Sliema wives – a groanfest

Published: October 20, 2013 at 4:39pm

10 Comments Comment

  1. Yanika says:

    Malta’s own desperate housewives.

    Very original.

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    Must be fun to watch!

  3. H. Prynne says:

    Sounds like a Saturday Night Live parody.
    Sadly, here it’s the real thing.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Wall to wall camp.

    Is there any testosterone left, anywhere?

  5. Sliema wife says:

    I’m very much a Sliema person and fortunately I very very rarely see any other Sliema wife looking like the women in this picture, or going about dressed in red satin, even though the woman on the far right, Josianne Degaetano nee Huber, really is a Sliema wife who owns and runs the Cuccagna pizza&pasta place in Amery Street.

    Life in the Cuccagna kitchen must be truly exciting if they’re all at it in red satin and hot make-up, but I don’t think so.

    Methinks Gerard James Borg conjures up his ideas from some other town. Real Sliema women are far classier than that – unless Mr Borg has the wrong parishes of Sliema in mind.

  6. il-Ginger says:

    Reminds me of the Room

  7. P Shaw says:

    Looks similar to ‘The Real Housewives of New Jersey’ who have Mediterranean origins.

  8. ken il malti says:

    Gerard James Borg looks too fruity to give a flying fcuk about Sliema wives.

  9. Timon of Athens says:

    Over 40s desperately-trying-to-look-younger. Isn’t the one on the right Peppi Azzopardi’s wife? She looks pretty proud of her boobs. Push-up bra, or silicone?

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