So according to that half-witted scum, Peter Paul Zammit, going through the airport with hundreds of other people is a ‘secret’
The Police Commissioner is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. That’s exactly why he was picked for the post: he is the classic ‘tool’.
Norman Vella is being investigated for revealing a secret that he knows through his profession and which he is in duty bound to keep confidential, he said.
What an ass. That law exists and it is necessary, but it is designed to protect people from abuse by those who are in a position to know their personal and private data which nobody else knows and which isn’t by nature public already.Bank clerks, for instance, who have access to all our banking details at the click of a few buttons. People who work for telecommunications companies, who have access to data on who we called and when. People who work for insurance companies, government departments where protected personal data and information are kept – that kind of thing.
It does not refer to people working in passport control and the thousands of people who throng past them every day. There’s nothing secret about that. On the contrary, passport control is by definition PUBLIC; we queue up there with hundreds of others. Everyone else can see that we are there, and we can see them. We have conversations, we meet people we haven’t seen for ages. Secret, my eye.
I loved Therese Comodini Cachia, the human rights lawyer, for the circumspect way in which she told the press that apparently, this big secret is the fact that Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard walked through passport control together. But everyone else on the massive Heathrow flight could see them, so what was the problem.
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Everybody on that flight knew it.
Now we expect the prime minister to issue an apology to Norman Vella for misleading the country, when he said that Vella was not arrested.
Now we know exactly why that obese toad headhunted Zammit for the post of Police Commissioner.
The 4 foot 5 inch dwarf must be devastated, there in Russell Square.
Well done Norman Vella and thank you.
Malta now expects Zammit to do the honourable thing.
No more and no less.
[Daphne – It never fails to surprise me how people expect the dishonourable to behave honourably.]
We can expect something, but that does not mean we think it will happen.
What is the definition of honourable these days? Rather what would they have us believe it is?
From the experience of the last six months, Honourable (& not just honourable with a lower case) means:
1. submitting false declarations regarding income and keep lying to justify the origin of funds;
2. throw out of the window ethical standards to make a fast buck through multiple appointments;
3. say you never met someone while you had appointed that person as your adviser.
Is there a need to continue?
We love to expect and when expectation is either disappointed or gratified we want to be again expecting – Dr Johnson.
In this particular case I would add “tough luck”.
Love reading your articles Daphne ! Keep up the good work.
Prime Minister, Minister Mallia, Commissioner of Police, do you really believe that taking a photo of the Head of Communications of your transparent, open and democratic government, while traveling on official business that is paid by our taxes, is a crime? Shame on you.
I really appreciated the way she handled the media too. Spot on Ms. Comodini Cachia, you did us proud today.
She is one savvy woman. Succinct, educated, she turned the whole shabby lot over in just a paragraph or two, by talking about simple facts, without a hint of drama. You can’t help but respect such qualities in anyone.
^ THIS ^