.
Muscat is right but for the wrong reasons.
Despite their significant shortcomings, previous PN administrations faced the tough endeavour of attempting to inculcate true democratic values in the Maltese. These administrations were to an extent successful and stability lasted for 25 years (minus the Sant era).
However, the majority of the Maltese appear to to source their morality from external sources and to have National Socialist leanings. They’d appear to favour dictatorial regimes. These “values” are considered positive. So it is not surprising that Muscat claimed an overwhelming majority and is allowed to get away with murder.
Labour hasn’t changed. Indeed, if it had changed, the irregularities we have witnessed so far would not have happened so early in the new administration. Things would have started out well and degenerated gradually (as they did under the PN). As the facts stand, things took a glaringly obvious downward spiral immediately after the 10th March.
By promoting true democratic values, the PN only appeals to a relatively small number of people. These true values are perceived and labelled as negative. Hence, the Nationalists are being isolated and marginalised.
“Change” will only come when the majority of the electorate is bitten by the vices of Labour. Not before.
In the meantime, the Nationalists are wasting away under a lack of true leadership. It takes someone with the guts and stamina of Eddie Fenech Adami to peck away at Labour.
I want to know what his wife was complaining about too…
Well labour WAGs, you have been warned. Anyone who has a (ex-) spouse with clout with this government, can forget about filing any complaint against them, unless the police officer on duty has a particular wish to be transferred.
“The number of full-time jobs increased by nearly 2 per cent in May when compared to the corresponding month last year”, the National Statistics Office said today.
(ToM, Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 11:17)
How come the NSO is quoting 4 months old statistics? Aren’t they supposed to quote the ones of September?
Mela ma tafx min jien?
“Unemployed up 9 per cent. The number of people out of work in August rose by nearly nine per cent to more than 7,400 compared to the same period last year” the National Statistics Office said today.
(ToM Thursday, September 19, 2013, 00:01)
Why quoting statistics of May today when 14 days ago the NSO quoted statistics of August? is this a strategy to mislead the public?
“Tista’ tkun kontra taghna….imma tista’ tahdem maghna!” Yeah right!
Why should a transfer make a difference. I assume a charge remains a charge until it is withdrawn
Malta Taghhom Biss – il-Pulizija u l-Armata ta’ Mallia u Scerri
I believe we have to redefine the whole meaning of “hitting rock bottom”
So Martin Xuereb is still AFM Commander.
I made a crime report by email to Superintendent Carmel Bartolo three years ago.
He was exceptionally professional in dealing with my case by email. He answered all my emails in the correct manner and in perfect English.
The thing with Carmelo Bartolo – or Herr Flick as he used to be called last century – is that he is over-efficient. You wouldn’t want to be investigated by him because you get the whole nine yards for every inch in breach.
But perhaps he’s changed.
Kev, did he investigate you when you had that little problem with your car?
The Department of Education is progressive indeed –
Are such things ever reported in the media? I expect at least NET TV to put this in its bulletin and keep demanding an explanation. Hnizrijiet kontinwi minn Mallia – dangerous man to be allowed all this power.
Meanwhile, should anyone be interested:
The ex-wife and the superintendent can always go to Joseph. Didn’t he promise that he will be the shield against all injustices?
Supt Bartolo is a real gentleman who does his work well, and he was punished for this. This is getting worse by the minute. It’s already unacceptable after 6 months, imagine what will happen after 5 or 10 years.
Joseph Muscat’s promises regarding stipends before the election…